the tax cuts for the rich is stupid. if it is such a big deal GIVE everyone tax cuts.
what happened is no one pays the same amount of tax that the other person pays.
if Obama or anypresident wants to make a change in the tax cose. they should force the IRS to start charging a 10% tax on income FOR ALL Americans not just one type of class. that way everyone pays a fair share of taxes. that way no one can cry and moan about how its is unfair that they pay more taxes then the other person.
also Obama has spent the amount of money in 2 years in office and took George Bush 8 years to do.
Obama is making our country to fall. with the heath bill going to take us in the more debit. he wants to pass the green eco bill that will force a lot of businesses to go out of business and home owners to lose more homes.
i still can not believe that people are still supporting Obama with all the facts right in there faces it just sad.
"care for the people that dont care"
What really angers me is, the health care, I paid, and I get none. I have being discriminated by the government and rejected by health care application. Simply because the private company did not reject me.
What is worse. My friend who is nearly broke with large debt on his hand......... is still not eligible to the health care because the private company did not deny him, they just charge him 600+ aMONTH cuz he is older.
And I seriosuly don't consider myself making enough money to be independent, 40k a year. I still need to live with my parents with my current pay check. California rental is too expensive.And 1/4 of my pay chack is gone before I can use it. My bro is about 70K and 1/2 of check is gone. I mean, Canada is flat 40%, which is less than my bro's 50%.After all that, we get no health care.
I am just not sure what's going on.
What? The vast majority of the law doesn't go into effect until 2014.
but alot did went to affect
Blue Cross to name a one just stop selling child health insurance because they are now not allowed to say no to kids that have a pre existing condition what does that say? i knew that was going to happen i sure alot of health insurance companys will stop selling health insurance to anyone. they might just go and sell car insurance or other kind of insurance instead of health insurance
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