Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

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#352 coolbeans90
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Because he was answering a question in an interview that specifically asked him about Fox News. :P


Or he can say, Freedom of speech, the end.

What? "Look, as president, I swore to uphold the Constitution, and part of that Constitution is a free press." Then they would turn around and say "GASP, he refused to answer a question, clearly he is hiding the fact that he IS a communist nazi!"

Or he could have grunted and "No comment." Would have left an implication of his thoughts on the network without looking so partisan.

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#353 Former_Slacker
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[QUOTE="magicalclick"] Or he can say, Freedom of speech, the end.magicalclick

What? "Look, as president, I swore to uphold the Constitution, and part of that Constitution is a free press." Then they would turn around and say "GASP, he refused to answer a question, clearly he is hiding the fact that he IS a communist nazi!"

Like I said, "I respect Freedom of Speech, as long as they are legal anddoes not comprimize national security, it is ok.the end." Simple answer, but, seem to be really hard for certain people.

He was asked a question at a one on one interview. If you were president you would refuse to answer?

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#354 Former_Slacker
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[QUOTE="magicalclick"] Or he can say, Freedom of speech, the end.coolbeans90

What? "Look, as president, I swore to uphold the Constitution, and part of that Constitution is a free press." Then they would turn around and say "GASP, he refused to answer a question, clearly he is hiding the fact that he IS a communist nazi!"

Or he could have grunted and "No comment." Would have left an implication of his thoughts on the network without looking so partisan.

Again he the question he was asked specifically refered to fox.

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#355 xJust_CraZyx
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Probably it would be rather easy to find such similar stuff about Bush and Republicans on MSNBC, but I bet you'll be hard pressed to find much of it on Fox News.

The thing about MSNBC's silly bias is that I don't know of much of anyone who actually defends it.


They are posing questions related to the news and books on the show, i do not see how that is biased.

they are not stating these things as fact, it is a question i assume they answer or are in the process of answering when the screenshot was taken.

i don't even watch fox news by the way.

Like I said, it is almost invariably anti-Democrat / pro-Republican when they do it. They know how to protect themselves from libel lawsuits. I guess I have to give them that, though it honestly seems like people can make any silly claim in the media anymore and not be legally held accountable for it anyway.

the questions are anti-democrat?

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#357 coolbeans90
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What? "Look, as president, I swore to uphold the Constitution, and part of that Constitution is a free press." Then they would turn around and say "GASP, he refused to answer a question, clearly he is hiding the fact that he IS a communist nazi!"


Or he could have grunted and "No comment." Would have left an implication of his thoughts on the network without looking so partisan.

Again he the question he was asked specifically refered to fox.

Umm... *repeats previous post*

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#359 GabuEx
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[QUOTE="magicalclick"] Or he can say, Freedom of speech, the end.coolbeans90

What? "Look, as president, I swore to uphold the Constitution, and part of that Constitution is a free press." Then they would turn around and say "GASP, he refused to answer a question, clearly he is hiding the fact that he IS a communist nazi!"

Or he could have grunted and "No comment." Would have left an implication of his thoughts on the network without looking so partisan.

Given how receptive the Republicans have been to bipartisanship, I'm not exactly sure he cares at this moment whether he looks partisan.

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#360 acsam12304
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what are you talking about? the helth care will do a lot more harm then help with anything. it will but $138 billion in 10 years but also becuase we will have to borrow money for this it will add close to $900 billion in 10 years how is that going to lower the defecit?

Prove that we have to borrow money to pay for it.

this bill will force ALL Americans to get health insurance. if not then the IRS will fine you and the fines will go up year after year. the government is now going to force me to buy something i can not afford in the 1st place? yes the government (gov) will help me out with paying only part of the insurance (plan) but right now the way things are with money a extra cost over $50 is bad for me! so ill be force to spend money i dont have. but i have to get by law or get punished.

The govt will help people who make up to a certain amount above the poverty line pay for it, this amount is currently around $88000 but will change as the poverty level changes.

anyone with a pre-condition will not get help. the bill did not regulate the insurance company's. they are not forced to say no to very high risk health people all they, have to do is give them a very high plan that government help will still not be enough to lower the cost. this is a very high possibility that might and can happen. if not they will be put into a very high health risk pool.

Pre-existing conditions are banned. They are forced to say yes to those people.

the IRS is going to get close to 17,000 new agents to over see this. they will make sure we get the right plan with the right coverage if not they will fine us.

The IRS doesn't decide your plan or what it covers, that is entirely up to you.

also this bill will make any businesses that has over 50 workers get insurance for them if not then they will get fined by the IRS $2000 for each worker after 30 workers. this will make comapnys even more small businesses lay off workers to 49 the rest will get the pink slip. how is that going to help the economy if it will put a lot more people out of work and more businesses to close there doors and make it even more harder for anyone to find work.

Where did that $2000 figure come from, it is also after 50 workers, not 30. All previous attempts at universal healthcare from both parties included an employer mandate, this does not.

also this bill will cut the nations debits by $138 billion in 10 years but also its going to add $900 billion in 10 years on top of it, how is this going to lower our debit? plus health cost always goes up it, it never goes down so we will always keep putting more money into this!

House Democrats defended the new package, which received a major boost Thursday when the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected that it would reduce deficits by about $138 billion over the next 10 years and by about $1.2 trillion in the decade thereafter.

anyone making over $88,000 will not get help by the government they are on there own to get insurance doesnt matter how much it will cost them if they dont get coverage the IRS will fine them. anyone making under $88,000 will get help by the government to help pay for there plans but still we have to get coverage and pay for the remaining that was not paid. any family of 4 making less then $24,000 will get free coverage from the government.

Again that $88,000 number is not static and furthermore it's not like people making that much don't have healthcare already through work (usually professional) or privately bought.

also this bill is only to help pay for coverage. not to pay features a plan have. so we can pay a plan for $50 a month, but the plan says you pay $20 per visit and what if you have 2 or more visits in one month? what if you get coverage that the plan will says you pay only $10 per bottle of pills you need to get. and i know people that gets about 5+ bottles when they need to refill. so the cost starts to add up.

Again the plan you choose is entirely up to you.

Where is all this money going to come from to fund all this!? 1st anyone making $200,000 a year will get hit with a tax for this. there will be a pay roll tax meaning we might get more money taken out from our pay checks for anyone working with a W2 form to pay for this. We are going to end up borrowing more money and that will bring our debits even more higher this also will bring more higher tax to the working middle ****

This law will reduce our spending by over a trillion in the next decade. We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world and also the least accessible compared to other OECD nations. We pay over double what the other OECD countries pay for care and yet we don't even have 100% coverage.

this is not things im just saying this is all in the bill! read it and see it. this is communism, how are you going to tell me this is not? if the government is going to force me to buy something even more i cant afford it and if not ill get punished for it? the IRS with the new agents to over see this, IS the new KGB if you are not seeing this as a big threat to our nation then i dont know what to say.

Communism in a bill that doesn't change the completely private system that we have. Right...
You are forced to pay for other people's roads, education and security among others. The bill doesn't even make you pay for everyone else's care.

our nation is becoming the new USSR but it will be the USSA. if this keeps up and if we dont stop this now. what makes you think they wont pass more bills that will force us to do things we can not afford and will get punished for it!?


this bill is going to cost us to much money that the government later down the road will start to say no to people for health coverage because it will cost the government to much money to keep them in the hospital like the soveits did in the USSR. this is not a wide overreacting idea it is possable cant you see that history is repeating it self!

Again it will save us money, you don't seem to understand that reform of some kind needed to happen. Our costs are simply too high to sustain and would have bankrupted us. Also have Britain or Canada turned into the USSR yet? It's been almost 60 years since they socialized their health care system (for britain) and their health insurance (for canada) both of which we did not do. The swiss implemented universal care in 1994 while keeping their system completely private like ours. I don't see pictures of the dear leader in their streets.

where i got that $2000 figure? umm read it in the bill it self. and yes it is after 30 workers. not 50 but even if its after all 50 workers the company will be punished thats just even worse. and this forces company to give employees health coverage. how is that going to help small businesses? tell me how? its putting a gun ito ther head. but they are lay off till 49 workers and they will just dodge the unfair law.

we will have to borrow money for this because we are BROKE! OMFG right now America is printing paper left and right with nothing to back it up witth not even even gold dust. people health coverage always goes up never goes down thus will mean we wil have to keep spending money on people. right now the public health system is so broken i tell u to go to a LA county hospital and see how horrible it is waiting in line for hours on end even a day. and we will have to pay for everything. there are more people that will get government run health care then Private health care. and where will that money come from? money dont grow on trees. people are losing jobs left and right. we will have to borrow to pay the bills use some common sense.

China is still forking over money to pay our bills today. im not surprise why they are not saying no to us. but China's market and there money is growing far pass the US market and money value.

yes the government will help pay for it. but its the government is the government they dont like to help people but only collect money from the people. how much do you think they will help pay for premiums? maybe half? so if someone right now is paying $600 a month the government helps with half thats still $300 a month that person will have to pay and most people will cant pay $300 a month for coverage.

to name one company because of this bill no insurance company is NOW have to say yes to anyone no matter what they have. Blue Cross a few days ago said they will no longer sell coverage for kids because they have to say yes to kid that have problems already they sai no. no more coverage for kids who wants to sign up for it they just completely dropped it.

yes other nations like England have a government ran health care system. but why do you think they pay $9 per gallon? why do you think its so expensive to live over there? taxes and fee that needs to pay bills like health care from the government.

and dont be a fool im not saying libraries are causing us to be Nazis. this is a law that is going into our lives and forcing everyone to do something we can not afford. and will mean more businesses will go out of business and people lose there jobs

taxes paying for roads schools and what not is good.

this law is out right very unfair.

i just cant wait to see you in a line waiting out side a food bank and see you take you food to a card board house u call home in a few years.

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#361 coolbeans90
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Again he the question he was asked specifically refered to fox.


Umm... *repeats previous post*

What do you think about her.

Instead of "she is ok, no comment", he should, "She is destructive of America".... okay........

More like

News dude with annoying accent: "Mr. President, what are your thoughts on Fox News...?"

President: *coughs* "I have no comment on the matter. I do have a message that I would like to share with struggling Americans... (political happy chat)"

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#362 coolbeans90
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What? "Look, as president, I swore to uphold the Constitution, and part of that Constitution is a free press." Then they would turn around and say "GASP, he refused to answer a question, clearly he is hiding the fact that he IS a communist nazi!"


Or he could have grunted and "No comment." Would have left an implication of his thoughts on the network without looking so partisan.

Given how receptive the Republicans have been to bipartisanship, I'm not exactly sure he cares at this moment whether he looks partisan.

He's giving the right some legitimate propaganda here.

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#363 acsam12304
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but no matter what case i dont listen to the mayor news media. they all lie to get there points across CNN, MSNBC,FOX NEWS, etc.

where i get my true news is from KFI AM 640.

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#364 GabuEx
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Or he could have grunted and "No comment." Would have left an implication of his thoughts on the network without looking so partisan.


Given how receptive the Republicans have been to bipartisanship, I'm not exactly sure he cares at this moment whether he looks partisan.

He's giving the right some legitimate propaganda here.

If people don't vote for Obama because he basically said he doesn't agree with Fox News' opinion pieces, I rather think they weren't going to vote for Obama in the first place.

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#365 acsam12304
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Given how receptive the Republicans have been to bipartisanship, I'm not exactly sure he cares at this moment whether he looks partisan.


He's giving the right some legitimate propaganda here.

If people don't vote for Obama because he basically said he doesn't agree with Fox News' opinion pieces, I rather think they weren't going to vote for Obama in the first place.

casen point Rush L


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#366 Ultimas_Blade
Member since 2004 • 3671 Posts

More like

News dude with annoying accent: "Mr. President, what are your thoughts on Fox News...?"

President: *coughs* "I have no comment on the matter. I do have a message that I would like to share with struggling Americans... (political happy chat)"


Hey cb.

I going with the others. Fox has used every bit of political capital to punish the Democrats and the President at EVERY chance. There is no need for political happy chat, that would be naive and upsetting to the base, who wants to see him challenge partisan organizations out to destroy him and the party.

Fox News hasn't given him political happy chat, the President of the United States of America has every right to call their propogandadestructive.

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#367 moose_knuckler
Member since 2007 • 5722 Posts

Is this the first time a President has made such a claim about a news organization?

Not exactly sure. Nixon, maybe?
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#368 acsam12304
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the tax cuts for the rich is stupid. if it is such a big deal GIVE everyone tax cuts.

It is a big deal because people are crying about the defecit, removing these cuts will save us $700 billion

what happened is no one pays the same amount of tax that the other person pays.

A flat tax? Are you being serious?

if Obama or anypresident wants to make a change in the tax cose. they should force the IRS to start charging a 10% tax on income FOR ALL Americans not just one type of **** that way everyone pays a fair share of taxes. that way no one can cry and moan about how its is unfair that they pay more taxes then the other person.

See above. A flat tax would screw the middle and lower ****s and transfer huge amounts of wealth into the already bloated upper **** At 10% it would bankrupt us.

also Obama has spent the amount of money in 2 years in office and took George Bush 8 years to do.

Impact of the stimulus here.What would you have done? Bush's spending was on wars, which btw will cost us over a trillion not to mention the unfunded medciare expansion.

Obama is making our country to fall. with the heath bill going to take us in the more debit. he wants to pass the green eco bill that will force a lot of businesses to go out of business and home owners to lose more homes.

The healthcare bill will lower our defecit.There is no cap and trade bill currently on the table.Also what?

i still can not believe that people are still supporting Obama with all the facts right in there faces it just sad.

"care for the people that dont care"


what are you talking about? the helth care will do a lot more harm then help with anything. it will but $138 billion in 10 years but also becuase we will have to borrow money for this it will add close to $900 billion in 10 years how is that going to lower the defecit?

Prove that we have to borrow money to pay for it.

this bill will force ALL Americans to get health insurance. if not then the IRS will fine you and the fines will go up year after year. the government is now going to force me to buy something i can not afford in the 1st place? yes the government (gov) will help me out with paying only part of the insurance (plan) but right now the way things are with money a extra cost over $50 is bad for me! so ill be force to spend money i dont have. but i have to get by law or get punished.

The govt will help people who make up to a certain amount above the poverty line pay for it, this amount is currently around $88000 but will change as the poverty level changes.

anyone with a pre-condition will not get help. the bill did not regulate the insurance company's. they are not forced to say no to very high risk health people all they, have to do is give them a very high plan that government help will still not be enough to lower the cost. this is a very high possibility that might and can happen. if not they will be put into a very high health risk pool.

Pre-existing conditions are banned. They are forced to say yes to those people.

the IRS is going to get close to 17,000 new agents to over see this. they will make sure we get the right plan with the right coverage if not they will fine us.

The IRS doesn't decide your plan or what it covers, that is entirely up to you.

also this bill will make any businesses that has over 50 workers get insurance for them if not then they will get fined by the IRS $2000 for each worker after 30 workers. this will make comapnys even more small businesses lay off workers to 49 the rest will get the pink slip. how is that going to help the economy if it will put a lot more people out of work and more businesses to close there doors and make it even more harder for anyone to find work.

Where did that $2000 figure come from, it is also after 50 workers, not 30. All previous attempts at universal healthcare from both parties included an employer mandate, this does not.

also this bill will cut the nations debits by $138 billion in 10 years but also its going to add $900 billion in 10 years on top of it, how is this going to lower our debit? plus health cost always goes up it, it never goes down so we will always keep putting more money into this!

House Democrats defended the new package, which received a major boost Thursday when the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected that it would reduce deficits by about $138 billion over the next 10 years and by about $1.2 trillion in the decade thereafter.

anyone making over $88,000 will not get help by the government they are on there own to get insurance doesnt matter how much it will cost them if they dont get coverage the IRS will fine them. anyone making under $88,000 will get help by the government to help pay for there plans but still we have to get coverage and pay for the remaining that was not paid. any family of 4 making less then $24,000 will get free coverage from the government.

Again that $88,000 number is not static and furthermore it's not like people making that much don't have healthcare already through work (usually professional) or privately bought.

also this bill is only to help pay for coverage. not to pay features a plan have. so we can pay a plan for $50 a month, but the plan says you pay $20 per visit and what if you have 2 or more visits in one month? what if you get coverage that the plan will says you pay only $10 per bottle of pills you need to get. and i know people that gets about 5+ bottles when they need to refill. so the cost starts to add up.

Again the plan you choose is entirely up to you.

Where is all this money going to come from to fund all this!? 1st anyone making $200,000 a year will get hit with a tax for this. there will be a pay roll tax meaning we might get more money taken out from our pay checks for anyone working with a W2 form to pay for this. We are going to end up borrowing more money and that will bring our debits even more higher this also will bring more higher tax to the working middle ****

This law will reduce our spending by over a trillion in the next decade. We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world and also the least accessible compared to other OECD nations. We pay over double what the other OECD countries pay for care and yet we don't even have 100% coverage.

this is not things im just saying this is all in the bill! read it and see it. this is communism, how are you going to tell me this is not? if the government is going to force me to buy something even more i cant afford it and if not ill get punished for it? the IRS with the new agents to over see this, IS the new KGB if you are not seeing this as a big threat to our nation then i dont know what to say.

Communism in a bill that doesn't change the completely private system that we have. Right...
You are forced to pay for other people's roads, education and security among others. The bill doesn't even make you pay for everyone else's care.

our nation is becoming the new USSR but it will be the USSA. if this keeps up and if we dont stop this now. what makes you think they wont pass more bills that will force us to do things we can not afford and will get punished for it!?


this bill is going to cost us to much money that the government later down the road will start to say no to people for health coverage because it will cost the government to much money to keep them in the hospital like the soveits did in the USSR. this is not a wide overreacting idea it is possable cant you see that history is repeating it self!

Again it will save us money, you don't seem to understand that reform of some kind needed to happen. Our costs are simply too high to sustain and would have bankrupted us. Also have Britain or Canada turned into the USSR yet? It's been almost 60 years since they socialized their health care system (for britain) and their health insurance (for canada) both of which we did not do. The swiss implemented universal care in 1994 while keeping their system completely private like ours. I don't see pictures of the dear leader in their streets.


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#369 coolbeans90
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Given how receptive the Republicans have been to bipartisanship, I'm not exactly sure he cares at this moment whether he looks partisan.


He's giving the right some legitimate propaganda here.

If people don't vote for Obama because he basically said he doesn't agree with Fox News' opinion pieces, I rather think they weren't going to vote for Obama in the first place.

It certainly comes off as less professional.

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#370 fueled-system
Member since 2008 • 6529 Posts

Of course... Fox exposes Obama for what he is a liar....

I wonder if he will blame bush for this to

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#371 GabuEx
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It certainly comes off as less professional.



He was asked a question and he directly answered it in a cordial but authoritative tone. Refusing to answer the question would've looked much worse.

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#372 th3warr1or
Member since 2007 • 20637 Posts

Obama is destructive to America, not Fox news.

Came in here to say this.
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#373 coolbeans90
Member since 2009 • 21305 Posts


More like

News dude with annoying accent: "Mr. President, what are your thoughts on Fox News...?"

President: *coughs* "I have no comment on the matter. I do have a message that I would like to share with struggling Americans... (political happy chat)"


Hey cb.

I going with the others. Fox has used every bit of political capital to punish the Democrats and the President at EVERY chance. There is no need for political happy chat, that would be naive and upsetting to the base, who wants to see him challenge partisan organizations out to destroy him and the party.

Fox News hasn't given him political happy chat, the President of the United States of America has every right to call their propogandadestructive.

Political happy chat was a joke. Politicians have a tendency to sneak those in wherever they can. :P

And what does he stand to gain with the "destruction of America" rhetoric? This is the kind of stuff of commentary that I expect from am radio, not presidents.

FYI, I don't watch Fox.

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#374 acsam12304
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It certainly comes off as less professional.



He was asked a question and he directly answered it in a cordial but authoritative tone. Refusing to answer the question would've looked much worse.

its a no win no lose situation. u can never please every body. ( im not defending Obama

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#375 testfactor888
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Is Obama right?

Obama talks and whines far to much. Fox News trashes him so he has to cry about it
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#376 GabuEx
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Is Obama right?


Obama talks and whines far to much. Fox News trashes him so he has to cry about it

ITT: Answering an interview question is equivalent to crying. :P

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#377 acsam12304
Member since 2005 • 3387 Posts

i wont be surprise Obama will try to get rid of freedom of speech

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#378 acsam12304
Member since 2005 • 3387 Posts



Is Obama right?


Obama talks and whines far to much. Fox News trashes him so he has to cry about it

u know u are right Obama does cry a lot about everything. he point fingers to everyone. but remember when he points a finger to someone or a group of people. he is actually point 3 fingers at him self

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#379 coolbeans90
Member since 2009 • 21305 Posts


It certainly comes off as less professional.



He was asked a question and he directly answered it in a cordial but authoritative tone. Refusing to answer the question would've looked much worse.

The manner in which he spoke wasn't the issue, so much as the content. He could have stated disagreement without resorting to pithy partisan rhetoric. I actually think no comment would have been better than saying that Fox News " pushes a point of view that I disagree with. It's a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world."

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#380 deactivated-57e5de5e137a4
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Hmm, wonder what kind of arguments this will bring up. I can think of far more destructive tv, like MTV and Lifetime.
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#381 testfactor888
Member since 2010 • 7157 Posts



Is Obama right?


Obama talks and whines far to much. Fox News trashes him so he has to cry about it

ITT: Answering an interview question is equivalent to crying. :P

It's what Obama does best. Well that and finding ways to get himself in front of a camera on a every other day basis
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#382 Citrus25
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Oh wow 20 pages for this thread :D
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#384 Wiffle_Snuff
Member since 2010 • 1123 Posts

ITT: Liberals say yes while conservatives say no.

Obviously, I say yes. :P

True, but people who take Fox News seriously could find "liberal bias" in a hamburger.

Another reason why the meat in my hamburger always sits more to the left in the bun.
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#385 Former_Slacker
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what are you talking about? the helth care will do a lot more harm then help with anything. it will but $138 billion in 10 years but also becuase we will have to borrow money for this it will add close to $900 billion in 10 years how is that going to lower the defecit?

Prove that we have to borrow money to pay for it.

this bill will force ALL Americans to get health insurance. if not then the IRS will fine you and the fines will go up year after year. the government is now going to force me to buy something i can not afford in the 1st place? yes the government (gov) will help me out with paying only part of the insurance (plan) but right now the way things are with money a extra cost over $50 is bad for me! so ill be force to spend money i dont have. but i have to get by law or get punished.

The govt will help people who make up to a certain amount above the poverty line pay for it, this amount is currently around $88000 but will change as the poverty level changes.

anyone with a pre-condition will not get help. the bill did not regulate the insurance company's. they are not forced to say no to very high risk health people all they, have to do is give them a very high plan that government help will still not be enough to lower the cost. this is a very high possibility that might and can happen. if not they will be put into a very high health risk pool.

Pre-existing conditions are banned. They are forced to say yes to those people.

the IRS is going to get close to 17,000 new agents to over see this. they will make sure we get the right plan with the right coverage if not they will fine us.

The IRS doesn't decide your plan or what it covers, that is entirely up to you.

also this bill will make any businesses that has over 50 workers get insurance for them if not then they will get fined by the IRS $2000 for each worker after 30 workers. this will make comapnys even more small businesses lay off workers to 49 the rest will get the pink slip. how is that going to help the economy if it will put a lot more people out of work and more businesses to close there doors and make it even more harder for anyone to find work.

Where did that $2000 figure come from, it is also after 50 workers, not 30. All previous attempts at universal healthcare from both parties included an employer mandate, this does not.

also this bill will cut the nations debits by $138 billion in 10 years but also its going to add $900 billion in 10 years on top of it, how is this going to lower our debit? plus health cost always goes up it, it never goes down so we will always keep putting more money into this!

House Democrats defended the new package, which received a major boost Thursday when the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected that it would reduce deficits by about $138 billion over the next 10 years and by about $1.2 trillion in the decade thereafter.

anyone making over $88,000 will not get help by the government they are on there own to get insurance doesnt matter how much it will cost them if they dont get coverage the IRS will fine them. anyone making under $88,000 will get help by the government to help pay for there plans but still we have to get coverage and pay for the remaining that was not paid. any family of 4 making less then $24,000 will get free coverage from the government.

Again that $88,000 number is not static and furthermore it's not like people making that much don't have healthcare already through work (usually professional) or privately bought.

also this bill is only to help pay for coverage. not to pay features a plan have. so we can pay a plan for $50 a month, but the plan says you pay $20 per visit and what if you have 2 or more visits in one month? what if you get coverage that the plan will says you pay only $10 per bottle of pills you need to get. and i know people that gets about 5+ bottles when they need to refill. so the cost starts to add up.

Again the plan you choose is entirely up to you.

Where is all this money going to come from to fund all this!? 1st anyone making $200,000 a year will get hit with a tax for this. there will be a pay roll tax meaning we might get more money taken out from our pay checks for anyone working with a W2 form to pay for this. We are going to end up borrowing more money and that will bring our debits even more higher this also will bring more higher tax to the working middle ****

This law will reduce our spending by over a trillion in the next decade. We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world and also the least accessible compared to other OECD nations. We pay over double what the other OECD countries pay for care and yet we don't even have 100% coverage.

this is not things im just saying this is all in the bill! read it and see it. this is communism, how are you going to tell me this is not? if the government is going to force me to buy something even more i cant afford it and if not ill get punished for it? the IRS with the new agents to over see this, IS the new KGB if you are not seeing this as a big threat to our nation then i dont know what to say.

Communism in a bill that doesn't change the completely private system that we have. Right...
You are forced to pay for other people's roads, education and security among others. The bill doesn't even make you pay for everyone else's care.

our nation is becoming the new USSR but it will be the USSA. if this keeps up and if we dont stop this now. what makes you think they wont pass more bills that will force us to do things we can not afford and will get punished for it!?


this bill is going to cost us to much money that the government later down the road will start to say no to people for health coverage because it will cost the government to much money to keep them in the hospital like the soveits did in the USSR. this is not a wide overreacting idea it is possable cant you see that history is repeating it self!

Again it will save us money, you don't seem to understand that reform of some kind needed to happen. Our costs are simply too high to sustain and would have bankrupted us. Also have Britain or Canada turned into the USSR yet? It's been almost 60 years since they socialized their health care system (for britain) and their health insurance (for canada) both of which we did not do. The swiss implemented universal care in 1994 while keeping their system completely private like ours. I don't see pictures of the dear leader in their streets.



Propaganda video? Ok, whats the point?

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#386 Former_Slacker
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i wont be surprise Obama will try to get rid of freedom of speech


You're kidding me, right?

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#387 KH-mixerX
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It certainly comes off as less professional.



He was asked a question and he directly answered it in a cordial but authoritative tone. Refusing to answer the question would've looked much worse.

Isn't it obvious? Being the president, he shouldn't have answered it so directly. There are ways to answer without saying "no comment," and still appear partisan. You just have to word it properly. I know it seems like mincing words, but it needs to be that way. And besides, this is Obama we're talking about. If anyone can word it properly, it's him.

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#388 Arsephixiation
Member since 2010 • 379 Posts

Any politically or capitalistically biased news source will be destructive to any population. We all know how easy it is to manipulate simpletons (the majority of the population).

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#389 kayoticdreamz
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[QUOTE="kayoticdreamz"]Yeah what classes did you take? And when? And don't even say a garbage man does more work than a doctor, I want to see that garbage man go through medical school. Why didn't he then??? And how hard is it to stand on the back of a vehicle and throw trash into a bin. WOW I am going to be sore for weeks doing that!!!!!Jakesta7

In highschool I took pretty normal classes, some AP. Never studied. Got great marks. I have ADD. You know the weight of your trash that you pack to the curb every few days? Pick that up once every 20 seconds and do a dumping motion for 4 hours. Tell me how you feel after that. My mother is a nurse and my father is a mechanic. My dad works much harder than my mother yet makes something like 25% less a year. The doctors that work with my mother do less work than her. They make more than double what she makes. Do the math here. The mechanic is doing the most work out of those three jobs and making the least. The medical school thing: Consider this, every day that doctor went to school the garbage man worked. Having done some first and second year college chem classes I can honestly say I would rather do that then pack about garbage. Edit: Reading stop the presses post I can say this: Coal miners work their asses off. Their job is not only extremely tiring it's also very dangerous. Don't even freaking compare a doctors work to a coal miner. Yeah the doctor had to go to school for a long time but their school work is much easier than what a coal miner has to do every day.

Your mother went through nursing school, which is not easy. And I take the trash out every night, I know my trash.

how did i get quoted into that lol?
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#390 acsam12304
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Propaganda video? Ok, whats the point?

lol i just love how you ignore my other reply to you LMAO and only commented ont eh link i provided

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#391 Ultimas_Blade
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[QUOTE="testfactor888"] Obama talks and whines far to much. Fox News trashes him so he has to cry about ittestfactor888

ITT: Answering an interview question is equivalent to crying. :P

It's what Obama does best. Well that and finding ways to get himself in front of a camera on a every other day basis

Funny, getting landmark legislation and reversing our shrinking economy seem to be what he's best at doing. :D

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#392 acsam12304
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i wont be surprise Obama will try to get rid of freedom of speech


You're kidding me, right?


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#393 testfactor888
Member since 2010 • 7157 Posts


ITT: Answering an interview question is equivalent to crying. :P


It's what Obama does best. Well that and finding ways to get himself in front of a camera on a every other day basis

Funny, getting landmark legislation and reversing our shrinking economy seem to be what he's best at doing. :D

I don't see him as the savior you do. I am not Republican but I can't stand Obama. I was a Democrat and voted for him but I regret that. I switched to Libertarian now and will be hoping that he doesn't see a second term. He is so full of himself it makes me sick and he always has to find a way to put himself in front of a camera. He is an attention *****

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#394 kayoticdreamz
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ITT: Answering an interview question is equivalent to crying. :P


It's what Obama does best. Well that and finding ways to get himself in front of a camera on a every other day basis

Funny, getting landmark legislation and reversing our shrinking economy seem to be what he's best at doing. :D

funny i didnt know passing 10 000 pages worth of bills at 6 AM and forcing senators to read them in 48 hours was saving the economy
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#396 Former_Slacker
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Propaganda video? Ok, whats the point?

lol i just love how you ignore my other reply to you LMAO and only commented ont eh link i provided

Sorry I'm busy and it was just too long. :P I'll reply to it tomorrow if I have the time.

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#397 acsam12304
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Propaganda video? Ok, whats the point?


lol i just love how you ignore my other reply to you LMAO and only commented ont eh link i provided

Sorry I'm busy and it was just too long. :P I'll reply to it tomorrow if I have the time.

ok man have a goodnight good debate :D

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#398 DarkerGemini
Member since 2009 • 236 Posts

I will have to agree on this topic. Sadly though, most of our news tends to be this way in the end.

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#399 Former_Slacker
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i wont be surprise Obama will try to get rid of freedom of speech


You're kidding me, right?


Oh I just have to respond to this. The notion that he would suspend freedom of speech is ridiculous, just as much as bush would. It is also equally ridiculous to call him a communist. I don't support his continuation of the war in Afghanistan. His reluctance to stop the dems in congress from pushing against net neutrality. His reluctance to support a public option. His push for greater secrecy and for greater powers for the executive branch. Or his continuing of many of bush's foreign and some domestic policies in regard to those foreign policies among other things. To label someone as a blind supporter simply because they point out a ridiculous statement is in itself ridiculous.

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#400 kayoticdreamz
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Funny, getting landmark legislation and reversing our shrinking economy seem to be what he's best at doing. :D


funny i didnt know passing 10 000 pages worth of bills at 6 AM and forcing senators to read them in 48 hours was saving the economy

Obama can do no wrong when it comes to Ultimas. I have learned that since coming to this forum

ah i see thank you for clearing that up it will save me the trouble next time.