[QUOTE="kayoticdreamz"][QUOTE="Ultimas_Blade"]Funny, getting landmark legislation and reversing our shrinking economy seem to be what he's best at doing. :D
funny i didnt know passing 10 000 pages worth of bills at 6 AM and forcing senators to read them in 48 hours was saving the economy Obama can do no wrong when it comes to Ultimas. I have learned that since coming to this forumFirst of all, Senators and Representatives have throngs of staffers that can these dissect legislation to the very last dot on the 'i'. If you're tell me that the Republican Caucus can't DO THEIR JOBS and READ THE LEGISLATION then you need to vote new guys in. The Democrats not onlylegislated theirownideas, they included Republican ideas. Bills weren't forced 48 hours before the final vote, where's your proof for your hyperbole?
And for the record,I don't agree with the President on everything, just most things.What's wrong withagreeing with somebody who agrees with most of my positions?He could be more agressive on DADT Repeal and could fully withdraw from Iraq. There are other minor things, however, he's dealing with near GridlockedCongress so Progresssives can't get everything we're working towards.
If you're ideologicallyLiberatarian and voted for Obama you were either are a political neophyte or just don't understand politics. If you've been Liberatarian ideologically (regardless of your party affiliation) it doesn't make sense for you to vote for Obama. McCain would've better lined up with your views. Did you pay attention to what was advocated? What made you vote for Obama if you don't agree with his policy ideas? It seems like you arejust doing whatever seems popular, like hating on the President instead of his policies...
Do you know which specific parts of policies you don't like? Like not overall legislation, but individual parts which make up legislation?
You criticize me for supporting a good leader who got a hold of a failing economy and is pushing it back up, for supporting agood leader who realizes that there needs to be specific goals and timelines associated with military action, and a leader who is making good on his promises? I don't know what kind of leader you want, maybe one like McCain that leans like grass in the politicalwind or like Palin that leans whichever way the cash flows heaviest, but I wantleaders like Obama and Biden who represent most of what I find admirable.
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