The reasons people have to vote for this man seem to be that he speaks of hope and change, he's young, and he's a good speaker. To me, these are not good enough reasons to elect someone President. He's accomplished nothing in the Senate, he has no leadership experience, and he hasn't gone into detail about how he would bring this change that he keeps speaking of.
Aside from these things, there are other things that make me very uneasy about him being elected. I have no problem with a black President, although he has made his race an issue.
Here are some quotes from one of his books:
From 'Dreams of My Father',
"I CEASED TO ADVERTISE MY MOTHER'S RACE AT THE AGE OF12 OR 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"
From 'Dreams of my Father', "The emotion between the races could never be pure..... the THE OTHER RACE (WHITE) WOULD ALWAYS REMAIN JUST THAT: MENACING, ALIEN AND APART"
From Dreams Of My Father, "never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. IT WAS INTO MY FATHER'S IMAGE , THE BLACK MAN, THE SON OF AFRICA, THAT I'D PACKED ALL THE ATTRIBUTES I SOUGHT IN MYSELF.
From Dreams Of My Father:
"THAT HATE HADN'T GONE AWAY," he wrote, BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE,- SOME CRUEL, SOME IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives."
If these quotes had been made by a white candidate, and the racial roles in the quotes were reversed, they would have been ripped to pieces and labeled a racist. This cannot be denied. The book seems to be about him denying the known maternal heritage (white) and embrace the heritage of his father (black) who had abandoned him.
Also, his Pastor repeatedly, literally cursed America spouting "G D America!! G D America!!" Obama responded by saying that he could no more disown his Pastor than his white Grandmother, which is just idiocy. You can select Pastors, you cannot select Grandmothers.
Also, his wife spoke recently saying that for the first time in her life, she's proud to be an American. She's 40 something. So she's never been proud in her entire life until now?
As for his recent statement that rural Americans cling to religion and guns because they're bitter towards people with more money, it's ignorance. I'm in the lower economic bracket and I understand that I could have finished college if I had put forth the effort. I'm responsible for my economic situation just like people with more money than I worked for their money. I will not be pandered to.
Lastly, Obama was indeed a practicing Muslim. He went to a Catholic school where non Catholic children were also accepted. this is fact. Everything I have typed is fact. Take the time and research.
Once more, are there any good reasons to vote for this person? I see plenty of reasons not to vote for him.
Responses such as "He's better than Bush" are irrelevant because we're talking about electing our NEXT leader.
Responses such as "Well he'll be better than Hilary and McCain won't be accepted because, 1. you don't have to vote at all, and 2. we're talking about reasons to vote for Obama and reasons not to.
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