[QUOTE="Trashface"][QUOTE="LostProphetFLCL"][QUOTE="Trashface"][QUOTE="LostProphetFLCL"][QUOTE="Trashface"][QUOTE="LostProphetFLCL"][QUOTE="Trashface"][QUOTE="LostProphetFLCL"][QUOTE="Trashface"] And I do want to make it clear. HE WAS A MUSLIM. This is fact. If that fact is not significant, why is he LYING and denying it?
Read this: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=60559
LMAO oh I guess that makes me Catholic for attending my parents catholic Church for my little sisters baptism and Easter:lol:
Good God going to a church every so often does NOT make you religious. Have you had to deal with being raised by a religious family when you are not religious? I did, and I went along even though it meant nothing to me. Parents will put you through hell if you don't go.....
It is not at all a fact. Kids say the national anthm at school, I guess that makes them all Christian!:lol:
The ignorance in this is amazing, and how pathetic is it that people feel the need to try and make this point when IT MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT RELIGION HE IS BUT WHAT HIS POLICIES ARE!!! More people need to try that approach sometime....
Oh and I guess his going to a Christian church for the last 20 years means absolutely nothing:lol:
Sigh. He was enrolled as an actual Muslim at the school. Herecited from the Quran in Arabic. He now denies that he was a Muslim and his camp denies that he recited from the Quran. He is being dishonest. You have your mind made up about him. No truth will sway you. Just don't try to project your blindness on others.
I am the one ignoring the truth when it apparently means nothing to you that he has been going to a Christian church for the past 20 years:lol:
And IF there is any dishonesty going on about his past it is because of idiots like you who would take it as some important issue.
I hear people try and get on Japan because of their problems with xenophobia, but living here in the US I see such a huge problem of racism and discrimination in this suppossedly "free" and "equal" country.
There is such a bad stigma against muslims here in America it is absolutely pathetic....
So a stigma is good reason to lie to a nation? Also, you starting infantile name calling makes you less credible. It makes you look like an ill tempered child. This makes the fact that you're close minded and have your mind totally made up no matter the truth non surprising. Any group/ religion that started kidnapping journalists and beheading them, flying jets into major city buildings, and started teaching their kids how to decapitate people, and who knows how many other atrocities....any group like that would have a stigma. It's only common sense to be suspicious. Do you have any points to make or are you just going to name call like a child?
:lol: this post is filled with such an incredible level of ignorance I refuse to argue with you at this point because it is like I am talking to a mentally hadnicapped 3 year old.
I will just suggest you actually learn a thing or two about Islam and then also go look up some history on Christianity considering all our presidents have claimed to be Christian.
You can name call like a child all you want, it doesn't make anything you said fact. The fact that he's hiding his past may not bother you, but given your demeanor, reason isn't your strong point.
And please tell me how he is hiding his past?
You seem to be the one with a bias, trying to assume Obama is hiding his religious beliefs in spite of 20 years of attending a Christian Church.
And yes I will name call if I want. You are obviously beyond help at this point, so I mine as well just let you know how wrong you are in the meanest way possible. Helps let off steam that way.
Oh and reason is actually one of my strongest points BTW. You might want to check yourself making such a comment when you're the one trying to claim a man is Muslim despite having gone to a Christian Church for the past 20 years....
Um him denying that he was ever a Muslim and his camp denying he ever recited out of the Quran are how he is hiding his past. Once again, I didn't say he was currently one. You don't even understand what this is about, yet I'm beyond help? You can try to condescend all you want. You say I'm beyond help, yet you're the one so clearly enamored with the candidate past the point of logic.There is no misgiving by him that would change your mind. You can name call and try to condescend all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you're clueless.
He probably denied it because people like you would go all crazy about it. There is nothing in the Quran that tells muslims to bomb and or hate Americans. That's the work of extremists. That's like saying all christians are hardcore communists or hardcore fascists. you're generalizing.
It makes me uneasy especially paired with the fact that has sat in church while his Pastor ranted and spewed hatred towards the country. I would have personally left that church after the first incident. He claims to not agree with the pastor, yet put him on a comitee. Is it not reasonable to raise eyebrows at these things especially when he denies them?
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