[QUOTE="LostProphetFLCL"][QUOTE="ParadiseAwaits"] Obama will usher in a new ERA of racism...

Obama maintainted an active role in a racist church for over 20 years!!!
How can anyone vote for a racist like Obama?
How could anyone vote for a man who not only plans to continue our failed economic and foreign policies, but is also ready to start a NEW war despite our failing economy?
I seriously cannot understand how anyone in their right mind could vote for Mccain. It baffles me that after all this anti-Bush sentiment going around to the point where Republicans were doing whatever they could to DISTANCE themselves from Bush he still managed to actually get the republican nominee.....
Wow, living under a rock are we? First, McCain is viewed as a moderate republican, and no, he does *not* plan to continue everything bush is doing. He's going to keep the tax cuts, and finish the war. The similiarities start there. I dont care what you think we're getting out of Iraq, that's pointless. Personally i would have invaded the country Osama is hiding in. But the fact is, pulling out prematurely will only make our problems *worse*. Oh, and dont try to use the Iraq War to harp on the War on Terror, because most americans support the war on terror by large margins, just not the war in iraq.
And you really can't use the Iraq war as a big button issue. The Petrayus report clearly shows us that there has been *significant* change and that troop levels will continue falling drastically over the next couple of months, with a brief evaluation period, and then a continuation of drops. By the time of the election, we will probably be well below the initial troop numbers from the earlier part of the war. And the surge troops will be *long* gone in just a couple months. Besides, having Iraq stabilized and set up to be a new Ally of the US presents strategic benefits in the overall war on Terror in the middle-east, Troops to assist you, your oil assets protected, and furthermore a base to strike from. Wether you support the war for it's initial reasons or not, we're there now, and we can still get some gains out of this. Pulling out prematurely, can only hurt us.
Exactly, he is keeping the dumb tax cuts which aren't helping and he wants to keep up the war. He is supporting the 2 major flaws of Mr. Bush right there. I do believe he himself has admitted to being unkowlegable when it comes to economics and here we are in a recession. Yeah, lets just elect a president who doesn't know what to do with the economy other than continue an already failed plan.
As for Iraq, no we do not need to stay there and we aren't helping. Our presence is merely inciting more violence and regardless of when we leave there will be civil war. We screwed up big time in Iraq and I am sick of people acting like staying there is some sort of price we need to pay for being foolish when our presence isn't helping a thing. You think a government established by a foreign power is going to just be welcomed? No. There will be figthing over it once we leave regardless. The people need to sort themselves out now and we need to stop acting like we are helping.
The chances of Iraq being friendly are slim to none, especially with Iran next door. Do you even know WHY there is so much hate for America in Iran? WE TOOK OUT A LEADER OF THEIRS DECADES AGO!!!
I know Saddam was a sack of crap but he had fear so instilled into the population that he at least managed to keep the civil war from happening. Our removing him means that the civil war is going to occur. We have dug ourselves into soo much debt that our economy is falling and yes experts have stated the war as being THE MAJOR cause of our recession. Seems like contiunuing it would be a bad idea now doesn't it?
It isn't just that though. Mccain has made statements which suggest he wants to go to war with Iran on top of keeping our presence in Iraq. Lets see, our economy is crashing from our current war, so lets keep that same military presence while commencing a BIG invasion (Iran would definitely take much more effort to beat than Iraq) on a country who is allied with the likes of RUSSIA! Can you say disaster?
I would much rather elect Bush for a third term than Mccain. At least Bush doesn't appear ready to throw us into aother war.
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