I dont even live in america so go destroy your country how ever you want
Then you do not have a dog in this fight.
As someone who is gainfully employed and working upwards of 90 hours a week, I am tired of having to shell out to support someone else feed our house themselves because they refuse to work or get enough of an education so they can support themselves.
I am with Airshocker on this (I may put in more hours a week than he, but he definately has a more dangerous job). When I see what is happening in Greece and the protests so people can remain on the public dole (800,000 public sector jobs for a population of 11 million????? outrageous honestly) for their high wages and equally high pensions, on the backs of taxpayers and to make matters worse, they are having to be bailed out, a second time. So much for trying to spread the wealth around. We need less government.
If the OWS protesters want degrees that do not get them a job, that is their fault for taking the wrong courses, but then again, society lied to them about needing to have a college education. Think about this and smoke it, if everyone worked in an office building, who would build said office building to begin with? Who would build that car that you drive or the road you drive it on? Where would you live and would build your house? Who would build the power plants, paper mills, factories and the like that keep you from living in a cave and having to hunt or fish for your meals on a daily basis? Not everyone needs a college education nor should everyone have a college education. If you went to college and took out loans, you should pay for it and not want the loan to be forgiven like some OWS vagrants (that is what they were before being evicted after all) want (that came from taxpayer money).
If someone in the States wants to change the system, and yes, I agree that it is screwed up, they need to protest in Washington DC and not in NYC near Wall Street. They also need to start voting out incumbents. Change the blood for a few election cycles across the board and demand that those elected do what the people want, not what the lobbiests want. The blame for what has happened in Washington actually belongs to the people, not business as banks or even Wall Street could not do what they did without Congress and federal bureaucracies (paid for by taxpayer money, imagine that?) allowing them to (see aboe about less government).
As I said, you do not have a dog in this fight since you do not live in the US. Now if the country you live in is having problems, then look to what or whom it was that allowed such events to happen and protest them, not some business.
One other thing, protesters do not have a right to impinge on others. In the case of OWS, they claim that they are the 99%, well, that 99% includes small business owners trying to eke out a living and have to either close or repair damage done to their businesses due to the protesters blocking or damaging/vandalizing said property. Once a protester damages private property or gets violent, their message no longer is a message and gets lost in space.
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