I'd say: "OK, listen up, scumbags. If we're gonna invade this country, we need a good game plan. Now, I have two options we can use. Number one, we run at their Capital in a single fine line, screaming at the top of our lungs! The enemy will be so flabbergasted, by the time they have a chance to regroup, we'll already be inside. Now, the inherent beauty of the single file line is that they can only kill the person in front. So if we order from least important to most important, with Leclerc de Hauteclocque being in the front and me being in the back, then we just might make it through. I'll have Churchill carry the bomb and place him right in front of me because we need someone in the back who can objectively evaluate how the plan is working. That way, if Churchill dies, I'll know we're in trouble, and immediately abort. Now don't get misty on me Stalin. We'll have already killed you and used your corpse to jam up their weapons. I think we can all agree, given our current situation, it's the perfect plan."
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