Does that in any way make a difference? I am not too familiar with the Japanese government's histpry about admitting to war crimes, but the Hiroshima museum certainly did. In any case, it's not as if they explicitly deny it, they just gloss over it like all countries do. Example- Mexican-American war which was an outright unprovoked war of imperialism against Mexico is never talked about in depth, niether is the internmnet of Japanese Americans, genocide of native americans, the actual horrible effects of the atomic bombs- Every country is guilty of this, you have to dig really deep in order to find some of this information.
Were you able to read what it said about Japanese war crimes at the musem? Because I highly doubt it said much of what happen
Link shows a 2005 edition of their text book at the very bottom.
This is the translation about Nanking
"In August 1937, two Japanese soldiers, one an officer, were shot to death inShanghai(the hub of foreign interests). After this incident, the hostilities between Japan and China escalated. Japanese military officials thoughtChiang Kai-shekwould surrender if they capturedNanking, the Nationalist capital; they occupied that city in December. *But Chiang Kai-shek had moved his capital to the remote city of Chongqing. The conflict continued. Note *At this time, many Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed or wounded by Japanese troops (theNanking Incident). Documentary evidence has raised doubts about the actual number of victims claimed by the incident. The debate continues even today" (p. 49).
This was also in the same Text book.
"Japanese soldiers drove out the forces of Western Europe, which had colonized the nations of Asia for many years. They surprised us, because we didn't think we could possibly beat the white man, and they inspired us with confidence. They awakened us from our long slumber, and convinced us to make the nation of our ancestors our own nation once again. We cheered the Japanese soldiers as they marched through theMalay Peninsula. When we saw the defeated British troops fleeing, we felt an excitement we had never experienced before. (Excerpt from the writings ofRaja Dato Nong Chik, leader of the Malaysian independence movement and former member of the Malaysian House of Representatives)" (p. 54)
As for American schools not teaching about native Americans and the effects of the atomic bomb you're wrong. My teachers went over the death marches the Native Americans were forced to walk. English **** had us reading a book on Hiroshima. Fully describing how the skin of victims would rip right off because of radiation when people would try to help survivors.
I been to Germany and they are well aware of what there people did under Hitler It helps to know so that history does not repeat itself. Japan seems to think other wise.
You always bring up the innocent civilians of Hiroshima. Why don't you have any ideas how it might of been possible to save the millions of people that the Japanese tortured and killed? Whats makes the people of Hiroshima so much more innocent then all of the other victims? Better yet what makes them so innocent?
Yes and since I was there and you weren't, you'll just have to take my word for it. And since you have never been to Japan, how could you have any idea about the mindset of the Japanese? For the record, they do not condem the US at all, if anything they blame themselves for the war. History not repeating itself, that is theexact purpose ofthe museum and also why Japan has no army.And you just proved what I have been saying- the Japanese don't deny what they did in China, they just gloss over it. Tell me- can you say the date that the mexican-American war started off the top of your head? or how many American citizens were interned in the 1940s? No, but we all have the "day of infamy" ingrained in our minds. Our schools gloss over things as well, the only way you will get the full truth is if you take a course devoted to it, which you probably did as I am sure you didn't learn about any of that in middle school. Why don't I have any ideas as to how to save the lives of Chinese? well maybe because this threat is called "do you drop the atomic bombs on Japan" not "Do you order your soldiers to go on a killing spree through Nanjing", obviously. What so your logic is that since innocent Chinese were killed, innocent Japanese should be? Give me a break. That is the logic of Al Qaeda. What makes the civilians of Hiroshima so innocent? Well obviosuly because they had no part in the attrocities in China. Should I be blamed for the US propping up dictators and denying democracy around the world just because I am a citizen? Do the actions of my government jeopardize my innocence? You are so detirmined to justify the bombings that you are accusing the entire Japanese populace of crimes.
Your asking for dates? I barely have any idea of the dates for WW2 without looking them up. You bring in the Mexican-American war that happen even before WW2. 9/11 will be fresh in most people's mind because it's very recent and we have video footage of it.
I already told you that we had to read a book in high school about Hiroshima from the perspective of someone living there during the days right before and after the bomb hit.
The Japanese should be more aware because it involves them and there neighbor while I'm half a world away. You say they gloss over their text books so they won't care. I already pointed out that their text books don't correctly explain what happened. The text book itself says it is still being debated and gives next to no information. So there is no way for them to know what happened. Can't have questions on something you know nothing about.
Now your putting words into my mouth saying that since Chinese innocents were killed and so Japanese innocents should be killed. Where did I even come close to saying that? It just seems to me that you feel the innocents in Hiroshima suffered more than all the other victims in the war. That's the impression I get from your posts. That they are some how more of a victim than the rest.
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