i wouldnt drop an atomic bomb in any country, that alone makes me smarter, yes- and im sorry if you think just because they achieve general or commander status they cant be retarded, just look at george bush, ffs the "chief commander" so im sorry if i hurt your feeling, because i dont care what you think-.
The point I was making that there is no way to know what would happen if they didn't drop the bomb. I also pointed out the Japanese were far from fighting an innocent war. They had already tortured, raped and killed millions throughout Asia.
The US was attacked first. Why should American soldiers risk their lives in a land invasion of Japan? Japan was the one to start the war by attacking Pearl Harbor. They are the ones that murdered their way to through China and South East Asia. Why should the US risk losing more lives against the Japanese? A war they didn't even start?
A lot of those US soldiers were drafted out of high school. Alot were 18 to 19 teenagers. Do you think they wanted to invade Japan and risk their lives? The US had already suffered heavy losses taking small islands along the way. Now suddently the Japanese are going to be weak and easy to beat while fighting to protect their homeland?
Nothing in war is ever nice. There is no fair play in war. Large amounts of civilians always die. Even in the recent Iraqi war. Hundred of thousand Iraqi civilians are said to have been killed.
I've discussed the strategic necesity of the atomic bomb on the last page, so I will just repost it.You seem to forget that a nuclear blast is a nuclear blast. The evidence of its destructive power is pretty easy to see regardless of whether it is in a populated area. What's more, the atomic bombs were not the sole factor in Japan's surrender- the Soviets invaded Manchuria at around the same time, and the Japanese Kwantuang army suffered such a resounding defeat that military planners held no hope of holding off both Allied and Soviet troops. It is often overlooked that the majority in the Japanesegovernmnet only sought to inflict enough casualties on the allies to force an armistice in which Japan would not be forced into unconditional surrender. It was only extremists in the army that wanted to fight on to the end at all costs. In any case, any hope for this plan crumbled when the Soviets violated the nuetrality agreement and declared war on Japan, as the Japanese were logical enoughto realize that they counld not fend off both of these enemies. So they surrendurred. The atomic bombs merely were a part of the Japanese realization that theywouldnot be able to bring the allies to the table.
Thus the bombs were not intrumental in bringing about Japan's surrender. And on another note, Japan was not the agressor. For the decade leading up to World War 2, American and Japanese military planners prepared for what they believed was an inevitable war with each other. Two colonial empires can't both exist in the pacific, especially when one is regarded as "little yellow monkeys". The US was not minding its own business when Pearl Harbor was attacked, both countries were already essentially in a state of war, Japan merely struck first because they understood that that was the only possible way to get an arly upper hand on America's overwhelming industrial strength. Many times in history the US and it's allies have made "preemptive strikes" and have justified it. Well, Japan made a preemptive strike as well and we condem it as a barbaric attack. Just one of the hypocricies of American history.
Well, I never heard of the US preparing to invade China or South East Asia with it's millitary and plans on killing millions. Yes, they were always aware of each other. It's hard to ignore when the Japanese was making a huge navy fleet and then when they start marching their armies throughout Asia.
So you think the Japanese didn't have degroagtory words for Americans? They already treated the Chinese like they were less than dogs.
As for your talks about bombing a forest in the middle of no where. How do you know that would been enough? The US didn't even know the full effectives of a nuclear blast.
The US also only had 2 nuclear warheads during this time. They estimated it would take another 6 months before they could produce another one. Of course they never said this to Japan. They told Japan they had 20 more and were going to use them unless they surrendered.
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