This one is actually more gross than creepy in my opinion.
We all love Halloween, mostly for the free candy. But there is a cursed one, every year, who's luck has run out on this day. If that person has a watch on, they will notice that, suddenly, the time is 6:66. If this should happen to you, run into a church, find the pastor, and follow his instructions.
If you fail to do this, you will notice all sounds disappear, anything that was alive near you has disappeared as well, and a dense fog will consume the area. And then, from this fog, a man will approach you. He wears a gray suit and a bowler hat, and he wields a black cane with a human skull adorned at the top. You are already almost guaranteed death at this point, but whatever you do, DO NOT ASK ABOUT THE SKULL! His grin will widen, and unspeakable pain will tear throughout your body for the rest of eternity.
If you do not do anything, you will be sent back to the world of the living. However, your skin will slowly peel off, but nobody can see it except for you. Do not try to get help, or you will be locked inside an insane asylum, and the creatures waiting there are far worse than what awaits you at the end of the week...
If you want to live, simply ask him "What do you have for me?" The man's grin will fade, but only for a moment. He will then quickly respond with "Would you like a trick, or a treat?" Responding with "trick", will release you from this place. However, horrible luck will follow you until you die, a slow painful death. If you respond with "treat", he will reveal a bag. Do not look within the bag, or the thing within will devour you.
If you stand still, and wait without making a noise, the man will produce a baby. The man will tell you, that this is your child. He will then hand it to you. Do not walk away yet, for this game has only just begun. The man will tell you about this child's life, in great detail. This may take several days, but you must stand there until he is finished. When he is finished, he will order you to devour the child.
Failure to do so will cause the child to erupt in flames, and your body will slowly be engulfed by the flames. If you choose to eat your child, you must do so quickly. The baby's screams will surely kill your resolve in no time. When you are finished, the man will pat your shoulder. Do not remove his hand, or all of this would have been for naught.
When he instructs you (And not a moment sooner), look into his eyes. Stare deep into them, until you are lost within them. Suddenly, you will find yourself back in your own home, with all the lights off. You can turn them on if you like, but I don't think you need to see the man watching you... If you have lived this far, there are a few things you should know.
1). After this ordeal, you will be able to tell when death is near, for you or somebody close to you.
2). Your first child will be stillborn. Also, if you are ever alone in a dark room, you can hear the child screaming, and crying, asking why his daddy/mommy ate him...
3). At the latest, by every Halloween, you must feast upon a living child, or you will die. If you have more children, you will be forced to devour them, as well.
...I forgot to mention, do not run away from the man. If you do, you will discover there is something else beyond the fog... And one last word of warning, you must NEVER EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE ANOTHER CHILD! For it will learn of your taste for children, and seek revenge. The child will incapacitate you by either tying you down while you're sleeping, or cutting of your legs first. Your child will then begin to eat you, slowly working it's way up, avoiding any vital spots, leaving you alive up until the very end.
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