Who's to say he hasn't created unlimited resources? Are you basing that statement off of our world's resources? As if we know what's beyond Earth?
is so sad to argue against sheep, errr, i mean religious people, simply put if god is omnipotent yet he doesnt give a damn to do anything for the people, he allows things like disease, murder, theftt, rape and so many other things to exist. Tell me one good reason why should a 3-4 year old kid get erminal cancer and live painful for the rest of his life? Sheep will always find an excuse to rationalize that even though it makes no sense.
So because someone is young that means they should be excluded from diseases and death? Sure it's harsh, and may seem unfair but this is life. God doesn't interfere with free will - saying that a child gets cancer is not God's fault.. He didn't give that child cancer.
but he did, he created cancer, he allows it to exist, and in your book it says EVERYTHING happens because he wills it so. What does it have to do disease with free will? did the kid choose to have cancer? thats a random disease that your god allowed to exist. In your book also says about sins of omision, if he can help the kid with cancer why doesn't he do it, he just stands there watching the kid scream in pain, oh but i guess you haven't had to work with kids with diseases, i had, and i will not acknoledge any superior being that stands there watching all those kids suffer without lifting a single finger, and i don't see how you hide behind the "free will" crap, bottom line you said it, is not gods fault, is a random disease that anyone can have, because its random, there is no intelligent being behind anything
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