[QUOTE="With-Hatred"]I used to believe that, but why don't I see violcence from hindus on this scale? Or Buddhists? I can't believe some of the conditions I've seen in eastern developing countries, but at the same time, I don't see them attacking non belivers. It even says in the Koran to kill non belivers where ever u go.
See 23 or 73.
:| All holy books say questionable things or vague things.. It depends entirely who your talking for.. Fred Phelps of the WBP has a completely different view of the bible than the average Christian.. Who is right? Its open to interpretation.. In the end it doesn't matter what religion a person is, you judge them by their character.. And actually you should look at some of the Hindu extremists within India in their violence towards Pakistan (and vice versa).. So if we are going to suggest that you must follow all tenents must be followed within their book, than your basically saying the vaste majority of Muslim followers within the United States are not "true" Muslims.. Who are you to decide this.. The fact of the matter is if we look through out history, religion is merely a vehicle to which a select few pushes their views and ideas forward..
I don't know how these are vague or questionable, the seem pretty strait forward; "Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them.)" 2:191-2 "Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them." 4:89 And I'm sure that if I took the time to do more research I could find more quotes similar to those, I did find one saying that allah likes non-belivers to kill their children, and if nothing else, that's extremely disturbing. I am not at all surprised that Islam has promoted violence, and I think more people need to actually read the koran and come to relize that there is some incredibly disturbing stuff in there that makes the Old testiment look PG by comparison.
Some of the things said about Christians and jews are just horrible, I'm not a fan of Christianity, but at least there's nothing in the new testiment saying things like "hate Muslims" or "God will laugh in the face of Muslims when they die" 28:62-64 like in the Koran.
I think people get too caught up in Political correctness to actually be willing to look into the religion and see that there might be some serious issues in a religions beliefs.
because I don't base my views on any religion to what is written but how people practice it.. The fact of the matter is there is a way as seen in the United States where Islam can be practiced peacefully.. These people see murder as a sin.. Look at the people individually rather than stereotyping 1.4 billion people..
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