This entire thread just helps me appreciate how great all the world religions are and how they make the world such a better place ! Really !
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Does the religion promote violence or do a small number of people within the religion promote violence?
Islam promotes violence. The Islamic religious book, the Qur'ran, directly encourages violence.
Same could be said about the Bible. So, using logic, Christianity promotes violence.
Thankfully Christian countries have adapted to make any such violence illegal, whereas in Islamic countries, laws are even built from what is said within the Qur'ran to endorse brutality, violence and murder.
Islam promotes violence. The Islamic religious book, the Qur'ran, directly encourages violence.
Same could be said about the Bible. So, using logic, Christianity promotes violence.
Thankfully Christian countries have adapted to make any such violence illegal, whereas in Islamic countries, laws are even built from what is said within the Qur'ran to endorse brutality, violence and murder.
You said the 'religion'. You didn't say anything about countries. Not only that, you said the 'Qur'ran', not any countries. You used a religious text as an example, and so did i.
Islam promotes violence. The Islamic religious book, the Qur'ran, directly encourages violence.
Same could be said about the Bible. So, using logic, Christianity promotes violence.
Thankfully Christian countries have adapted to make any such violence illegal, whereas in Islamic countries, laws are even built from what is said within the Qur'ran to endorse brutality, violence and murder.
:| What Christian countries are those? Because countries like the United States are not a Chrisitian country/government.. Its a SECULAR government/country..
Same could be said about the Bible. So, using logic, Christianity promotes violence.
Thankfully Christian countries have adapted to make any such violence illegal, whereas in Islamic countries, laws are even built from what is said within the Qur'ran to endorse brutality, violence and murder.
You said the 'religion'. You didn't say anything about countries. Not only that, you said the 'Qur'ran', not any countries. You used a religious text as an example, and so did i.
Look you asked the question if Islam promotes violence or if a small number of people within the religion promote violence. I answered you that, yes, Islam, does promote violence which is true. Now I do not know why you brought up the Bible as it was irrelevant.
Thankfully Christian countries have adapted to make any such violence illegal, whereas in Islamic countries, laws are even built from what is said within the Qur'ran to endorse brutality, violence and murder.
You said the 'religion'. You didn't say anything about countries. Not only that, you said the 'Qur'ran', not any countries. You used a religious text as an example, and so did i.
Look you asked the question if Islam promotes violence or if a small number of people within the religion promote violence. I answered you that, yes, Islam, does promote violence which is true. Now I do not know why you brought up the Bible as it was irrelevant.
Where did 'countries' get into this conversation. I was talking about how both the Bible and Qur'ran promote violence...
Same could be said about the Bible. So, using logic, Christianity promotes violence.
Thankfully Christian countries have adapted to make any such violence illegal, whereas in Islamic countries, laws are even built from what is said within the Qur'ran to endorse brutality, violence and murder.
:| What Christian countries are those? Because countries like the United States are not a Chrisitian country/government.. Its a SECULAR government/country..
I was mainly talking about England which is where I am from and is a Christian country.
Thankfully Christian countries have adapted to make any such violence illegal, whereas in Islamic countries, laws are even built from what is said within the Qur'ran to endorse brutality, violence and murder.
:| What Christian countries are those? Because countries like the United States are not a Chrisitian country/government.. Its a SECULAR government/country..
I was mainly talking about England which is where I am from and is a Christian country.
But its core tenents are from SECULAR ideas. Not Christian.
Thankfully Christian countries have adapted to make any such violence illegal, whereas in Islamic countries, laws are even built from what is said within the Qur'ran to endorse brutality, violence and murder.
:| What Christian countries are those? Because countries like the United States are not a Chrisitian country/government.. Its a SECULAR government/country..
I was mainly talking about England which is where I am from and is a Christian country.
Not really. Its not run by a Christian goverment and only 10% of the population attend church[QUOTE="Stunneronureyez"]
You said the 'religion'. You didn't say anything about countries. Not only that, you said the 'Qur'ran', not any countries. You used a religious text as an example, and so did i.
Look you asked the question if Islam promotes violence or if a small number of people within the religion promote violence. I answered you that, yes, Islam, does promote violence which is true. Now I do not know why you brought up the Bible as it was irrelevant.
Where did 'countries' get into this conversation. I was talking about how both the Bible and Qur'ran promote violence...
It was to make the point that despite the fact that the Bible also promotes violence, the countries which are under Christianity have illegalised any morally and or/socially unacceptable radical actions that it condones. That is not the same with Islamic countries.
But anyway the fact is that you asked a question and I answered it. I do not see why you decided to bring the Bible into it.
Look you asked the question if Islam promotes violence or if a small number of people within the religion promote violence. I answered you that, yes, Islam, does promote violence which is true. Now I do not know why you brought up the Bible as it was irrelevant.
Where did 'countries' get into this conversation. I was talking about how both the Bible and Qur'ran promote violence...
It was to make the point that despite the fact that the Bible also promotes violence, the countries which are under Christianity have illegalised any morally and or/socially unacceptable radical actions that it condones. That is not the same with Islamic countries.
But anyway the fact is that you asked a question and I answered it. I do not see why you decided to bring the Bible into it.
Dude, religious texts =/= countries.
I am exclusively talking about religous texts promoting violence. Not countries.
:| What Christian countries are those? Because countries like the United States are not a Chrisitian country/government.. Its a SECULAR government/country..
I was mainly talking about England which is where I am from and is a Christian country.
But its core tenents are from SECULAR ideas. Not Christian.
It is still officially a Christian country. At least as long as it has a monarch which, ironically, is the reason that this topic has been created.
:| What Christian countries are those? Because countries like the United States are not a Chrisitian country/government.. Its a SECULAR government/country..
I was mainly talking about England which is where I am from and is a Christian country.
Not really. Its not run by a Christian goverment and only 10% of the population attend churchYes, really. Also, not every Christian goes to Church.
Not really. Its not run by a Christian goverment and only 10% of the population attend churchtoast_burner
The laws and attitudes of the land are predominantly based on Christianity, even if most of us don't follow the Bible. The head of state is the head of the church and the Church has its own representatives in Parliament.
While policy is often non-denominational these days (but it usually is, anyway), some politicians (including the current and previous two Prime Ministers) still include Christianity in their lives to some degree.
Sometimes belief is not required, just tradition.
Where did 'countries' get into this conversation. I was talking about how both the Bible and Qur'ran promote violence...
It was to make the point that despite the fact that the Bible also promotes violence, the countries which are under Christianity have illegalised any morally and or/socially unacceptable radical actions that it condones. That is not the same with Islamic countries.
But anyway the fact is that you asked a question and I answered it. I do not see why you decided to bring the Bible into it.
Dude, religious texts =/= countries.
I am exclusively talking about religous texts promoting violence. Not countries.
Ok I'll talk about what you want to talk about.
Does Islam promote violence? Yes it does, which is clearly stated within the Qur'ran.
It was to make the point that despite the fact that the Bible also promotes violence, the countries which are under Christianity have illegalised any morally and or/socially unacceptable radical actions that it condones. That is not the same with Islamic countries.
But anyway the fact is that you asked a question and I answered it. I do not see why you decided to bring the Bible into it.
Dude, religious texts =/= countries.
I am exclusively talking about religous texts promoting violence. Not countries.
Ok I'll talk about what you want to talk about.
Does Islam promote violence? Yes it does, which is clearly stated within the Qur'ran.
Does Christianity promote violence? Yes it does, which is clearly stated within the Bible.
Dude, religious texts =/= countries.
I am exclusively talking about religous texts promoting violence. Not countries.
Ok I'll talk about what you want to talk about.
Does Islam promote violence? Yes it does, which is clearly stated within the Qur'ran.
Does Christianity promote violence? Yes it does, which is clearly stated within the Bible.
Exactly what I was talking about. What does that reply have to do with what I said?
Does the religion promote violence or do a small number of people within the religion promote violence?
Islam promotes violence. The Islamic religious book, the Qur'ran, directly encourages violence.
Same could be said about the Bible. So, using logic, Christianity promotes violence.
I'd like quotes from the NT please for this....This is just idiotic, the royal family have no real religous or political value. markop2003You're asking for religious extremists who probably have no manner of formal education to show rationality and logic. There's a reason nutjobs like this group tend to strap explosives to themselves.
This is just idiotic, the royal family have no real religous or political value. markop2003You have to bear in mind that Islamists like to whine about 'Western imperialism' (apparently aiming to restore the lost Caliphate isn't an imperialist goal? I don't really understand it), and even though they're just a bunch of po-faced tools, the royal family are symbolically representative of that.
I've taken a few history courses, I'm aware that muslims were way ahead of Christians in terms of science, math, medicine, economics,cultural tolerance ect. up until about the 16th century. Even then Muslims were still doing pretty well until (I think it was in the 50s) muslim fundamentalists, i.e. relgious nut jobs took all that work that muslims had achieved in the last thousand years or so and said "to hell with that, who needs progress overarchaic values?"and the entire middle still suffers to this day both from the continued existance of said nuts and the consequences of their actions.[QUOTE="With-Hatred"]
Your using third world countries with dictatorships as your evidence while completely ignoring places like Turkey, Egypt and the Muslims living within the United States.... Maybe you should read some history of the Middle East.. Because the religious extremism of today is a modern thing that really didn't exist anywhere to what it was during the early 1900s to 1950s.. Alot of it has to do with foriegn infringement (US, Great Britain, France, Russia) in specifically destroying any labor, socialist or nationalist movements going on.. Yet Islam was wpretty much left alone to permeat into bitter hate.. Iran is a poster child of this.
But, I look at other areas with other religions or dictatorships, (I'm thinking China could be an excellentexample of this), but I see no where near the degree of terrorism, or just general violence.
This is infact incorrect.. Religious extremists did not take away everythign the Muslim coutnries had.. Poor leadership and the West is what did it.... Either you haven't been paying attention to this specific part of history or you didn't take it.. The West for a time in the past 110 years had direct or indirect control of the region.. Religious extremism is not a cause of this, its a effect of what has happened.. Take Iran for instance.. In the 1950s it was a country that had a popular elected president! Who was not a religious fanatic but a socialist who felt that the resources belonged to all of his people.. He nationalized the oil there.. Great Britiain and United States under MI6 and CIA conviently declared him a communist and had him removed.. Who did they put in his place? The Shah.. A corrupt, incompetent and brutal dictator that controlled the country to 1979... Than we look at countries like Saudi Arabia a brutal monarchy that is on life support that is pumping strong thanks to the oil addiction of the United States.. Through out this time the United States and puppet leaders like the Shah attacked the two supposed threats of power within the region.. The first is Arab nationalism that was headed by men like Nasser of Egypt.. The second was socialist labor movements.. What was left behind was increasingly frustrated people who went to the only place that was still left.. Religious leaders.. The Shah is a text book example of this, he only banished the head but didn't bother with the entire organization.. This is what led to the 1979 overthrow of the government.
I understand what ur saying, but I have a hard time believing that violence in the middle east is solely the fault of western blunders. I see terrorist groups acting for mainly religious, not nationalistic purposes. I see what's written in the Koran as being extremely horrible, violent text and I have little doubt in my mind that their is some connection.Why would burning poppies be so offensive? They're just flowers; or is that some kind of British slang I don't know about?
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