to make it clear:that is the title of the video just sharing the vid. :)
came across this video.found it interesting,so i thought i should it is:
This topic is locked from further discussion.
God does not send people to hell. People choose to go hell. God gives sinners many many chances to stop there sinning ways. But if you continue to live in a sinful life than it's your choice not God's. The punshiment for sin is death. And hell is eternal death.
again...i just want to share the video.according to the woman calling,people send themselves to hell (which is not logical).and theres not such thing as a "sinful life" really.not in the eyes of an atheist at least.and again,why would the punishment for sin be death?why would we get such a punishment for falling for this very powerfull being named "devil"?God does not send people to hell. People choose to go hell. God gives sinners many many chances to stop there sinning ways. But if you continue to live in a sinful life than it's your choice not God's. The punshiment for sin is death. And hell is eternal death.
God does not send people to hell. People choose to go hell. God gives sinners many many chances to stop there sinning ways. But if you continue to live in a sinful life than it's your choice not God's. The punshiment for sin is death. And hell is eternal death.
But since that policy was instituted by God, then that makes it an act of God by proxy, which then means that God really is sending people to hell.
God does not send people to hell. People choose to go hell. God gives sinners many many chances to stop there sinning ways. But if you continue to live in a sinful life than it's your choice not God's. The punshiment for sin is death. And hell is eternal death.
But since that policy was instituted by God, then that makes it an acto of God by proxy, which then means that God really is sending people to hell.
exactlyMaybe he loves sending people to hell.
Kind of Hilarious cause if god is being "wrath full", um isn't wrath a sin?, so in the end god is sinning....hmmm
to make it clear:that is the title of the video just sharing the vid. :)
came across this video.found it interesting,so i thought i should it is:
because love is all about punishing for not loving you back
God does not send people to hell. People choose to go hell. God gives sinners many many chances to stop there sinning ways. But if you continue to live in a sinful life than it's your choice not God's. The punshiment for sin is death. And hell is eternal death.
yeah lets analyze this "choise" god gives, is like a robber pointing you with a gun, you can "choose" not to give him your money but hes gonna shoot you down, its the same with this "god", obey me or ill burn you in hell for all eternity, what a nice "choise" he gives if you can even call it a choise, what an awesome "free will", more like a ilussion of free will if you ask me but in the ned you HAVE to do whhat he say, good thing hell is a scary story for kids gone wrong.
Maybe he loves sending people to hell.
Kind of Hilarious cause if god is being "wrath full", um isn't wrath a sin?, so in the end god is sinning....hmmm
the bible is plagued by human ignorance and inconsistence, clearly influenced by customs and traditions of the time it was written yet people still believe there is any kind of "divine" wisdom in it, i've seen some dumb arguments defending it "the bible say the sky was blue, it turn out it really is blue, thus, bible is true"
God does not send people to hell. People choose to go hell. God gives sinners many many chances to stop there sinning ways. But if you continue to live in a sinful life than it's your choice not God's. The punshiment for sin is death. And hell is eternal death.
yeah lets analyze this "choise" god gives, is like a robber pointing you with a gun, you can "choose" not to give him your money but hes gonna shoot you down, its the same with this "god", obey me or ill burn you in hell for all eternity, what a nice "choise" he gives if you can even call it a choise, what an awesome "free will", more like a ilussion of free will if you ask me but in the ned you HAVE to do whhat he say, good thing hell is a scary story for kids gone wrong.
Three times? D:
I like to think that you don't have to be perfect to go to heaven. Just lead a good life, help people when you can...pretty much treat others like you would like to be treated. But what does it really matter what I or anyone else thinks? We won't know until we are dead and by then it's too cruel
Purgatory fits a role in all this, but then again, assuming some people believe in a Purgatory. But some people don't and I suppose that's a whole different argument right there.
Well, using the Bible as a reference, God doesn't send anybody to Hell. It says that Salvation is a choice. A free gift so to speak. You can either choose to accept it or not to accept it. The absence of that gift is a life without Christ. And a life without Christ leads to Hell. So God really doesn't send anybody to Hell. You go there yourself of your own volition.
"life without christ leads to hell" does this mean that the mayans suffered from eternal damnation? and the "salvation is a choice" argument is a total joke example used in the video is this: i point a gun to your head,and tell you to give me $100...just because you say no,doesnt mean you commited suicide..Well, using the Bible as a reference, God doesn't send anybody to Hell. It says that Salvation is a choice. A free gift so to speak. You can either choose to accept it or not to accept it. The absence of that gift is a life without Christ. And a life without Christ leads to Hell. So God really doesn't send anybody to Hell. You go there yourself of your own volition.
God does not send people to hell. People choose to go hell. God gives sinners many many chances to stop there sinning ways. But if you continue to live in a sinful life than it's your choice not God's. The punshiment for sin is death. And hell is eternal death.
But since that policy was instituted by God, then that makes it an acto of God by proxy, which then means that God really is sending people to hell.
exactlyLol, no. It's a fact of life. For example, if you're hanging off the side of a cliff and somebody extends a hand to you, you can either take it and live, or refuse it and die. That is YOUR decision. The same goes for Hell. You can either not go to Hell by accepting salvation, or you can refuse it and go to Hell. It isn't God's fault that you didn't grab his hand. And just because he extended that hand doesn't make him somehow responsible for your death if you choose to ignore it. And also, you gotta remember that before Jesus died for everyone's Sins, the punishment for Sin was death. There was no salvation. There was no repentance/forgiveness. Only death. Once he came and died on the cross, that was remedied. Taking the metaphor a step further, the hand was extended.
So, in fact, God was the one who made it possible for man to escape death and Hell.
But since that policy was instituted by God, then that makes it an acto of God by proxy, which then means that God really is sending people to hell.
Lol, no. It's a fact of life. For example, if you're hanging off the side of a cliff and somebody extends a hand to you, you can either take it and live, or refuse it and die. That is YOUR decision. The same goes for Hell. You can either not go to Hell by accepting salvation, or you can refuse it and go to Hell. It isn't God's fault that you didn't grab his hand. And just because he extended that hand doesn't make him somehow responsible for your death if you choose to ignore it. And also, you gotta remember that before Jesus died for everyone's Sins, the punishment for Sin was death. There was no salvation. There was no repentance/forgiveness. Only death. Once he came and died on the cross, that was remedied. Taking the metaphor a step further, the hand was extended.
So, in fact, God was the one who made it possible for man to escape death and Hell.
So, everyone before Christ was damned to hell 'cause God just didn't feel like making Christ die? What a dick. And before him, there wasn't an 'extended hand' so it was, w/o a doubt, "you go to hell" no choice possible.Did anyone in Heaven, any of the angels say to god "So, exactly How many people have to go to hell before you decide to help them?"
Also, if God is so loving, why does he let us 'chose' hell, why doesn't he come down from heaven and prove it, why not modify the bible so it's not so easily disproven? Why am I FORCED to believe in something w/o evidence? I've always asked "why" in everything, yet I'm not allowed to with God?
this is basically the same nonsence (no offense) as above.ill quote my last post:[QUOTE="darx55"][QUOTE="THE_DRUGGIE"]
Lol, no. It's a fact of life. For example, if you're hanging off the side of a cliff and somebody extends a hand to you, you can either take it and live, or refuse it and die. That is YOUR decision. The same goes for Hell. You can either not go to Hell by accepting salvation, or you can refuse it and go to Hell. It isn't God's fault that you didn't grab his hand. And just because he extended that hand doesn't make him somehow responsible for your death if you choose to ignore it. And also, you gotta remember that before Jesus died for everyone's Sins, the punishment for Sin was death. There was no salvation. There was no repentance/forgiveness. Only death. Once he came and died on the cross, that was remedied. Taking the metaphor a step further, the hand was extended.
So, in fact, God was the one who made it possible for man to escape death and Hell.
[QUOTE="KH-mixerX"]"life without christ leads to hell" does this mean that the mayans suffered from eternal damnation? and the "salvation is a choice" argument is a total joke example used in the video is this: i point a gun to your head,and tell you to give me $100...just because you say no,doesnt mean you commited suicide..Well, using the Bible as a reference, God doesn't send anybody to Hell. It says that Salvation is a choice. A free gift so to speak. You can either choose to accept it or not to accept it. The absence of that gift is a life without Christ. And a life without Christ leads to Hell. So God really doesn't send anybody to Hell. You go there yourself of your own volition.
God does not send people to hell. People choose to go hell. God gives sinners many many chances to stop there sinning ways. But if you continue to live in a sinful life than it's your choice not God's. The punshiment for sin is death. And hell is eternal death.
yeah lets analyze this "choise" god gives, is like a robber pointing you with a gun, you can "choose" not to give him your money but hes gonna shoot you down, its the same with this "god", obey me or ill burn you in hell for all eternity, what a nice "choise" he gives if you can even call it a choise, what an awesome "free will", more like a ilussion of free will if you ask me but in the ned you HAVE to do whhat he say, good thing hell is a scary story for kids gone wrong.
Three times? D:
I like to think that you don't have to be perfect to go to heaven. Just lead a good life, help people when you can...pretty much treat others like you would like to be treated. But what does it really matter what I or anyone else thinks? We won't know until we are dead and by then it's too cruel
yeah someone can be a saint but if he was born in the middle east and is islamic, doesnt matter if hes jesus 2.0, he going to hell, super fair god.
[QUOTE="Krazykid3333"]again...i just want to share the video.according to the woman calling,people send themselves to hell (which is not logical).and theres not such thing as a "sinful life" really.not in the eyes of an atheist at least.and again,why would the punishment for sin be death?why would we get such a punishment for falling for this very powerfull being named "devil"?Because humans are sinners. It's what we do. We give into temptation. But Jesus died to save sinners.God does not send people to hell. People choose to go hell. God gives sinners many many chances to stop there sinning ways. But if you continue to live in a sinful life than it's your choice not God's. The punshiment for sin is death. And hell is eternal death.
According to the Bible (particularly Psalms 5:4 and 11:5), God hates sin and does not want to associate with it nor people who willingly partake in it.
[QUOTE="KH-mixerX"]"life without christ leads to hell" does this mean that the mayans suffered from eternal damnation? and the "salvation is a choice" argument is a total joke example used in the video is this: i point a gun to your head,and tell you to give me $100...just because you say no,doesnt mean you commited suicide..Well, using the Bible as a reference, God doesn't send anybody to Hell. It says that Salvation is a choice. A free gift so to speak. You can either choose to accept it or not to accept it. The absence of that gift is a life without Christ. And a life without Christ leads to Hell. So God really doesn't send anybody to Hell. You go there yourself of your own volition.
Bad metaphor dude. You see, that metaphor is flawed because you're introducing partiality to the equation. There is only one side to the salvation argument. You either accept the gift, or don't accept it. Your implying that someone is forcing you into that decision with an ill intent. It's like deciding to walk off of a building or not. The decision is yours. With the whole gunman metaphor, your applying a will to said building. You see what I'm getting at here? I'm having a hard to time explaining my point, lol.
Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Greed... I know of those sins, but is agnosticism/atheism a sin? And why does God 'hate'? Seems petty.According to the Bible (particularly Psalms 5:4 and 11:5), God hates sin and does not want to associate with it nor people who willingly partake in it.
maybe you could bring something new to the table,your post wasnt what i'd call constructive..And why am I not surprised this thread is spiraling into a pro-God/anti-God argument between Christian and Atheist posters? It's almost as bad as the arguments between Battlefield 3 and MW3 gamers.....
"life without christ leads to hell" does this mean that the mayans suffered from eternal damnation? and the "salvation is a choice" argument is a total joke example used in the video is this: i point a gun to your head,and tell you to give me $100...just because you say no,doesnt mean you commited suicide..[QUOTE="darx55"][QUOTE="KH-mixerX"]
Well, using the Bible as a reference, God doesn't send anybody to Hell. It says that Salvation is a choice. A free gift so to speak. You can either choose to accept it or not to accept it. The absence of that gift is a life without Christ. And a life without Christ leads to Hell. So God really doesn't send anybody to Hell. You go there yourself of your own volition.
Bad metaphor dude. You see, that metaphor is flawed because you're introducing partiality to the equation. There is only one side to the salvation argument. You either accept the gift, or don't accept it. Your implying that someone is forcing you into that decision with an ill intent. It's like deciding to walk off of a building or not. The decision is yours. With the whole gunman metaphor, your applying a will to said building. You see what I'm getting at here? I'm having a hard to time explaining my point, lol.
i dont think its flawed.god basically tells you to forget that you,as a human,have a brain and can think and question.he wants you to give up on this,and belive blindly on him.if you dont do this,you're doomed.exactly[QUOTE="darx55"][QUOTE="THE_DRUGGIE"]
But since that policy was instituted by God, then that makes it an acto of God by proxy, which then means that God really is sending people to hell.
Lol, no. It's a fact of life. For example, if you're hanging off the side of a cliff and somebody extends a hand to you, you can either take it and live, or refuse it and die. That is YOUR decision. The same goes for Hell. You can either not go to Hell by accepting salvation, or you can refuse it and go to Hell. It isn't God's fault that you didn't grab his hand. And just because he extended that hand doesn't make him somehow responsible for your death if you choose to ignore it. And also, you gotta remember that before Jesus died for everyone's Sins, the punishment for Sin was death. There was no salvation. There was no repentance/forgiveness. Only death. Once he came and died on the cross, that was remedied. Taking the metaphor a step further, the hand was extended.
So, in fact, God was the one who made it possible for man to escape death and Hell.
But then again, considering the supremacy granted to God under scripture, the act of going to hell is made possible by God for creating the location itself. He could make sure nobody goes to hell, him being a supreme being and all, but chooses not to.
All of this is God's responsibility.
[QUOTE="darx55"] exactlyInconsistancy
Lol, no. It's a fact of life. For example, if you're hanging off the side of a cliff and somebody extends a hand to you, you can either take it and live, or refuse it and die. That is YOUR decision. The same goes for Hell. You can either not go to Hell by accepting salvation, or you can refuse it and go to Hell. It isn't God's fault that you didn't grab his hand. And just because he extended that hand doesn't make him somehow responsible for your death if you choose to ignore it. And also, you gotta remember that before Jesus died for everyone's Sins, the punishment for Sin was death. There was no salvation. There was no repentance/forgiveness. Only death. Once he came and died on the cross, that was remedied. Taking the metaphor a step further, the hand was extended.
So, in fact, God was the one who made it possible for man to escape death and Hell.
So, everyone before Christ was damned to hell 'cause God just didn't feel like making Christ die? What a dick. And before him, there wasn't an 'extended hand' so it was, w/o a doubt, "you go to hell" no choice possible.Did anyone in Heaven, any of the angels say to god "So, exactly How many people have to go to hell before you decide to help them?"
Also, if God is so loving, why does he let us 'chose' hell, why doesn't he come down from heaven and prove it, why not modify the bible so it's not so easily disproven? Why am I FORCED to believe in something w/o evidence? I've always asked "why" in everything, yet I'm not allowed to with God?
Look man, I didn't write the Bible, nor am I God. You'll have to ask the big man himself on that one. But if you'd like me to quote the Bible further...
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people arewithoutexcuse." - Romans 1:20
In other words, the world around you is proof enough of his existence. Like I said, not my words. You choose to accept it or not. And as for the whole bolded part of your post, again, I'm not God so I don't have an answer for that.
[QUOTE="ad1x2"]maybe you could bring something new to the table,your post wasnt what i'd call constructive..And why am I not surprised this thread is spiraling into a pro-God/anti-God argument between Christian and Atheist posters? It's almost as bad as the arguments between Battlefield 3 and MW3 gamers.....
I could but it would be a waste of time. Religious threads go like this:
1. Person brings up a topic based on religion.
2. Atheist comes in and calls shenanigans.
3. Argument starts.
4. ???
5. Thread is ether locked or forgotten about.
The point was already addressed on why people go to Hell and the point was pretty much crapped on as proof why God is evil/doesn't exist/is a Spaghetti monster.
[QUOTE="darx55"] exactlyTHE_DRUGGIE
Lol, no. It's a fact of life. For example, if you're hanging off the side of a cliff and somebody extends a hand to you, you can either take it and live, or refuse it and die. That is YOUR decision. The same goes for Hell. You can either not go to Hell by accepting salvation, or you can refuse it and go to Hell. It isn't God's fault that you didn't grab his hand. And just because he extended that hand doesn't make him somehow responsible for your death if you choose to ignore it. And also, you gotta remember that before Jesus died for everyone's Sins, the punishment for Sin was death. There was no salvation. There was no repentance/forgiveness. Only death. Once he came and died on the cross, that was remedied. Taking the metaphor a step further, the hand was extended.
So, in fact, God was the one who made it possible for man to escape death and Hell.
But then again, considering the supremacy granted to God under scripture, the act of going to hell is made possible by God for creating the location itself. He could make sure nobody goes to hell, him being a supreme being and all, but chooses not to.
All of this is God's responsibility.
Okay then. The way I see it, Hell was made as a punishment for Sin. Sining is wrong according to the Bible. And doing something wrong without atonement requires a punishment, no? That is why people are "sent" to Hell. And to take this line of discussion even further, the whole reason there even exists a Heaven and Hell, is because God wants people to choose him of their own free will. Otherwise it isn't true love. If there is only one choice, then the whole relationship is meaningless. Therefore a punishment was devised. AKA Hell.
maybe you could bring something new to the table,your post wasnt what i'd call constructive..[QUOTE="darx55"][QUOTE="ad1x2"]
And why am I not surprised this thread is spiraling into a pro-God/anti-God argument between Christian and Atheist posters? It's almost as bad as the arguments between Battlefield 3 and MW3 gamers.....
I could but it would be a waste of time. Religious threads go like this:
1. Person brings up a topic based on religion.
2. Atheist comes in and calls shenanigans.
3. Argument starts.
4. ???
5. Thread is ether locked or forgotten about.
The point was already addressed on why people go to Hell and the point was pretty much crapped on as proof why God is evil/doesn't exist/is a Spaghetti monster.
if you read my op,the whole point of this is sharing an interesting video..i never questioned anything,as i know there is no "winner" in this conversation,yet people forget that and tend to do anything to "win".i find these discussions interesting,i like like south park ;)
Lol, no. It's a fact of life. For example, if you're hanging off the side of a cliff and somebody extends a hand to you, you can either take it and live, or refuse it and die. That is YOUR decision. The same goes for Hell. You can either not go to Hell by accepting salvation, or you can refuse it and go to Hell. It isn't God's fault that you didn't grab his hand. And just because he extended that hand doesn't make him somehow responsible for your death if you choose to ignore it. And also, you gotta remember that before Jesus died for everyone's Sins, the punishment for Sin was death. There was no salvation. There was no repentance/forgiveness. Only death. Once he came and died on the cross, that was remedied. Taking the metaphor a step further, the hand was extended.
So, in fact, God was the one who made it possible for man to escape death and Hell.
But then again, considering the supremacy granted to God under scripture, the act of going to hell is made possible by God for creating the location itself. He could make sure nobody goes to hell, him being a supreme being and all, but chooses not to.
All of this is God's responsibility.
Okay then. The way I see it, Hell was made as a punishment for Sin. Sining is wrong according to the Bible. And doing something wrong without atonement requires a punishment, no? That is why people are "sent" to Hell. And to take this line of discussion even further, the whole reason there even exists a Heaven and Hell, is because God wants people to choose him of their own free will. Otherwise it isn't true love. If there is only one choice, then the whole relationship is meaningless. Therefore a punishment was devised. AKA Hell.
A punishment is a learning experience that allows room for future learning if it is meant to be used in the context of love.
Hell's permanence contradicts that, and thus allowing for a person to be cast into hell is an act of hatred, not love. I guess God could absolve the souls of the dead of the stain of sin via his ultimate divine power, but I guess...well, he doesn't feel like it?
Look man, I didn't write the Bible, nor am I God. You'll have to ask the big man himself on that one. But if you'd like me to quote the Bible further...
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." - Romans 1:20
In other words, the world around you is proof enough of his existence. Like I said, not my words. You choose to accept it or not. And as for the whole bolded part of your post, again, I'm not God so I don't have an answer for that.
So, that's saying... the first bit: "The creation of the world Alone is proof" Yet science says that our cute little planet was formed when debris clumped together and then got bigger, bombarded with junk and eventually formed into itself, nothing but good ol' physics. It seems just plain ignorant, it's not accurate to the current set of knowledge and is easily questioned.
This brings me back to why God doesn't modify the bible? He has a man on Earth to channel through, the Pope! That section is clearly made of outdatedknowledge and discredits the religion so easily.
Or is the bible, by design, supposed to be easily questioned? So that to see who is a true believer, and who would rather see the world through a logical perspective. It seems rather mean to make the bible like that, if someone dares to know more about the world, they are punished.
But then again, considering the supremacy granted to God under scripture, the act of going to hell is made possible by God for creating the location itself. He could make sure nobody goes to hell, him being a supreme being and all, but chooses not to.
All of this is God's responsibility.
Okay then. The way I see it, Hell was made as a punishment for Sin. Sining is wrong according to the Bible. And doing something wrong without atonement requires a punishment, no? That is why people are "sent" to Hell. And to take this line of discussion even further, the whole reason there even exists a Heaven and Hell, is because God wants people to choose him of their own free will. Otherwise it isn't true love. If there is only one choice, then the whole relationship is meaningless. Therefore a punishment was devised. AKA Hell.
A punishment is a learning experience that allows room for future learning if it is meant to be used in the context of love.
Hell's permanence contradicts that, and thus allowing for a person to be cast into hell is an act of hatred, not love. I guess God could absolve the souls of the dead of the stain of sin via his ultimate divine power, but I guess...well, he doesn't feel like it?
I see what you're saying. But then again, isn't life a learning experience in itself? The whole point of life, from what I understand, is to prepare for the afterlife. The way you put it, one screw up and your sent to Hell on the spot. But that's not how it is. Hell is permanent because Heaven is permanent. And the punishment is severe because the option of avoiding it is effortless. You don't have to earn salvation. It doesn't require good deeds or work. You just take it. Denying such a thing would be the epitome of foolishness, am I right? In my opinion, that's why Hell is permanent. I don't actually know if the Bible says that or not, so don't quote what I'm saying as fact, lol.
Okay then. The way I see it, Hell was made as a punishment for Sin. Sining is wrong according to the Bible. And doing something wrong without atonement requires a punishment, no? That is why people are "sent" to Hell. And to take this line of discussion even further, the whole reason there even exists a Heaven and Hell, is because God wants people to choose him of their own free will. Otherwise it isn't true love. If there is only one choice, then the whole relationship is meaningless. Therefore a punishment was devised. AKA Hell.
A punishment is a learning experience that allows room for future learning if it is meant to be used in the context of love.
Hell's permanence contradicts that, and thus allowing for a person to be cast into hell is an act of hatred, not love. I guess God could absolve the souls of the dead of the stain of sin via his ultimate divine power, but I guess...well, he doesn't feel like it?
I see what you're saying. But then again, isn't life a learning experience in itself? The whole point of life, from what I understand, is to prepare for the afterlife. The way you put it, one screw up and your sent to Hell on the spot. But that's not how it is. Hell is permanent because Heaven is permanent. And the punishment is severe because the option of avoiding it is effortless. You don't have to earn salvation. It doesn't require good deeds or work. You just take it. Denying such a thing would be the epitome of foolishness, am I right? In my opinion, that's why Hell is permanent. I don't actually know if the Bible says that or not, so don't quote what I'm saying as fact, lol.
But hell is a punishment.
An unending punishment.
That is an act of hatred.
Okay then. The way I see it, Hell was made as a punishment for Sin. Sining is wrong according to the Bible. And doing something wrong without atonement requires a punishment, no? That is why people are "sent" to Hell. And to take this line of discussion even further, the whole reason there even exists a Heaven and Hell, is because God wants people to choose him of their own free will. Otherwise it isn't true love. If there is only one choice, then the whole relationship is meaningless. Therefore a punishment was devised. AKA Hell.
the problem is,this decision is not made on free choose god is to not think,is to not to belive something irrational,to belive in something with no proof.if god gave us a brain,why would he want us to not use it,by choosing him?and if we did use our brain,and came to the conclusion that this god is not logical,and we didnt belive in him,then we would suffer from eternal damnation,by going to why did he make us smart?we did he gave us the ability to have logic,when if we use it,we're screwed?the answer to me is,there is no god.
Look man, I didn't write the Bible, nor am I God. You'll have to ask the big man himself on that one. But if you'd like me to quote the Bible further...
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." - Romans 1:20
In other words, the world around you is proof enough of his existence. Like I said, not my words. You choose to accept it or not. And as for the whole bolded part of your post, again, I'm not God so I don't have an answer for that.
So, that's saying... the first bit: "The creation of the world Alone is proof" Yet science says that our cute little planet was formed when debris clumped together and then got bigger, bombarded with junk and eventually formed into itself, nothing but good ol' physics. It seems just plain ignorant, it's not accurate to the current set of knowledge and is easily questioned.
This brings me back to why God doesn't modify the bible? He has a man on Earth to channel through, the Pope! That section is clearly made of outdatedknowledge and discredits the religion so easily.
Or is the bible, by design, supposed to be easily questioned? So that to see who is a true believer, and who would rather see the world through a logical perspective. It seems rather mean to make the bible like that, if someone dares to know more about the world, they are punished.
Well, for this debate to continue, we'd have to delve into science, which is something that I'm not very knowledgeable about. There are answers to your questions out there somewhere. You'll just have to search or them yourself if you really want an answer. Apologies, but I'm not the one who can provide them.
A punishment is a learning experience that allows room for future learning if it is meant to be used in the context of love.
Hell's permanence contradicts that, and thus allowing for a person to be cast into hell is an act of hatred, not love. I guess God could absolve the souls of the dead of the stain of sin via his ultimate divine power, but I guess...well, he doesn't feel like it?
I see what you're saying. But then again, isn't life a learning experience in itself? The whole point of life, from what I understand, is to prepare for the afterlife. The way you put it, one screw up and your sent to Hell on the spot. But that's not how it is. Hell is permanent because Heaven is permanent. And the punishment is severe because the option of avoiding it is effortless. You don't have to earn salvation. It doesn't require good deeds or work. You just take it. Denying such a thing would be the epitome of foolishness, am I right? In my opinion, that's why Hell is permanent. I don't actually know if the Bible says that or not, so don't quote what I'm saying as fact, lol.
But hell is a punishment.
An unending punishment.
That is an act of hatred.
But it's your own act is what I'm trying to say. Hatred or not, you chose it. Don't blame God, lol.
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