I once spoke with a friend of mine about this. I asked him if children go to hell. He told me he believes there is a frame of time when a child can die, not know God, and still go to heaven.
I asked him, "give me an age. What's an age that you would say is a reasonable time for God to lift the grace period?"
Perhaps without thinking, he told me, 8 years old.
So I told him, "okay. So imagine a starving child in Africa who dies at the age of 8. No missionaries reached his village, the message of Jesus was not preached to him, he has simply never heard the Word of God. That child is now burning forever. He has no hope for escape. Because of your God's arbitrary requirements for salvation, that child who was born, by no fault of his own, in an area of the world where your religion is unheard of, and where children die of disease and starvation every single day, is now burning in hell and is completely confused as to why. How can you feel comfortable trying to convince me, with no evidence, not only that such a God exists, but that he is fair and loving?"
He couldn't answer with any sort of logic. He knew I had cornered him and he simply told me he still believes, and that what I had said had not reached him in any meaningful way.
I used to tell myself that people who don't know God in different countries where Christianity doesn't exist, would automatically be sent to heaven. That's not theologically sound, however. It destroys the whole point of the message of this religion. It is irreconcilable. Either God is unworthy of worship, or simply does not exist. That was my conclusion.
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