[QUOTE="Abbeten"]Why not? The safety net is designed to relieve the hardships of poverty. It's bad for the nation as a whole if whole swathes of it are disastrously poor. Aside from the civil unrest that would cause, it also hampers the economy if most of the consumers can't afford to buy products. So the well-off person who can't 'claim a welfare house' is benefited because A) he doesn't have hordes of starving people clamoring to rob him, and B) he can make even more money since he can sell his products or services to a larger consumer base. Not to mention that the safety net encourages enterprise and investment because it lessens the potentially disastrous repercussions of a business failing or an investment going bad. Not to mention that lower elderly poverty rates (thanks medicare and social security!) reduces financial burdens on offspring, which helps everyone. So the safety net does promote the 'general welfare.' It's amazing what you can do when you don't have such a cripplingly narrow interpretation of things!LOXO7
Because it's for the general populace. If it can't do it for all it can't do it for some. The regulations on food stamps need to be removed or else it's breaking the law.
A) Robbing people is against individuals rights. The judicial branches will have purpose.
B) He can do that when everyone is able to receive welfare, rich middle class, poor.
C) It wouldn't be removed because it's for everyone. It's still there. So it still encourages people who suck at capitalism to try again until they do succeed.
What? Elderly people can steal in point a? Congress has 18 things to do. Medicare and social security aren't any of them. Following the laws in the Constitution reduces financial burdens. Imagine if the government did what it was supposed to do. Everyone benefits from the government following the law. The safety net is still going to be there only it will let everyone participate if they wish. It's amazing what can be accomplished if the people would stand up for their rights.
Robbing people is against the law, but if people are desperately poor, crime rates go up. This is a fact. Lessening poverty lowers crime rates. This improves the general welfare.You clearly don't understand economics if you think it's viable to make welfare instantly available to everyone in the country simultaneously.
'Following the laws in the Constitution' does not reduce financial burdens. The Constitution is not a magic wand. It is not a panacaea. It does not magically make all of our problems go away.
General welfare does not need to be interpreted as 'instantly available to everyone.' General welfare can (and probably should) be interpreted as 'improve your quality of life.) Instituting limited welfare improves the quality of life of everyone, albeit not to the same degree.
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