The problem is the majority of people don't feel the way you do. You're are the only person I've heard call wellfare programs unconstitutional. Even conservatives merely say they are wasteful or unnecessary. Beyond that you haven't given a shred of evidence to support your view aside from an extremely simplistic reading of the Constitution.
I have not said the welfare programs we have today are unconstitutional. What I am trying to say is that congress limiting who can receive welfare is an unconstitutional action. The Constitution specifically states we the people promote the general welfare. And now in today's world the majority of people would be reneging on this statement. If they think congress has a valid argument to make food stamps only for a certain type of person and not for the general public then cross out the word general and make it specific or entitled welfare.The Constitution is not hard to figure out. People have unalienable rights granted to them by existence. Luckily in America the founders agreed with this. They are life, liberty, and owning property. We the People means we the American citizens, not we the government officials. The people grant privileges to the government that it has to follow. Every time you see the word shall in the constitution that is the people giving this responsibility to the government. If they dishonor their responsibility it is treason. The tenth amendment prohibits the federal government to tweak or create new laws not specified in the previous amendments when it was created. But now as you can see other amendments go beyond the tenth. If you are going to have more amendments beyond the tenth, remove the tenth first. Otherwise it is treason. They did not follow the Constitution.
The Consitution states the people give privilaged powers to the government. It's a document from the people to the government. It's directions. Politicians have turn this idea upside down. Now the government unconstitutionally gives the people privileges, like licences. What?! How can that be when you have an unalienable right called liberty? The government doesn't grant us privileges. That's unconstitutional.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. The program provides assistance (welfare) to anyone (the general) who needs it. Arguing semantics or the criteria itself being that which makes "welfare" unconstitutional is utterly asinine and absurd. What (arguably) makes, for instance, the social security act unconstitutional is the Federal Government making states conform to a federal criteria. Arguably, the government shouldn't have that power. You're arguing for the wrong (un)constitutionality. Not to mention, "the geneal welfare" is a rather vague phrase. Also, the government is made of people. Even when they're in the government, they're still "the people". And people (the government or otherwise) don't have liberty to infringe on other people's liberty. A large majority of Supreme Court Cases rule on rights being infringed upon, and whether an actual infringement is taking place... so arguably you can say it gives freedom to those whose rights may be infringed upon by other's exercising "a right" not granted explicilty in the Constitution, or rather, restrains those exercising a right they shouldn't be allowed to have so others can have the freedom to exercise their basic right to life, liberty, and happiness. Meaning you can't just do anything you want because the 10th amendment says you have powers not explicilty mentioned in the constitution. Talk about vague. Is English not your first language? The programs promoted by the people, granted by the people to the congress, congress shall obey the directions given to them. They don't when they tweak the general part and make it into an entitlement, if you're only poor, if you're only old, if you're only disabled. Not general. Not Constitutional. The general welfare is not vague. It is an order by the people to which the government must provide.The government is not the people. The legislative, executive, and judicial branches are not the people. If they were what would be the point of becoming independent from the king? The king makes the laws, the government makes the laws. Wrong. The people make the law. We the people does not mean we the government. General welfare does not mean only what the government decides on what is general.
That's the ninth amendment. It's about you have more rights that are not written in the Constitution. The tenth is about keeping the federal government small. That it doesn't have the ability to assume powers because they are not written in the Constitution.
Is English your first language? Why place that useless not word in that question? Be direct, like the Constitution. Be direct, like the founding fathers had to be when creating a different government from the monarcy government. They had to be direct, because that was the point of breaking free from it. You guys are the ones being vague. Vague. Let congress decide what they ment. No. The people tell the government what to do. Not the other way around.
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