You want the honest truth? Here goes:
Everyone wants the best deal for themselves. If Mitt Romney, or Republicans in general want to compete and win votes, they need to offer a BETTER deal than Obama and the Democrats do to the majority of Americans.
The Tea Party and the "Fiscally Responsible" GoP people do not offer a better deal to the majority. They, in fact, offer a worse deal. They want to take things away from people that are now being relied upon. Stabilizing the economy is not as important as maintaining the majority's benefits, at least to the people voting anyway.
Fiscal responsibility is important, philosophically. I agree 100%. We just can't give crap away for free with no revenue to support it.
But nobody cares about that except the minority of low-end wealthy people who are stuck in that $200K+ tax bracket where they pay more taxes than the middle class and more taxes %-wise than the upper 3% of the super-wealthy. Those are the people who are being "screwed" to keep the system up and running. But, as Mitt Romney so ineloquently put it, the 47% will not support making sacrifices on their end to "even things out".
Unfortunately for them, neither the GoP nor the Dems can figure out a way to produce alternative revenue that meets their contributions half-way to take some of the tax burden off of them WITHOUT tapping the middle class OR the super-wealthy campaign donors/CEOs/etc...
The GoP power base is largely made of and supported by those in that wacky $200K+ tax bracket. But they are not in a majority. Until they are, they will continue to pay more than the rest.
If the GoP wants to win votes and be heard, they need appeal to the Middle Class and Super-Wealthy, NOT the $200K to $1M bracket. They need to somehow figure out a way to keep the the status quo for THEM while also trimming the burden form that $200k+ bracket. And they need to do it in a way that won't create more debt and hurt the economy. Most likely, it's impossible right now. All the GoP is doing right now is looking for concessions. In fact, they're just grasping at straws in some cases. (cough cutting PBS cough)
The Dems know how to work the system to maintain support - By keeping the majority happy.
So long as the Dems provide a better deal than the GoP to the majority, they will always have that "47%" on their side and it will always come down to the swing votes, those undecided people who will swing in whatever direction gets them personally the better deal.
---Threatening to cut the federal budget usually swings people toward the Democrats. Debt and deficits be damned - people want and/or NEED their programs and benefits.
---Offering to cut taxes usually swings them toward the GoP. Federal revenue & social programs be damned - it just sounds like your "WINNING" when you have a couple hundred extra bucks a year in your Net Take-home pay.
It's lose-lose people. Someone is going to get screwed and it's going to be that over-taxed minority bracket.
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