[QUOTE="MrPraline"]Doesn't Mitt pay people to tell him not to do sh*t like this a mere months away from the election?-Sun_Tzu-The problem is that the people who pay Mitt want to hear this. hah truest sh*t. fair point.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Listen there are probably a good amount of people in the 47% that are leeches. Please don't be naive to think that there are not and that every single one of them are poor and lost their jobs because of the bad economy. A lot of them are their because of their upbringing and the choices they made in life. At the same time there are people in that group that unfortunately have had bad luck. Also the thing that gets me about the people who don't pay federal income taxes some how manage to get a pretty good refund at the end of the year. How in gods green earth does that happen?
Largely because of Republican policies (i.e the earned income tax credit)Also the thing that gets me about the people who don't pay federal income taxes some how manage to get a pretty good refund at the end of the year. How in gods green earth does that happen?
"There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what." That is the quote.
I don't think Romney was "insulting" these Americans rather just acknowledging that they are not likely to vote for him. It is quite sad that so many Americans require government assistance and that 49% of Americans do not pay a federal income tax, though some of that is due to the poor economy.
I think that in this bad economy some people are bitter and because they are bitter they cling to their birth control pills, their socialist doctrine and their anti-corporation sentiment.
it happens because they have taxes automagically deducted from their paychecks each pay period. then at the end of the year are eligible for refunds under the tax code, so get refunds equal to at least what they paid in taxes though the year.Listen there are probably a good amount of people in the 47% that are leeches. Please don't be naive to think that there are not and that every single one of them are poor and lost their jobs because of the bad economy. A lot of them are their because of their upbringing and the choices they made in life. At the same time there are people in that group that unfortunately have had bad luck. Also the thing that gets me about the people who don't pay federal income taxes some how manage to get a pretty good refund at the end of the year. How in gods green earth does that happen?
quick question: if a person pays say $6000 a year in federal income tax, but qualifies for a mortgage interest deduction of say $7000 in a given year, technically they're part of the 47%. does that make that person a dependant, victim, leecher?
question: if a person pays say $6000 a year in federal income tax, but qualifies for a mortgage interest deduction of say $7000 in a given year, technically they're part of the 47%. does that make that person a leecher?comp_atkinsI would say yes.
"There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what." That is the quote.
I don't think Romney was "insulting" these Americans rather just acknowledging that they are not likely to vote for him. It is quite sad that so many Americans require government assistance and that 49% of Americans do not pay a federal income tax, though some of that is due to the poor economy.
I think that in this bad economy some people are bitter and because they are bitter they cling to their birth control pills, their socialist doctrine and their anti-corporation sentiment.
The first part of your post wasn't too bad (although possibly ill-informed), then you leapt into full-on idiocy.
"There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what." That is the quote.
I don't think Romney was "insulting" these Americans rather just acknowledging that they are not likely to vote for him. It is quite sad that so many Americans require government assistance and that 49% of Americans do not pay a federal income tax, though some of that is due to the poor economy.
I think that in this bad economy some people are bitter and because they are bitter they cling to their birth control pills, their socialist doctrine and their anti-corporation sentiment.
The first part of your post wasn't too bad (although possibly ill-informed), then you leapt into full-on idiocy.
care to explain? By the first part I take it you mean the second paragraph/sentence-set (i.e. the first part where I am posting rather than quoting).Private Heath care is expensive because CEOs require private jets and large mansions. We can either save money or hand more over to private insurance companys.[QUOTE="RushKing"][QUOTE="TheWalkingGhost"]I am implying the US and Europe are crippled by debt. We need to get our deficit gone and then work on lowering the cost of health care first. Universal health care now would just cripple this lardbutt nation.SpartanMSU
Yeah! No.
Health care should be an investment every individual should agree to invest in, even if you don't or barely use/consume health care. I spend $860 on health care yearly and I don't use it and go barely see my doctor. But I do know that if I and a million others did not pay that money, health care would collapse and people would die. I know people will scream socialism! and communism! everywhere, but the alternative is way, waaay worse. Ceo's will always be overpaid so the government should govern the health care and introduce regulatuons to health care insurance companies. Like a "accept every individual to your insurance", even if the company may lose money to that person on a individual basis. The goverment should step up because individuals profiting too much off of other's diseases are d*cks.[QUOTE="comp_atkins"] question: if a person pays say $6000 a year in federal income tax, but qualifies for a mortgage interest deduction of say $7000 in a given year, technically they're part of the 47%. does that make that person a leecher?I would say yes. ok. i think i get it now: if a person pays $1 less in taxes than they receive in refunds, victim-moocher-government-dependent scumbag. $1 more in taxes vs. refunds, stand-up-guy. what happens if it varies year-to-year? great guy one year victim-lazy-ass the next? does it apply to the current year or the previous year that the taxes were or were not paid?DevilMightCry
Listen there are probably a good amount of people in the 47% that are leeches. Please don't be naive to think that there are not and that every single one of them are poor and lost their jobs because of the bad economy. A lot of them are their because of their upbringing and the choices they made in life. At the same time there are people in that group that unfortunately have had bad luck. Also the thing that gets me about the people who don't pay federal income taxes some how manage to get a pretty good refund at the end of the year. How in gods green earth does that happen?
It's not that they don't pay taxes at all, it's that their net federal income tax is zero after deductions and stuff. They get a refund because taxes are initially withheld from their checks. When it is shown that they didn't make enough money to pay that much in tax after deductions at the end of the year, they get a refund.
What the fvck is this?"There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what." That is the quote.
I don't think Romney was "insulting" these Americans rather just acknowledging that they are not likely to vote for him. It is quite sad that so many Americans require government assistance and that 49% of Americans do not pay a federal income tax, though some of that is due to the poor economy.
I think that in this bad economy some people are bitter and because they are bitter they cling to their birth control pills, their socialist doctrine and their anti-corporation sentiment
it happens because they have taxes automagically deducted from their paychecks each pay period. then at the end of the year are eligible for refunds under the tax code, so get refunds equal to at least what they paid in taxes though the year.[QUOTE="xscrapzx"]
Listen there are probably a good amount of people in the 47% that are leeches. Please don't be naive to think that there are not and that every single one of them are poor and lost their jobs because of the bad economy. A lot of them are their because of their upbringing and the choices they made in life. At the same time there are people in that group that unfortunately have had bad luck. Also the thing that gets me about the people who don't pay federal income taxes some how manage to get a pretty good refund at the end of the year. How in gods green earth does that happen?
quick question: if a person pays say $6000 a year in federal income tax, but qualifies for a mortgage interest deduction of say $7000 in a given year, technically they're part of the 47%. does that make that person a dependant, victim, leecher?
or if you made all of your money through capital gains instead of through earned income. Those people are also counted in that 47% (at least that's how I think it is from what I've read)
"There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what." That is the quote.
I don't think Romney was "insulting" these Americans rather just acknowledging that they are not likely to vote for him. It is quite sad that so many Americans require government assistance and that 49% of Americans do not pay a federal income tax, though some of that is due to the poor economy.
I think that in this bad economy some people are bitter and because they are bitter they cling to their birth control pills, their socialist doctrine and their anti-corporation sentiment.
Can people please stop throwing around the word "socialism" or "socialist" when they aren't using it correctly. This is really annoying, socialism isn't some vague idea that the government should help people. Unless someone calls for the complete abolisment of capitalism and handing over industry to the working class they aren't socialists and they aren't promoting socialism. Obama and the modern Democratic Party are Liberals and pretty centrist ones at that.
[QUOTE="whipassmt"]What the fvck is this? A parody of Obama's "bitter clinger" remarks in 2008."There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what." That is the quote.
I don't think Romney was "insulting" these Americans rather just acknowledging that they are not likely to vote for him. It is quite sad that so many Americans require government assistance and that 49% of Americans do not pay a federal income tax, though some of that is due to the poor economy.
I think that in this bad economy some people are bitter and because they are bitter they cling to their birth control pills, their socialist doctrine and their anti-corporation sentiment
"There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what." That is the quote.
I don't think Romney was "insulting" these Americans rather just acknowledging that they are not likely to vote for him. It is quite sad that so many Americans require government assistance and that 49% of Americans do not pay a federal income tax, though some of that is due to the poor economy.
I think that in this bad economy some people are bitter and because they are bitter they cling to their birth control pills, their socialist doctrine and their anti-corporation sentiment.
The first part of your post wasn't too bad (although possibly ill-informed), then you leapt into full-on idiocy.
care to explain? By the first part I take it you mean the second paragraph/sentence-set (i.e. the first part where I am posting rather than quoting).By first part I meant the first part of your statement (since I understand what quotation marks are). By second part I meant the second part of your statement.
care to explain? By the first part I take it you mean the second paragraph/sentence-set (i.e. the first part where I am posting rather than quoting).[QUOTE="whipassmt"]
The first part of your post wasn't too bad (although possibly ill-informed), then you leapt into full-on idiocy.
By first part I meant the first part of your statement (since I understand what quotation marks are). By second part I meant the second part of your statement.
The second part was in jest.I would say yes. ok. i think i get it now: if a person pays $1 less in taxes than they receive in refunds, victim-moocher-government-dependent scumbag. $1 more in taxes vs. refunds, stand-up-guy. what happens if it varies year-to-year? great guy one year victim-lazy-ass the next? does it apply to the current year or the previous year that the taxes were or were not paid? Why are you inserting words like victim, scumbag, lazy? I never said or even implied that. But to answer your question... yes, if you get more than what you pay in, you are a leecher. Because that money comes either from someone else, or it was borrowed/printed. That doesn't make you horrible or lazy or whatever notion you want to insert.[QUOTE="DevilMightCry"][QUOTE="comp_atkins"] question: if a person pays say $6000 a year in federal income tax, but qualifies for a mortgage interest deduction of say $7000 in a given year, technically they're part of the 47%. does that make that person a leecher?
I think we are in danger of seeing of a situation where, through handouts and social programs, a large portion of the populace's votes can be bought at the expense of a smaller, more productive people group. It is the fundamental problem with the government ever being able to redistribute wealth (whether it be directly or through social programs). Quite simply, the politician that campaigns on giving away the most money to the most people once he gets in office will always buy enough votes to win the election, to the detriment of rational and long term politics. Once you can promise slightly over half the population a portion of the other half's money in some way or form you can lock down the election with public funds. Over the last hundred years we have developed the legal precedent to do so.
Even if the poor wound up paying very little in income tax (which the likely would because the are poor) as long as they have the right to vote and direct the republic then they need to pay taxes along with everyone else, even if they obviously pay less because they make less.
What hurts libertarians the most in this country is that they refuse to buy votes with the public funds so not enough people will vote for them. The Democrats are the extreme opposite with the Republicans not far behind.
Romney's campaign shakeup is apparently in full swing.
He's gone from moderate Obama-bashing to full-on poor-hating.
He's so elitest and out-of-touch it's laughable.
He should just stick to being a CEO or some other money-based job. Running a country is completely beyond his scope because it requires compassion and empathy at all levels, not just the top 5%.
[QUOTE="Novotine"]i think they're all lazy scumbags anyways burn the 47%thelordofpies
you my good sir are a First Class A$$hole and piece of $hit
[QUOTE="SpartanMSU"][QUOTE="RushKing"] Private Heath care is expensive because CEOs require private jets and large mansions. We can either save money or hand more over to private insurance companys.DrTrafalgarLaw
Yeah! No.
Health care should be an investment every individual should agree to invest in, even if you don't or barely use/consume health care. I spend $860 on health care yearly and I don't use it and go barely see my doctor. But I do know that if I and a million others did not pay that money, health care would collapse and people would die. I know people will scream socialism! and communism! everywhere, but the alternative is way, waaay worse. Ceo's will always be overpaid so the government should govern the health care and introduce regulatuons to health care insurance companies. Like a "accept every individual to your insurance", even if the company may lose money to that person on a individual basis. The goverment should step up because individuals profiting too much off of other's diseases are d*cks.I think you're overpaid.
Interesting article, "Fact-Checking Romney's statement"
"The same data shows that in 2011, 78,000 tax filers with incomes between $211,000 and $533,000 paid no income taxes; 24,000 households with incomes of $533,000 to $2.2 million paid no income taxes, and 3,000 tax filers with incomes above $2.2 million paid no income taxes."
So, I guess he just forgot about those guys...
Since when? Because the last guy who even remotely resembled that image is like... Abraham Lincoln, and History probably forgot some of his faults, while highlighting his achievements. Even FDR detained Japanese Americans for no reason.Romney's campaign shakeup is apparently in full swing.
He's gone from moderate Obama-bashing to full-on poor-hating.
He's so elitest and out-of-touch it's laughable.
He should just stick to being a CEO or some other money-based job. Running a country is completely beyond his scope because it requires compassion and empathy at all levels, not just the top 5%.
ok. i think i get it now: if a person pays $1 less in taxes than they receive in refunds, victim-moocher-government-dependent scumbag. $1 more in taxes vs. refunds, stand-up-guy. what happens if it varies year-to-year? great guy one year victim-lazy-ass the next? does it apply to the current year or the previous year that the taxes were or were not paid? Why are you inserting words like victim, scumbag, lazy? I never said or even implied that. But to answer your question... yes, if you get more than what you pay in, you are a leecher. Because that money comes either from someone else, or it was borrowed/printed. That doesn't make you horrible or lazy or whatever notion you want to insert. "victim" was the word romney used. "lazy" was implied from romney's quote that those people do not take personal responsibility for, nor care for, their own lives. "scumbag" was thrown in there for color :P[QUOTE="comp_atkins"]
[QUOTE="DevilMightCry"] I would say yes. DevilMightCry
so the measurement of who is productive in society comes down to whether or not one pays an income tax in a given year?I think we are in danger of seeing of a situation where, through handouts and social programs, a large portion of the populace's votes can be bought at the expense of a smaller, more productive people group. It is the fundamental problem with the government ever being able to redistribute wealth (whether it be directly or through social programs). Quite simply, the politician that campaigns on giving away the most money to the most people once he gets in office will always buy enough votes to win the election, to the detriment of rational and long term politics. Once you can promise slightly over half the population a portion of the other half's money in some way or form you can lock down the election with public funds. Over the last hundred years we have developed the legal precedent to do so.
Even if the poor wound up paying very little in income tax (which the likely would because the are poor) as long as they have the right to vote and direct the republic then they need to pay taxes along with everyone else, even if they obviously pay less because they make less.
What hurts libertarians the most in this country is that they refuse to buy votes with the public funds so not enough people will vote for them. The Democrats are the extreme opposite with the Republicans not far behind.
As in all things, the truth is never as simple as a sound byte, but in this case, Romney stepped in it. Many of the people that fall under the simplfied category he made vote Republican.
Doesn't Mitt pay people to tell him not to do sh*t like this a mere months away from the election?MrPralineMy thoughts. He's been at this game forever.
By the way this candidacy has run, I think the idea was this:
"Mitt, the economy is struggling, people don't like Obama, and they don't like his policies. Just don't f**k up and you'll win. We'll just play you as 'the guy who isn't Obama'".
Well, he f**ked up. Again and again. So much for that strategy.
Just the opposite. Romney is up in polls today over the President for first time of likely voters.By the way this candidacy has run, I think the idea was this:
"Mitt, the economy is struggling, people don't like Obama, and they don't like his policies. Just don't f**k up and you'll win. We'll just play you as 'the guy who isn't Obama'".
Well, he f**ked up. Again and again. So much for that strategy.
[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"]Just the opposite. Romney is up in polls today over the President for first time of likely voters.By the way this candidacy has run, I think the idea was this:
"Mitt, the economy is struggling, people don't like Obama, and they don't like his policies. Just don't f**k up and you'll win. We'll just play you as 'the guy who isn't Obama'".
Well, he f**ked up. Again and again. So much for that strategy.
Every poll I've seen say the exact opposite. Which poll are you referring to?
Just the opposite. Romney is up in polls today over the President for first time of likely voters.[QUOTE="DevilMightCry"][QUOTE="jimkabrhel"]
By the way this candidacy has run, I think the idea was this:
"Mitt, the economy is struggling, people don't like Obama, and they don't like his policies. Just don't f**k up and you'll win. We'll just play you as 'the guy who isn't Obama'".
Well, he f**ked up. Again and again. So much for that strategy.
Every poll I've seen say the exact opposite. Which poll are you referring to?
http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/polls/250115-gallup-obamas-convention-bounce-evaporates http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81369.html Both had Obama at +5 just a few days ago. As always, polls change and this time 4 years ago McCain was up by several points. But to say that Romney is crashing and burning... lol. I said previously, and I will say it again... don't be surprised in November.[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"][QUOTE="DevilMightCry"] Just the opposite. Romney is up in polls today over the President for first time of likely voters. DevilMightCry
Every poll I've seen say the exact opposite. Which poll are you referring to?
http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/polls/250115-gallup-obamas-convention-bounce-evaporates http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81369.html Both had Obama at +5 just a few days ago. As always, polls change and this time 4 years ago McCain was up by several points. But to say that Romney is crashing and burning... lol. I said previously, and I will say it again... don't be surprised in November. I am going to flip a coin. Don't be surprised if it's heads.I feel like the worst part of thing in this rant is where he says "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." That is some truly awful sh*t right there.Abbeten
He means his campaign...he's not going to convince them through his campaign to vote for him since they'd be voting against entitlements meant for them.
[QUOTE="Abbeten"]I feel like the worst part of thing in this rant is where he says "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." That is some truly awful sh*t right there.SpartanMSU
He means his campaign...he's not going to convince them through his campaign to vote for him since they'd be voting against entitlements meant for them.
He just condescended horribly to half of America. And he wants to be their president. That is reprehensible.Well rich people wouldn't want to vote for Obama since Romney wants to cut their taxes and Obama wants to raise them.I got confused by the quote.
Are the poor the only ones that want the government to do more?
Well rich people wouldn't want to vote for Obama since Romney wants to cut their taxes and Obama wants to raise them.[QUOTE="JoGoSo"]
I got confused by the quote.
Are the poor the only ones that want the government to do more?
For the Romney campaign that means 1% down...
[QUOTE="Abbeten"]I feel like the worst part of thing in this rant is where he says "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." That is some truly awful sh*t right there.SpartanMSU
He means his campaign...he's not going to convince them through his campaign to vote for him since they'd be voting against entitlements meant for them.
Many of the people in the "47%" are Republican and are going to be voting for Romney in November. Most of the "47%" reside in red states. A plurality of them are seniors, who are probably the most important voting bloc of the election. What is he talking about when he says he doesn't care about these people?[QUOTE="jimkabrhel"][QUOTE="DevilMightCry"] Just the opposite. Romney is up in polls today over the President for first time of likely voters. DevilMightCry
Every poll I've seen say the exact opposite. Which poll are you referring to?
http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/polls/250115-gallup-obamas-convention-bounce-evaporates http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81369.html Both had Obama at +5 just a few days ago. As always, polls change and this time 4 years ago McCain was up by several points. But to say that Romney is crashing and burning... lol. I said previously, and I will say it again... don't be surprised in November.The bottom of article from the Hill gave the poll average with OBama up 3. It's hard to know which poll is the best measure, so I like the averages, and not just because the candidate I support is winning the average. With so many polling groups having a political bias, the average is a better judge, I think.
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