[QUOTE="SolidSnake35"][QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="kdt55"][QUOTE="jointed"] [QUOTE="SolidSnake35"]From what I've learnt, Russia have always been absolutely useless when it comes to fighting in a war.jointed
Useless? Nah...
Well, they did blow it in Afghanistan years back.
Yeah, but you can hardly call them useless. Just look athow they managed to beat both Napoleon and the Nazis.
Didn't Napoleon traipse through Europe and just run out of steam? As far as I know, he took over Moscow but was then driven out and it wasn't exactly Russian brilliance that led to it.Yeah, but I wouldn't call them useless. Just look at the Russo-swedish war for example...
I'm not familar with my Russian history, being an American and all, but I'm pretty sure that guerilla warfare (revolutionary at the time) along with the winter defeated Poland and the winter and determination (basically the entire population turned into an army and rushing at the Germans, maybe a third had guns) defeated the Axis. That Russian winter can make it a pain to invade them. My French teacher actually said that she ate ice cream to keep warm during her stay in the USSR in the 70s. After waiting in line for to get it, if there was any left of course.
Also, any attempt to invade the US would basically be throwing away the Navy. WiC would be impossible because the logistics would be awful. So they get their unmarked cargo ships and release their thousands of troops, win in Seatle, then what? They'd need to defeat the Pacific Fleet to maintain a supply line and support their men. They could take food and fuel (if foreign military hardware can run on regular) sure, but I'm almost certain that the airport doesn't have missiles for their Hinds or that Costco doesn't carry sabots or HEAT rounds (though you'd probably be able to get 40 for $80 if they did). Then they have to maintain their vehicles and I'm prettu sure that your average autoshop isn't equipped to handle a BMP or T-80.
Still a great game though.
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