Embrace it. Use black marker to give your self a swastika. Then say if you dont wise up ill punish you like my ancestors.
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[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]You have no idea what you just did.Thank God that's not going on in Palestine right now...
don't I? Or do I? :twisted:
It's ok...I brought my flameshield
i have a friend that is 100% german and i call him a nazi from time to time but in a joking way. You really need to ignore it especially coming from a 13-14 year old kid. They dont know what they are talking about.
That's pretty ****ed up. Even for teenagers.
HA! you think THAT'S bad, you have another thing coming.
They're 13-14? That explains it. No need to look any furtherDroidPhysXPretty much, ignore ignorance
Why not just scream sieg heil at them, and troll them?
No point in playing the victim, if your not going to fight back.
And if they try to fight you, im sure you've got some friends who could back you up?
[QUOTE="Vesica_Prime"]The wonderfully awful jokes you would tell?Man, if only I was in your place man.
The conclusions you jump to?
Tell them you can't be a Nazi, cause Hitler was from Austria and not Germany. m25105Nice one! :lol:
yeah I got a lot of that growing up; I am very proud of my German ancestry, and I dont think Jews made fun of me, but other kids did
Its kind of funny, in a way: a religion is persecuted for millenia, then they turn around and persecute others. Thank God that's not going on in Palestine right now...
very immature statement, almost as immature as the kids the thread was about...... id suggest you actually learn something about the region before complaining about it.
oh and lets not forget, the US (ie where you live) has no racism in it as we all know..... yeah that was sarcasm
at any rate seems like a bunch of immature kids, I would not pay too much attention to it, at most just swear at them and walk away.
This thread has begun to creep me out a bit. :?majoras_wrathsadly people here seem to fight stupidity........with more stupidity, and its not even political either, its just stupidity. I also find it funny he has to point out they are Jewish. I mean , if they were not Jewish would it make a difference? I wonder if he would bother to actually make a big deal of it then.
Just tell them that if they are going with the absurd logic that you are a nazi simply because of your ethnicity then just tell them that with that logic they are a bunch of bloody backwards monkeys that make lobotomized asylum patients(should also mention that that might be insulting to lobotomized mental patients) look like Hawking simply because they have the same ethnicity as those in Isreal that would treat Arabs like second class citizens. Also point out that making such a connection based on race would be stupid but also call them stupid anyways because they made the bloody connection anyways.
wait.....so your answer to a bunch of immature kids is to insult people who you probably never met?????
and thanks for the insult, I never knew I was such a lowly animal . in fact your insult is far worse than anything those kids have said, what does that say about you? (I seriously hope youre a kid with those statements)
oh and the idea that Israel's Arab citizens get treated like 2nd class citizens is overly exaggerated.
I also find it funny he has to point out they are Jewish. I mean , if they were not Jewish would it make a difference? I wonder if he would bother to actually make a big deal of it then.Darkman2007
TC pointed out that they were Jewish to indicate their racism against him.
Also, he did that to show that he cannot insult / make jokes about them , specially on the issue they are adressing, without getting in some sort of trouble.
I also find it funny he has to point out they are Jewish. I mean , if they were not Jewish would it make a difference? I wonder if he would bother to actually make a big deal of it then.[QUOTE="Darkman2007"][QUOTE="majoras_wrath"]This thread has begun to creep me out a bit. :?TehFuneral
TC pointed out that they were Jewish to indicate their racism against him.
Also, he did that to show that he cannot insult / make jokes about them , specially on the issue they are adressing, without getting in some sort of trouble.
thats stupid though , he can simply say he has nothing to do with Nazism ,if they don't stop bothering him, go to the children's supervisor , its not his job to discipline them. just because they are Jewish doesn't mean they are immune to any sort of discipline. at most, just swear at them and walk away. and even so, would it make a difference if they were not Jewish? same racism just different voice to me. lastly some of the responses on this thread are quite frankly sickening.thats stupid though , he can simply say he has nothing to do with Nazism ,if they don't stop bothering him, go to the children's supervisor , its not his job to discipline them. just because they are Jewish doesn't mean they are immune to any sort of discipline. at most, just swear at them and walk away. and even so, would it make a difference if they were not Jewish? same racism just different voice to me. lastly some of the responses on this thread are quite frankly sickening.Darkman2007
They are kids, racist bully kids. They won't simply stop annoying people just by telling them to 'stop'.
They are annoying him based on a crtical poltical historical event that they have no idea on. He, as an adult can't just joke back on the issue of the holocaust or Nazi Germany. He is not the same age as they are.
There would be a difference if they were not Jewish, he can respond critical offensively without getting in trouble and called anti-semite. Do you understand?
And based on the responses of this thread, well ... yes. We don't live in a constant 'poltical correct' world. So regardless, if a Mexican was making fun of TC most users here would tell the TC totell him 'go back to Mexico' or whatever. If an Arab was making fun of TC, most users would tell TC to make 'Terrorist jokes'.
[QUOTE="Darkman2007"] thats stupid though , he can simply say he has nothing to do with Nazism ,if they don't stop bothering him, go to the children's supervisor , its not his job to discipline them. just because they are Jewish doesn't mean they are immune to any sort of discipline. at most, just swear at them and walk away. and even so, would it make a difference if they were not Jewish? same racism just different voice to me. lastly some of the responses on this thread are quite frankly sickening.TehFuneral
They are kids, racist bully kids. They won't simply stop annoying people just by telling them to 'stop'.
They are annoying him based on a crtical poltical historical event that they have no idea on. He, as an adult can't just joke back on the issue of the holocaust or Nazi Germany. He is not the same age as they are.
There would be a difference if they were not Jewish, he can respond critical offensively without getting in trouble and called anti-semite. Do you understand?
And based on the responses of this thread, well ... yes. We don't live in a constant 'poltical correct' world. So regardless, if a Mexican was making fun of TC most users here would tell the TC totell him 'go back to Mexico' or whatever. If an Arab was making fun of TC, most users would tell TC to make 'Terrorist jokes'.
there is political correctness (which I think is overabused) and then there is common sense, one does not have to be ultra sensitive to every little thing while still having common sense not to insult people for no good reason. and I still don't see an issue, I would personally approve him just swearing at them , they are stupid little kids with peanuts for brains, whose opinion is worth nothing. if they were adults acting like that, then it becomes more serious. at most , go to their parents and complain. maybe I should start complaining every time I got a racist slur or stupid remark by a little kid regarding me being Jewish , I used to get people over 15 giving me Hitler salutes and slurs about Jews. do I think they are right? absolutly not, I dislike racism . but do I let it get to me that much? not really since I eventually figured out Im far smarter than those kids. he should just apply a similar mentality.there is political correctness (which I think is overabused) and then there is common sense, one does not have to be ultra sensitive to every little thing while still having common sense not to insult people for no good reason. and I still don't see an issue, I would personally approve him just swearing at them , they are stupid little kids with peanuts for brains, whose opinion is worth nothing. if they were adults acting like that, then it becomes more serious. at most , go to their parents and complain. maybe I should start complaining every time I got a racist slur or stupid remark by a little kid regarding me being Jewish , I used to get people over 15 giving me Hitler salutes and slurs about Jews. do I think they are right? absolutly not, I dislike racism . but do I let it get to me that much? not really since I eventually figured out Im far smarter than those kids. he should just apply a similar mentality.Darkman2007
People insult other people based on their background, religion and ethnicity. Humans are not perfect. You will never find a person in this world who is not an anti-semite just as you would never find a person in this world that makes no terrorist jokes on Arabs. Just as it has been said "Everyone is a little bit racist", those who define themselves as not racist try their best to stay away from insulting a group of people. As I have said, humans experience prejudice whether they like it or not. Its a human characteristic.
And, considering that this thread is not a political thread and that most people actually don't care whether they insult a group of people or not, most people just want to utter their own opnions regardless whether they insult someone or not.
TC was not being ultra-sensitive, as he said. He let it go, just as most people in this thread would have done.
And as most people said in this thread. This issue is not relevant, they were kids and they were acting as kids. What TC did was the best option. There is no need to be much discussion on this subject as they were only kids. If they were adults, then thats when I will start worrying.
If there is anyone you can go to I would go to them, tell them what has happened, and hopefully they will deal with the situation, failing that if you have friends that you can hang about with just stick with them and see if they have the nerve to repeat it when your not by yourself.
[QUOTE="Darkman2007"]there is political correctness (which I think is overabused) and then there is common sense, one does not have to be ultra sensitive to every little thing while still having common sense not to insult people for no good reason. and I still don't see an issue, I would personally approve him just swearing at them , they are stupid little kids with peanuts for brains, whose opinion is worth nothing. if they were adults acting like that, then it becomes more serious. at most , go to their parents and complain. maybe I should start complaining every time I got a racist slur or stupid remark by a little kid regarding me being Jewish , I used to get people over 15 giving me Hitler salutes and slurs about Jews. do I think they are right? absolutly not, I dislike racism . but do I let it get to me that much? not really since I eventually figured out Im far smarter than those kids. he should just apply a similar mentality.TehFuneral
People insult other people based on their background, religion and ethnicity. Humans are not perfect. You will never find a person in this world who is not an anti-semite just as you would never find a person in this world that makes no terrorist jokes on Arabs. Just as it has been said "Everyone is a little bit racist", those who define themselves as not racist try their best to stay away from insulting a group of people. As I have said, humans experience prejudice whether they like it or not. Its a human characteristic.
And, considering that this thread is not a political thread and that most people actually don't care whether they insult a group of people or not, most people just want to utter their own opnions regardless whether they insult someone or not.
TC was not being ultra-sensitive, as he said. He let it go, just as most people in this thread would have done.
And as most people said in this thread. This issue is not relevant, they were kids and they were acting as kids. What TC did was the best option. There is no need to be much discussion on this subject as they were only kids. If they were adults, then thats when I will start worrying.
and I agree he did the right thing, he walked away, unless they were causing him physical harm , it was the right thing to do. and I don't expect everybody to be perfect in their opinions of others, I certainly do not claim to be perfect in that respect either, but you would not hear me say such things . heck , I would never say stuff like that about Arabs for instance, even though politically , I am at war with some of them . on the other hand, most of these people, do not have a war or political conflict with any Jew , so it makes little sense to me. though your view is actually quite like that of Zeev Shabotinski on this aspect of humanity, which is quite interesting.your view is actually quite like that of Zeev Shabotinski on this aspect of humanity, which is quite interesting.Darkman2007
I have no idea who that person is.
[QUOTE="Darkman2007"]your view is actually quite like that of Zeev Shabotinski on this aspect of humanity, which is quite interesting.TehFuneral
I have no idea who that person is.
a fairly early revisionist zionist thinker (some of his teachings became the foundation for the Likud ideology). he basically said "eliminate the diaspora , before the diaspora eliminates you" what he means is that non Jews will always be racist towards Jews, which could apply to people in general. Hertzl actually said something similar, in the sense that he said Jews cannot safely live among non Jews due to inherent racism in society. what motivated Hertzl to say this was partly the Dryfuss affair which he was covering as a journalist at the time. this philosophy goes against the idea that racism is something which can be eliminated.This is the only time its appropriate to make fun of kids for being Jewish. I wouldn't recommend it though.
Because being Jewish is sacred and you can't normally make fun of them? I belong to about 3 categories of people that it is socially acceptible to make fun of...and I'm OK with that. But, either everyone should be off limits or no one should. I am for the latter.
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