So at basketball camp today, while we were shooting freethrows, 3 Jewish kids around ages 13-14 came up to me and asked me what race I am. I told them imhalf japanese half german which I really am :P. So for some reason... they started saying "wow your a nazi **** you!" then they started going on and on about how my ancestors killed theirs and then they said i was related to hilter.. then one of them asks me "do you even know what the holocaust was?" "yeah over six million of us died because of you". wtfThen later on during 5 on 5 games they say things like "im guarding the nazi!".
I pretty much ignored them the whole day, but now im sad lol. The thing is, I really don't know how to react in a situation like this. If they were just some random people, I'd kick their asses. But in todays society, I'm pretty sure if I did something to them they'd probably say it's because their jewish and i'd get kicked out of camp or worse. A friend from my school got kicked out for apparently screwing around with a Jewish kid.
I don't know what to do.
*this thread is in no way intended to offend anyone. I have a jewish friend myself. I just need some advice and I'm telling the situation as it was.
I'm of Jewish descent myself and I don't find anything offensive in your post,it just seems that a bunch of little imature hymies are just being stupid. I think that you did the right thing by trying to ignore them first, but after awhile if they kept at it then they would totally deserve an ass kicking :lol:
But I don't really know anyone that can fight off like 3 or 4 people by themselves, unless they're chuck norris.
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