How childish is that? Where does the American people come into play? Congress? You really think if it was feasible for us to go down a war path nuking as we pleased? Russia secretly hates us and would jump at the chance to join the chance to take us on if there was a chance at victory(i.e. the entire Islamic world wars with us). The Chinese would much rather conquer us then and take our money then wait to get it aid back. Pakistan doesn't like us that much either, and Israel has its own problems to deal with. The rest of the nuclear powers would just watch us burn rather than help us.jeremiah06
Ever heard of MAD? Mutually Assurred Destruction. That ensures that Russia will never fight the US and that the US will never fight Russia. It also works on China. Besides that, however, do you have any idea how much Russia would stand to gain as a bystander? Russia has some of the world's largest oil reserves. A disruption in the middleastern oil supply would be a boon to their economy. Free money! Everyone likes money.
China? China can't conquer Taiwan, much less the United States. China's fatal weakness is the fact that it possesses absolutely no oil reserves of its own. There are no pipelines to pipe oil into China and all of their oil imports rely on oil tankers travelling the sea lanes. Those are sea lanes which the US can shut down at will. The Chinese navy is practically nonexistant. For decades, strategists have pondered the outcome of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Chinese naval transport capacity is so weak, and Taiwan's naval defense is so strong, that there is no way that the Chinese could pull off a conventional invasion of Taiwan. If China could invade Taiwan, they already would have. If the Chinese can't invade a small island 100 miles from their own coast, then what makes you think that they could mount in invasion of another continent an ocean away?
The only thing that China could do is use its nukes, but then that whole, Mutually Assurred Destruction, mechanism nullifies that. The same principle that keeps the Russians from using their nukes on the US keeps the Chinese from using theirs on the US.
Do you really think that any of the nuclear powers would sacrifice their own existance in defense of a middleastern country of questionable allegiance? Do you really think that the Chinese premier would say, "by golly, I know that this will end up killing us all, but we just have to sacrifice all of our lives to defend Libya!"?
The concept of Mutually Assurred Destruction keeps the nuclear powers from annihilating each other, but that concept doesn't stop a nuclear power from annihilating a nonnuclear power.
As a reference, I shall point to the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
EDIT: Why do so many people seriously overestimate Chinese military capacity? Is it that big army that they have? Is it the big mass of poorly equipped infantry that they have? What's so imposing? I just don't see it.
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