[QUOTE="Snipes_2"] So, everyone that died during the Marches in the Civil War or any war get related back to the Country they fought for? They weren't Deliberately killed, Stalin Deliberately killed Hungarians for no apparent reason. And white people also died during these Relocations as well, from disease.
Are you playing dumb or are you ignorant as to the differences of a war march and the forced march (that would be one where soldiers that have guns are making people without guns go some place on foot) of women and children for 1,000 miles in the winter, while lacking adequate shelter and food?
You need to link this Stalin killing Hungarians thing for me. He killed a lot of people and I'm ignorant as to this particular incident. I know that Hungary invaded Russia, got beaten and occupied, but I'm not sure where the killing comes in. I think Stalin was dead by the time of the Hungarian Revolution, but I'm not sure.
Regardless, I'm not arguing that what Stalin did (whatever it is) was okay. I'm in no way saying that killing people is okay no matter how you do it. You seem to be saying that killing people by marching them across the country is okay, which it is not. If you let your dog starve to death, you killed it. If you let 4,000 people die from exposure and starvation, you killed them.
"Stalin's role in the fortunes of the Russian Orthodox Church is complex. Continuous persecution in the 1930s resulted in its near-extinction as a public institution: by 1939, active parishes numbered in the low hundreds (down from 54,000 in 1917), many churches had been leveled, and tens of thousands of priests, monks and nuns were persecuted and killed. Over 100,000 were shot during the purges of 1937–1938." Yes, 4,000 People dying is terrible. Not comparable to Actually now that I look at it, The Millions killed by Stalin."Stalin's role in the fortunes of the Russian Orthodox Church is complex. Continuous persecution in the 1930s resulted in its near-extinction as a public institution: by 1939, active parishes numbered in the low hundreds (down from 54,000 in 1917), many churches had been leveled, and tens of thousands of priests, monks and nuns were persecuted and killed. Over 100,000 were shot during the purges of 1937–1938."
"Historians working after the Soviet Union's dissolution have estimated victim totals ranging from approximately 4 million to nearly 10 million, not including those who died in famines"
"Some have also included deaths of 6 to 8 million people in the 1932–1933 famine as victims of Stalin's repression."
Where is the Hungary stuff? I already know Stalin killed a ton of people. Andrew Jackson killed 4,000. I'm not comparing and contrasting heinous acts.
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