I don't think you really know what goes on here :?
1. We have all the power we need (electrical and gas)
2. We have tons of excess oil and natural gas (export)
3. We could sustain ourselves with more than enough food (beef and farm lands)...enough to export...in bad year we could trade oil/gas
4. Come try and take the bases...the US would never do that...We have ****ing Pantex (a nuclear disarmament plant)...you try and come in and we nuke...pantex would be a deterrent for both sides to avoid any military conflict
5. I am not suggesting a hostile leave -we would still be trading partners with the US
-Houston would still be a central port to the US (oil companies would not want to rebuild everything)...we would charge a small fee for passing through
6. Taxes would go up.
But we pay no state tax here...replace a federal with a slightly higher state one
7. It is our legal right to leave if we chooseWe could make it on our own.
Though it is not something I would endorserawsavon
1. Can you say for certain that all your power is generated within your state?
2. That may be. Good luck with getting other countries to trade with you though.
3. See above.
4. Ha! How do you propose to use those nukes when they cannot be operated without Presidential authority? And seriously, do you really believe that you would have the support of the U.S. military there, especially when many stationed there are not from Texas?
5. Uh-huh. Do you really think that the United States would not embargo you to death?
7. No, it isn't. Look up a little thing called Perpetual Union.
1. Yes, I can...we ship power out (not import in)
2. and 3. See my post to SubZero
4. Nukes are not as safe as you people think they are (hence being sold on the black market) We would plan to take control of them before we left
5. No, I don't (see post to subzero)
7. Texas is the only state with that right (we were our own country when we joined...we made sure we had that right)
............... Those are warheads from USSR.. Primitive.. The ones we have today you would have to fully rebuild it becaus the bombs safety code would have it deactive it.. You do not hav eth efacilities nor the experts for such a task.
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