I couldn't make it past the first few lines of idiocy. They weren't chanting at the black guy :lol:
There was actually a guy standing there with the black guy talking to him, there were also two "Anti Mosque" people arguing with the ONE guy talking to the black man. Furthermore, people were pushing the ONE guy away from the black guy. I can't believe how twisted this story is.
They weren't chanting at the black guy, which is why the black guy yelled at them for chanting at him?
He Yelled ""Y'all **** don't know my opinion about ****"....Okay? He's walking in front of a crowd of protesters...What makes him think they're yelling AT HIM?The fact that they, um, are?
They yell, facing directly at him,"no mosque here", then some guy yells "run away, coward"... I suppose by that they just mean a metaphorical coward, and certainly not the person they were all looking at while chanting moments before?
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