[QUOTE="Xx_Hopeless_xX"][QUOTE="cybrcatter"] All you can say is you read the preceding text, that still doesn't mean you posses the full understanding of what it implies. Some people devote their lives to truly understanding the bible. SaudiFury
It gives the reader more then enough of the general idea to understand what the text is implying...you don't have to read all of Surah to understand what Surah 9:5 is stating..you don't have to read all of any of the other sections either to understand in what context they are being stated as it is QUITE explicitly laid out..Ok... that's it... Now i'm talking..
[9:4] If the idol worshipers sign a peace treaty with you, and do not violate it, nor band together with others against you, you shall fulfill your treaty with them until the expiration date. GOD loves the righteous. Until the expiration date..yeah that's real righteous...
[9:5] Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. That's sounds like they want to be peaceful doesn't it...
[9:6] If one of the idol worshipers sought safe passage with you, you shall grant him safe passage, so that he can hear the word of GOD, then send him back to his place of security. That is because they are people who do not know. ONLY if he seeks safe passage with them..if not then he will be killed correct?..
[9:7] How can the idol worshipers demand any pledge from GOD and from His messenger? Exempted are those who have signed a peace treaty with you at the Sacred Masjid. If they honor and uphold such a treaty, you shall uphold it as well. GOD loves the righteous.
[9:8] How can they (demand a pledge) when they never observed any rights of kinship between you and them, nor any covenant, if they ever had a chance to prevail. They pacified you with lip service, while their hearts were in opposition, and most of them are wicked.
[9:9] They traded away GOD's revelations for a cheap price. Consequently, they repulsed the people from His path. Miserable indeed is what they did!
[9:10] They never observe any rights of kinship towards any believer, nor do they uphold their covenants; these are the real transgressors. Yeah, that's not anything calling those who don't share kinship with believers evil..
The Surah is called " The Repentance", it is also the only one that does not start with "God the most merciful and most benevolent" As I, and my family, and dozens of other Muslims i've argued politics with, we've agreed that this is time bound not metaphysical.
Ok, so thank you for showing that it was not taken out of context..in fact..you just added to my argument...
terrorists, extremists, mullah's and religious dictators who seek power, elevate these verses to be a metaphyiscal fight against non-believers.
For instance the very verse you mentioned starts in the beginning by saying "Once the Sacred Months have Past" Now do the Jews? do the Christians? have sacred months? no i don't think so, and i believe Muhammad barely knew or knew nothing about Hinduasim or Buddhism. What the hell does that have to do with killing them after the Holy Months of Muslims have passed?..
It's talking about the Pagans who were persecuting Muslims. in fact for three years Muhammad and his believers were being starved out (his first Khadijah - of whom HE WORKED FOR! would die from it) and ostracized while they living in Mecca. he sent Muslims off to Christian kingdom of Ethiopia who offered safe them safe asylum from the Pagans. he sent them off to Yathrib (later to be renamed Medina). How do you know it's talking of such?..There's no mention of such a thing..nor do you refute any of the other quotes i put forth..
The pagans broke their agreement and the Muslims rose up to fight them. to pretend or act that the extremists and fundamentalists got it right and any liberal or moderate are wrong is dishonest. especially when out of the 1.3-1.5 billion Muslims on the planet, and the extremists are not only targeting Christians, and Jews. but also Muslims who disagree with them. Oh, the pagans broke their agreement how?..And i never stated that the extremists were targeting a specific group..
A ****c example would be Anwar Sadat of Egypt who made peace with Israel, would later be gunned down by the Muslim Brotherhood. I never stated that alll Muslims were evil..again you go back to using people as examples..
or The Al-Qaeda suicide bomber who recently tried killing Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef (head of the Counter-Terrorism) of Saudi Arabia. And again..
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