Has anyone noticed that in the last 20 years, every mass shooting that has occured, has happened in a "Gun Free Zone"? Maybe someone should look into that. Outlaws don't care about the law, they have guns anyway. You take away people's guns, automatic sitting ducks.JasonGriffee
So what you're saying is that nowhere is safe, and your best chances of survival is to carry around a weapon at all times?
Gosh, the US sounds terrifying. I'm surprised that travel books don't add it to the list of countries tourists should avoid without armed escorts.
On a base level it's just that simple fact that those who advocate arming themselves tend to shoot each other a lot more, and then claim owning a gun is a good thing. poptart
Completely tangential rant: It's almost like a bizarre, nation-wide arms race mentality, perpetuated by constant fear and paranoia.
Coming from a nation where I've never even seen a gun (outside of a tiny shooting range I went to once), I really can't make much sense of it.
The idea seems to be that in order to avoid the problem of members of the public using guns, more members of the public should arm themselves, and keep hoarding more and more guns until...what, they hit some kind of fantastical number where gun violence magically stops?
That mentality might work for nuclear weapons - Mutually Assured Destruction guarantees that launching a nuke would more-or-less end the world, and nobody in power really wants to do that - but it doesn't make any sense for guns. You can't deter the crazies with the threat of a slightly faster death, and stockpilling more guns won't stop all of those accidental deaths caused by children/friends/the elderly (if anything, it'll do the opposite: obviously more guns = more accidental deaths).
So...eh, the proposed 'solutions' of doing nothing, or buying more guns, don't solve anything. They're essentially the same as giving up and admitting defeat; 'we can't solve this problem, but we're happy with living in fear of it'.
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