Someone on REddit the other day had a good point. Violent crimes in the United States are a seeping wound, and gun control is just a band-aid for the situation. It may help in a few short-term problems, but it's never going to fix the problem at hand.
Having more guns is the better answer, at least statistically. You look the the US compared to Europe and other developed places, their per capita is much higher when strict gun control is in effect than the US. But that's not to say the more guns is the answer, it's just a band-aid over the wound as well. Even though it discourages a lot of violent crimes, it is the means through which many people gain access to their weapons to commt the crimes in the first place.
My opinion on the matter is gun control is not out of the question, but outright banning them is just as stupid as giving everyone in America a gun. Banning them won't get rid of the guns that already exist. Allow access to guns easily allows many nuts to use them with little problem. It is my opinion that gun ownership whould be allowed on the level that it is, but you are only allowed to own the gun if you have the means to protect yourself and others from it, such as much stricter background checks, required gun safes, and a longer wait limit, among other things I'm sure people will think of that don't restrict gun ownership to "illegal" status.
It's a tragedy, and we must realize the dual nature of guns to cause and prevent great harm. They are only tools, and it's them men and women that use them that create the evil done with them. They are calluses to crime, not the cause, but only a mix of availability and safety control can truly make any change.
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