so you are arguing that a human being is worth more then another based on their job...
OF COURSE that's what I'm saying.
Dude, at no point does everyone earn exactly the same amount of money regardless of what they do. Are you seriously just now finding out that some jobs pay more money than others?
The cameraman is worth less than a huge star, because the cameraman is more easily replaceable. If a cameraman asks for too much money, you let him walk because you can find another cameraman for cheaper. Will Smith, however, is NOT as easily replaceable. Even if you find another huge star, you also can't exactly replace Will Smith with Julia Roberts. There aren't as many Will Smiths as there are cameramen.
Doctors and sanitation workers are both extremely important in society. If there were no garbage men, disease would run rampant and you'd be buried in a mountain of your own filth. Still, garbage men are more easily replaceable than doctors. If a garbageman quits, you can find a replacement a lot more easily. By contrast, it takes YEARS of study and practice for a doctor to get to the point where he's ready to practice medicine. Doctors HAVE to get paid pretty well, or else it's not worth it to them to go through that training (hell, they'd be better off deciding to be garbagemen). And if there's a shortage of doctors, you can't just train some replacements in a few weeks. Yes, people are ABSOLUTELY worth more money depending on what they do. The idea that no one is worth more than anyone else is seriously some silly hippy nonsense.
It doesn't always work like that though. Research scientists have to go through just as much education and training as physicians yet are paid a mere fraction of what a doctor makes (average starting pay for a biologist is about $54k; average starting pay for an anesthesiologist is $600k). It's not like scientists are easily replaced either. While there's no shortage of applicants for university faculty openings you have to look at the quality of the applicants. I mean, Princeton couldn't have easily replaced Einstein with another random physicist just like you can't replace Will Smith with any random actor, yet Einstein lived his whole life no richer than you or me while Will Smith collects ferraris like toy cars.
There are a lot more factors than "are you easily replaced" when it comes to the size of your paycheck. You also have to look at the economics of your job as well. In other words, how much money flows into your field determines how much money you get. Hence the reason why the CEO of a large corporation makes millions of dollars per year while the President of the United States gets about $400k per year.
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