I pirate all the time and I'm not ashamed of it. Most, if not all of the people here on a moral high horse who say they don't and they never have are probably lying. I'm not made of money. I also don't like being duped into buying crap by bought and paid for reviews.
When you grow up and mommy and daddy stop paying for everything, and you realize things aren't free, you'll understand why people pirate. Two games costs as much as my electric bill or a trip to the grocery store. I have bigger priorities than some silly pieces of media. Most of your money is just lining the pockets of some fatcat corporate CEO anyway, so it's not like I lose any sleep over it.
I buy legitimate copies of things too, when I can afford it, and when I want to reward the people who made something. But I have bills to pay, and I'd still like to be able to get some enjoyment out of life.
This post will probably get modded, but at least I'm being honest, unlike some other people.
Why doesnt it suprise me that you, the one that hates everything pirates games. You know you can better yourself through education or tradeand get a better paying job. And just because people can afford things for themselves doesnt make them high and mighty. I paid for my own schooling, bought my own car, and pay for my own videogames and I do not make a lot of money. You can rent games, you can sometimes get Demo's... your excuse isnt an excuse at all.
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