Wow, I was just about to create a thread like this... But here is my opinion.
I think that it is not Biblically "stealing" (one of the ten commandments), but it is still Bibically wrong since it is illegal. When you steal, doesnt it have to be concrete since you cant steal sound??? But it is still somehow wrong since someone put the effort of making that song.
It's not even legally considered theft. It's copyright infringement.
Yep. But it doesnt necessarily mean that it is right though.Yes but it doesn't carry the same legal ramifications as theft/stealing.
If that were the case, police officers would show up at your door and take you away in cuffs.
When you violate copyright, you may get a nasty letter from your ISP, or in the worst case scenario be summoned by some corporate attornies who will try to get you to settle out of court. It's a civil matter, and if it does go to court, many people don't even bother showing up. In fact, you're better off not showing because usually the rulings for no shows are more favorable than those who try to fight and get handed 6 or 7 figure rulings.
But in the vast majority of cases, the offenders are never prosecuted at all.
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