On the topic of taking money from the rich that they have earned, I'll quote myself from a thread some time ago..........
From Previous Thread/Post:
- Person A takes out a business loan to open a small pizza joint
- After a few years, the loan is finally paid off
- A few years later, the reward for the risk is paying off, and Person A is taking home, say, $100k per year
- Person A takes out a second loan to open another joint in the next town
- After a few years, the second loan is finally paid off
- A few years later, the second risk is paying off and Person A is taking home another $100K per year (now a total of $200K)
- A few years later and a few more investments later, Person A is taking home a cool $1million per year.....
What exactly did Person A do wrong? Should Person A get NO CREDIT for forming who-knows-how-many jobs? Considering he'd need help managing the individual locations, will likely need to hire accountants, lawyers, insurance agents, advertising consultants, construction companies and make purchases from food vendors as well as kitchen equipment vendors...... how is this person NOT giving back to society as a whole? Keep in mind, he already IS in a considerably high tax bracket. How exactly is Person A the villian in all of this? Considering the work (and risk) that Person A took upon himself, how do we justify telling him, "Ok there, buddy. We've decided that you've earned more than you need......so we're going to go ahead and take a big chunk of it."
And then they decide to stop giving jobs to americans and start giving them overseas so they can get the same labor for lower than minimum wage.
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