This whole situation is ABSURD. In middle/high school history we all read about wealth disparities in Europe when the Wealthy owned 90% of the land and the peasants worked all day and could not get ahead. I don't know why no one is seeing that we are reverting back to hundreds of years ago. Also the disparity was the highest before the first depression, and then once again right before the recession, coincidence?
The super rich, if the top 1% is to many people for you, we can take the top .5% if you really want, this is higher than the debated $250,000 a year income. Why do people see taxes as punishment or a burden? Taxes are there to help the country ideally, (we haven't been doing a great job with spending, so I think figuring out asset allocation should probably be the first part of fixing this, but it's definitely not the biggest part) we want to keep this country running, and taxes were instituted there to help it. The super rich ARE probably paying the most for taxes (35% of 1,000,000 is 20x more than [let's just say] 35% of 50,000). But so what, they have the most money, if I had $650,000 after paying taxes, I would still be elated. $180,000 if we want to use the $250,000, I would take that in a heartbeat. Even if I worked for it, I would want to help give others the opportunity to join me in the top 1.5%.
Touching on taxes as a burden or punishment, the super rich should be taxed because they are benefiting from the process, and should give something back. This is like chopping a forest down, and not planting any more trees, you're going to run out of forest. Like going to college and not giving money back to support the institution. I know they are already giving back, but they have the ability to give back, and if their stubborness/greedyness is causing the US to collapse, that is pretty unacceptable.
The problem with the whole "American Dream" is that it's not entirely possible, yes there are some "rags to riches" stories, but more often there are not. Most people around the poverty line do not have an OPPORTUNITY to increase their wealth, to support their family, the communities as a whole cannot afford to do anything, if you opened a shop in a community that cannot afford it, how are you supposed to thrive, or even to survive? Education is another point, many schools don't have opportunities that others have. THERE IS NO EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. How can the super rich look down on those on the poverty levels and say "you are lazy, I was where you were and look where I am" many a couple of them came from these neighborhoods, but I bet a majority of these people came from upper middle class or middle class at the least.
Now, I don't think that ONLY the rich should be taxed, everyone who can afford it should have tax increases. Like before the great depression, we are at one of the lowest levels of taxes, and look at the condition of the nation. If the nation crumbles, even if it's not the super rich's fault, everyone is going to blame them, they need to recognize this and stop being so stubborn.
If these people can cut the deficit by 4 trillion in 10 years, why not raise taxes and cut it by another 4 trillion?
P.S. I'm not to politically savvy, so please tell me if I am percepting some element of politics wrong.
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