................ No the governments job is for the common good in ensuring the safety, stability and freedoms put forward by the Constitution of the society.. And that is my point these business don't give crap about the people, they are purely profit based, something that does not work well if it contorl sa society.. We are seeing this, the corproations have literally taken over the government through lobbying.. And what I am trying to tell you is the subsidies meant for the extremely poor are failing.. Not because they are lazy, but because the system put forward is failing.. The poor regardless of the welfare they get are still given the WORSE environments for housing, schooling and work.. Yet you expec tthem to some how improve when statistically they ar still the worse off of ever such things.. These subsidies are not meant to give a free ride, they are meant to give equal possibility in lifting themselves up out of poverty.. Something that is failing, even more so then ever before.. I've told my own 'rags to (hopefully) riches' story on this site at least a half a dozen times so I won't bore anyone with it again, but yes, I most certainly DO expect people to improve their own situations. The government should not be in the business of putting people all at equal starting points, they should only be ensuring that everyone is offered the same rights and protections TO MAKE IT ON THEIR OWN. Beyond that, government should be providing a 'safety net' for people that fall on hard times, until THEY get THEMSELVES back on their feet.
Furthermore the super rich and corporations are actually are GREATER burden now then then poverty stricken.. They not only demand far more money diverted to them.. But they are infact sucking money out of the government and people and investing itacrossof seas.. GE isa prime example of this.. They recently posted record breaking profits.. Thanks to loop holes and tax cuts.. They paid 0% in taxes.. In fact the govenrmetn actually gave them subsidities in th billions.. During this time GE cut jobs in the US, not created them.. SO we can argue that they are in fact costing the country FAR more then wha thte poor is right now..On the topic of GE, just another reminder that Obama and company thought it was a good idea to make the head of GE the Jobs Czar. While it does make Obama look hypocritical, I think the more important thing is that it does support a lot of your claims about big business 'taking over' the government.
The difference between you and me is this.. I support a equal balanced approach.. I do not support a darwinian like economy in which the super rich/powerful pretty much crush everything else, which is ALWAYS the outcome in such environments.. In which a select few control everything, and the rest scrap by.. THis country was built on the backs of middle ****with equal opportunity, something that is getting destroyed right now.. And we are only seeing the supposed job creator swell with funds.. Yet jobs are not being created..I don't see how your approach is all that balanced. It seems you just want to increase taxes on 'the rich' while I don't hear anything about having EVERYONE contribute (even if very small ways), nor do I hear you proposing any ways to stop the rediculous waste that our government spends. I also think that something that never gets mentioned is that if we want more taxes coming in, how about we stop making all of these rules and regulations that are preventing busnisses from hiring so we can increase the size of the tax base? I read an article this morning how just last month ALONE, new 'red tape' is estimated to cost businesses 9.5 billion +/- That is NOT condusive to hiring, in my opinion.
We also never factor in the cost of illegal immigration. I hear all these claims that costs associated with medical care, schooling, etc etc is just a 'drop in the bucket.' While I don't even believe that as a starting point, if we want to fix this thing, we have to go after EVERY 'drop in the bucket' until it's overflowing.
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