The christian god is omnipotent and omniscient. Look up the meaning of these if you are not aware.
The christian god is supposed to be involved and concerned with the lives of human beings and is supposed to love them. Are you aware how this god treated early humans?
Replace the buffalo with a human and there you are. And such situations would obviously be unaviodable for many people as they didnt have the necessary tools to protect themselves at all times and the omnipotent god apparantly left them all alone to get eaten alive.
Would you throw your one year old baby into a lion cage? If you wont then how can you worship the abrahimic god? Because this is the same thing, god was all powerful like the parent and the early human was powerless like the baby!
If you are going to say that god isnt capable of doing anything about it then that is flatly contradicting the bible god who is omnipotent so you obviously believe in some other god.
If you are going to say that good cannot happen without bad and that suffering is necessary for happiness to exist then please point me what exactly did we get by the brutal torture of that buffalo?
This video is just one example of millions of brutal suffering that goes daily in the natural world. What more evidence do you need that the abrahimic god doesnt exist? It is impossible to emperically prove the non-existence of anything, but just because of that are we always going to be modest and show irrational respect? Will we continue to let our fears and desires overcome our perception of reality?
A god may exist but a personal loving omnipotent god almost certainly does not exist which is exactly what the christian/abrahamic god is...
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