what make me more mad is they start waving mexican or other countries flags.
im hispanic/latino ( what ever you want to use) i was all my brothers and sister and me were born here. my mom and dad both came from Guatemala yes i admit they jumped the border but they never once came here and asked for a hand out they went to work. my mom went to work down in Beverley hills and west LA cleaning houses along with my aunts and uncles living in a small house.
my dad came here and lived in the streets for a few days till he met some people that took him in and gave him a helping hand. and he went to work at restaurants cleaning dishes. till he met my mom at a church both fell in love. and yes they worked hard for there money and they paid there taxes and never once ask for government help. they did signed up for a green card by that time my older brother was born and 2 years later i was born. still they worked hard for there money that when my dad learned the pool table trade. and still paid there taxes. and a few years later both my mom and dad signed up for get US citizen ship. and still my family never took any help from the government.
well now my mom and dad are citizens my dad actually got screwed with the IRS cuz one of my dads friend said he is a "CPA accountant" my dad got called up by the IRS 4 times in a row. my dad paid the IRS what they wanted.
when tho my mom and dad back when i was little knew more of spainish the english they made sure we learned english first then spainish. i know english a lot better then spainish.
my mom and dad came here yes they jumped but worked for the money and got in line it took a few years but they did it and never once got a hand out. and i love the US and my mom and dad do to.
i hate it when people waves other country flags in these protest.
listen if you come to my country and want to be part of teh US then stop waving your stupid countrys flag. and get in line work for you money i dont give a damn what your are black, Hispanic, white, asian, green, red. if you jumped the border pay your taxes play by the book get in line. and maybe once go pay for your own food instead of US paying for your food with food stamps.
and maybe mostly all you Hispanics a lot of you makes me reget that im a Hispanic/Latino, cuz a lot of familys that brings kids here or have kids here and live bad lives . they kids ends up in gangs and we have to deal with that BS.
they should pass a law if you child is part of a gang and is caught doing a crime him and his family will automatically will be asked to prove there status here in teh US and if they jumped the broader then send his little gangster @$$ and his family out of here for punishment.
if you want to live in the US wave teh US flag to show that you want to be here, not some other countrys flag. and get in line and pay your dues and fees to be part of the U.S.
in the same time we have to remember hispanics arent the only illegal race here. there are illegal asians, middle easterns, Europeans, Austrians etc.. the problem with them is they get cought easyly cuz they have to come in a shipping container and if a search dog sniffs them then thay are going back.
the problem here too is not all illegals (any race) are here getting hands outs. a lot of them go to work and earn there money. and there is teh ones who take advatage by going to work and asking to get paid in cash and then go ask for help because they will report that they are broke.
dont get me wrong im in favor for doing something about out boarders and kicking out all illgals from any race from here. but give a chance to the familys who is actually doing what my family went trough. make htem get in line make them pay there dues and fees to be part of the US but send them to the back of the line but in the mean time do a review and see if that family is really worth having here in the US look at the tax returns how many kids they have etc... and give them a green card in the mean time while they wait for there forms to get pulled up to be part of the US.
but make sure they have to learn english. and not AND DO NOT turn any US phrases like the nations song to be sang to any other language. yes its ok to speak in spanish or any other language. but english is first.
and any family here for less then 3 years and asking for a free ride to US cizitenship screw them. give them a VISA for a few more year and make them report taxes and see how much they do make and see if they apply for any free help.
and get a vist from ICE agents to the familys house like 2 times year randomly to any illgal family asking for free help and to see if there houseis full of fancy item. like falt screen TVs and anything very expsenive. if what they own is does not match the kind of income they are claming to be is right. then there will get a call from the IRS and that family will be called up for review to see how they are buying all those thigns but in the same time they are claming they have no money so they need government help.
I wouldn't mind giving amnesty to
- Illegals that speak english
- Illegals that have no criminal record
- Illegals that pledge their allegiance to America (as in none of that 'this is a stolen continent' garbage)
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