Tc, it sounds like your just cheap and if you want the best service you have to pay for it but I'm guessing you can't afford those kind of restaurants so stop complaining.
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Tc, it sounds like your just cheap and if you want the best service you have to pay for it but I'm guessing you can't afford those kind of restaurants so stop complaining.
Further, in this advanced day and age, if they do not ask us about any food allergies or conditions, I am a bit perturbed as this is not only a reflection on the wait staff, but the management as well. A large portion of the population has some sort of food-related condition, whether it be an allergy, an intolerance or a disease such diabetes or candida.Apathetic_PrickHere's something I disagree with. Especially since you just said, "A large portion of the population has some sort of food-related condition, whether it be an allergy, an intolerance or a disease such diabetes or candida." Yes, a lot of people do have some sort of "food-related condition", and also eat at restaurants. That's exactly why it's completely unreasonable to expect waiters to ask every single goddamned custumer about possible "food-related conditions" that they MIGHT have. That'd be stupid as hell, and it'd piss off 99% of the custumers to have to sit through the routine "okay, before yuo order from us, can you tell us if there's any food that'll kill you" routine. Freaking McDonalds and Burger King don't annoy me with that $***, why would you want a "real" restaurant to annoy you with that garbage? Here's a better idea...if you have a known allergy or "food related condition", then you could give that information to your server BEFORE you order. Instead of expecting your server to just randomly ask POSSIBLE food related questions until they finally get to YOUR issue, you could just TELL THEM your particular issue (I'm allergic to gluten or strawberries, and my religion says I'll go to hell if I eat anything that came from an animal"), and then your server will be much more likely to accomodate your specific needs. Here's a tip. If you're deathly allergic to onions, then don't order a burger that comes with lettuce and onions and assume that saying "I want a burger, but hold the onions" is going to work out well for you. If onions or strawberies or gluten can potentially KILL the ever-loving $*** out of you, then you would do damned well to rephrase that request into something like, "please make sure that none of my food ever came into contact with onions, because onions sort of make me DIE." That might be embarrassing on a date, I understand that. It's emasculating. You're taking a potential lover out on a nice date, trying to be a manly man. And then you're forced to say in her presence that you get defeated by goddamned onions or strawberries. Yes, I totally understand the desire to not flaunt the fact that that kind of stuff will kill you. But that's not your server's fault. There's no possible way for your server to assume that onions or wheat or shrimp will kill you dead. And furthermore, expecting the server to go through a checklist before you finally say "yes" is NOT better. That's infinitely worse. That's just dragging EVERYONE (you, the waiter, your date) through an annoying-ass line of BS that just drags on and on.That'd be like stopping your romantic date (aka, "a potential chance to get laid") in order to discuss bull$*** legal crap with your server. I don't have an allergy to gluten or shrimp, so I don't want to have my servers ask me if I'm allergic to that ****. If I was allergic to that $****, if consuming that **** makes me DIE, then it's MY responsibility to give out that information long before anyone has to ask it of me. If you're afflicted with a condition that is deadly as hell to a very small percentage of people, then it is YOUR (not the server's) responsibility to make that clear. If shrimp freaking KILL YOU, then it's not the job of the waiter to assume that ****. Instead, it's YOUR job to say, "I know this might be an inconvenience, but I am deathly allergic to shrimp. Can you please make sure that none of what I just ordered has come into contact with shrimp?" Make no order that says "burger, no onions". Gets treated a hell of a lot different than an order that says "Burger, no onions...ONION ALLERGY". The important thing here is not the goddamned "no onions" part. **** that, it takes all of two seconds to take the onions off ofg you burger. The important part is the little "allergy" thing, which means that you might DIE if you consume anything that came into contact with onions. Servers are not supposed to anticipate that ****, they're not supposed to make you listen to an annoying as string of questions which encompasses everything that could possibly kill a customer. Because doing that is either impossible, or extremely annoying. At which point people would refuse to tip on the basis that "that legal jargon was boring as hell and ruined my night. Give me dome credit. If I was allergic to gluten, I'd ****ing tell you." Servers shouldn't have to ask you about that kind of crap, just like how videogame stores shouldn't have to ask you if you have epilepsy before selling you a videogame. If you've got a MAJOR health condition that most people don't have, then it's on YOU to make that **** clear before you buy products or solicit services. There is a HUGE freaking difference between "I want my burger with no onions" and "I want a burger, but onions make me die."
I said 20-40% depending where. Also, when you pay $20 for a meal, $8 isn't that much (it is 40%), so you've clealy never been to a restaurant to know when you receive great service it is worth it to give a good tip, because you're pleased with the experience as a whole.[QUOTE="DevilMightCry"][QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"]
TC has clearly never worked in a resturant, and I would be surprised if he has even worked a day in his life. 40% tip when they are good? wtf man it isnt charity as you've said yourself why would you give them a 40% tip. Did you pay for the happy ending?
:lol: A tip near half the price of the meal? Your one strange guy. This is just unrealistic tipping. "Im frugal enough to not tip based on how someone looks, what music the resturant is playing (which is usually the same everytime you go to that resturant, they don't have a dj.), if they come to my table 5 min too early, or if they come to the table 5 min too late." And if the employer does have them do a pre-determined gratuity, which is usually only done if you are with a large group of people, then how is it the servers fault? Your just so wrong in the way you are rating servers service it is not even humerous. When you grow up and actually have a job where you have to deal with people on a daily basis, I hope you have to deal with a customer like yourself.
If someone isn't providing good service, you're by no means obligated to tip. Good is subjective, if Devilmightcry thinks that blahblahblah is good service, and he tips when he sees it, good for him. If someone doesn't make enough in tips, their employer is obligated to make up the difference so they're making minimum wage.[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="DevilMightCry"] I said 20-40% depending where. Also, when you pay $20 for a meal, $8 isn't that much (it is 40%), so you've clealy never been to a restaurant to know when you receive great service it is worth it to give a good tip, because you're pleased with the experience as a whole.Nibroc420
:lol: A tip near half the price of the meal? Your one strange guy. This is just unrealistic tipping. "Im frugal enough to not tip based on how someone looks, what music the resturant is playing (which is usually the same everytime you go to that resturant, they don't have a dj.), if they come to my table 5 min too early, or if they come to the table 5 min too late." And if the employer does have them do a pre-determined gratuity, which is usually only done if you are with a large group of people, then how is it the servers fault? Your just so wrong in the way you are rating servers service it is not even humerous. When you grow up and actually have a job where you have to deal with people on a daily basis, I hope you have to deal with a customer like yourself.
If someone isn't providing good service, you're by no means obligated to tip. Good is subjective, if Devilmightcry thinks that blahblahblah is good service, and he tips when he sees it, good for him. If someone doesn't make enough in tips, their employer is obligated to make up the difference so they're making minimum wage.Yeah good for him, except for when blahblahblah is out of the server or waitresses control.
I tip more if I get more refills. Wish these restaurants would stop with the glasses and just give me a pitcher. :evil:
Also, does anybody tip for pickup/carryout orders? It's on the receipt but... :?
Not sure if there is a rule about that
Also, does anybody tip for pickup/carryout orders? It's on the receipt but... :?I generally don't. If I do, it's a VERY small tip, well below the "standard 15%-20%". Reason is simple. As I've said repeatedly, I consider tips to be payment for services performed. For me, around 20% is usually pretty standard. But there are situations that warrant tipping a lot higher and there are situations that warrant tipping a lot LOWER. Pickup/carryout equals either "no tip" or "miniscule tip." It's not that the service was bad. Instead, this is the case in which very little service was actually done. All they really have to do is ring up the order. They're not refiling my drinks, etc, etc. They're just going to the computer and typing "burger to go". And no, THAT isn't worthy of a tip, any more than when the people at Checkers or McDonalds do EXACTLY the same thing.
Not sure if there is a rule about thatJackboot343
Read a news article once about a TV celebrity who while eating in a restaurant alone, tipped a waitress $100, because she didn't fuss over him, and treated him like she would any regular customer. He said that impressed him.
[QUOTE="Jackboot343"]Also, does anybody tip for pickup/carryout orders? It's on the receipt but... :?I generally don't. If I do, it's a VERY small tip, well below the "standard 15%-20%". Reason is simple. As I've said repeatedly, I consider tips to be payment for services performed. For me, around 20% is usually pretty standard. But there are situations that warrant tipping a lot higher and there are situations that warrant tipping a lot LOWER. Pickup/carryout equals either "no tip" or "miniscule tip." It's not that the service was bad. Instead, this is the case in which very little service was actually done. All they really have to do is ring up the order. They're not refiling my drinks, etc, etc. They're just going to the computer and typing "burger to go". And no, THAT isn't worthy of a tip, any more than when the people at Checkers or McDonalds do EXACTLY the same thing. Thank you and you are so correct.
Not sure if there is a rule about thatMrGeezer
I cant stand the argument about them getting low wages ,that is there problem. Plus over here in Canada we have a min wage law. So the kids at micdonalds get no tips. But the kids at chlils do. But make the same per hour and do the same thing, serve food. This is just wrong and why I do not tip. Dont get me started with the Keg and how much tipping goes on over there. I have seen $20 tips at this place for no reason. I worked there at one time and I did nothing to warrant it such large tips. Addict187
You're telling me that the fry-slinger performs the exact same job as a waiter? Being that it sounds like you might have done that, you should know why. As for The Keg, people tip that high because they have the money to go there. More money than braincells and all that jazz.
The bolded ones are understandable to at least some degree.Here are some good tips on what not to do, compiled from my experience.
1. Get my order wrong. Wrong appetizers, meals and desserts. Beverages? Not so much.
2. Bring main course first then appetizers. There is a reason why it's called that.
3. Look for a server to order. I shouldn't have to look for anybody once I sit down.
4. You're playing annoying music in the background. I don't want to hear F$%&@#! music. You don't know my taste. I don't want to hear music, especially if it's loud, and hip hop.
5. You don't come to the table often enough. I want refills. When you see I look like I need one or something else, come and serve me, please.
6. You come to the table too often. STFU with the "How are we doing tonight" already! Can't you see me I am eating?
7. Don't touch me, my wife/girlfriend/S.O. or my kids. Don't asume I'm friendly.
8. Pre-determined gratuity. Ohh yeah? Your employer knows how much I was going to tip? Well, I guess then it's fine if you just get the bare minimum since they know better.
9. You don't greet me/welcome me, or don't thank me.
10. You're ugly. Or ugly and fat. Ugly fat people get less tip. Sorry, but.. dawrwinism at work.
number 4 was crap. You want to punich the waitress because you don't like the restaurant's choice of music?
numbers 5 and 6 contradit each other. How you they supposed to take care you you if they don't come to the table and ask how things are going?
number 10 was just a crap reason.
i avoid tipping whenever possible, if they want more money find a better job, why must i pay for your bad decision!?ZumaJones07Oh right, they just find find this magical, amazing job from the plethora available to every one. It couldn't possibly be that they're a waiter just because it was the only job available :roll:
For the first one, why didn't you just ask them to move you? I've done that a couple times.Two times I didn't leave a tip:
1) Went to a restaurant with a beautiful view. That's WHY we went to it. There was hardly anybody else there, but instead of seating us at one of the many empty tables in front of the windows, she stuck us in some dark little hole in the back.
2) Finished our meal and waited about 15 minutes for our bill. Asked another waitress, who told us our waitress was on break. Waited another 15 minutes, asked again, she was still on break. The other girl brought us our bill. Hey, hope you enjoyed your half hour break.
The second one seems totally acceptable to leave a small tip/none at all.
[QUOTE="Alter_Echo"]This right there is the problem. When you get bad service you just pay the bill and leave. I would go to management or owner and tell him/her that you were not happy with service and don't intend on coming back if this is how they runs the place, and wont recommend anyone I know to ever eat there. Tell them you my get 50% off or free meal. And the server should be remided about doing a good job regardless of tips. It is here job, I do not care what they get paid that is between them and the employer, not the countmers job to pay them.Where do you think the employer gets the money from?When you go out to eat and get terrible service you can thank all these people who tip regardless of service quality. When you tip for bad service you are removing ALL incentive they have to give good service. The problem is tips being commonplace. They are expected, the bare minimum is done as a result, rinse repeat. If I get crappy service and the place is packed I will understand. If I go into an empty restaurant and sit there for 20 mins to get my order taken and then never get a refill offer you bet your ass they aren't getting #*$& but the bill amount.
If tipping wasn't commonplace, the base price of the meal would go up to cover the waiter's hourly wage increase.
TC, how about you just not tip at all instead of putting up an incredibly high bar for waiters/waitresses to jump over just to get $2.00 out of your sorry ass?
I cant stand the argument about them getting low wages ,that is there problem. Plus over here in Canada we have a min wage law. So the kids at micdonalds get no tips. But the kids at chlils do. But make the same per hour and do the same thing, serve food. This is just wrong and why I do not tip. Dont get me started with the Keg and how much tipping goes on over there. I have seen $20 tips at this place for no reason. I worked there at one time and I did nothing to warrant it such large tips. Addict187No, they don't make the same thing per hour.
a waiter, (ie, some one who serves in a sit down restaurant, rather than mcdonald's) makes less than the standard minimum wage. Yes, even here in Canada. If they employers were forced to bump up their hourly wage because no one tipped, menu prices would go up.
No, they don't make the same thing per hour.[QUOTE="Addict187"]I cant stand the argument about them getting low wages ,that is there problem. Plus over here in Canada we have a min wage law. So the kids at micdonalds get no tips. But the kids at chlils do. But make the same per hour and do the same thing, serve food. This is just wrong and why I do not tip. Dont get me started with the Keg and how much tipping goes on over there. I have seen $20 tips at this place for no reason. I worked there at one time and I did nothing to warrant it such large tips. BuryMe
a waiter, (ie, some one who serves in a sit down restaurant, rather than mcdonald's) makes less than the standard minimum wage. Yes, even here in Canada. If they employers were forced to bump up their hourly wage because no one tipped, menu prices would go up.
I was a server at the Keg 10 years ago, And i got $8h, min wage back then plus tips $60-150 a night . My buddy at burger king got 8h and no tips. Sorry but that is bull that he got treated like crap at BK and got nothing extra. Wile I was making $300 some nights doing the same thing, serving food just down the street[QUOTE="BuryMe"]No, they don't make the same thing per hour.[QUOTE="Addict187"]I cant stand the argument about them getting low wages ,that is there problem. Plus over here in Canada we have a min wage law. So the kids at micdonalds get no tips. But the kids at chlils do. But make the same per hour and do the same thing, serve food. This is just wrong and why I do not tip. Dont get me started with the Keg and how much tipping goes on over there. I have seen $20 tips at this place for no reason. I worked there at one time and I did nothing to warrant it such large tips. Addict187
a waiter, (ie, some one who serves in a sit down restaurant, rather than mcdonald's) makes less than the standard minimum wage. Yes, even here in Canada. If they employers were forced to bump up their hourly wage because no one tipped, menu prices would go up.
I was a server at the Keg 10 years ago, And i got $8h, min wage back then plus tips $60-150 a night . My buddy at burger king got 8h and no tips. Sorry but that is bull that he got treated like crap at BK and got nothing extra. Wile I was making $300 some nights doing the same thing, serving food just down the street[QUOTE="BuryMe"]No, they don't make the same thing per hour.[QUOTE="Addict187"]I cant stand the argument about them getting low wages ,that is there problem. Plus over here in Canada we have a min wage law. So the kids at micdonalds get no tips. But the kids at chlils do. But make the same per hour and do the same thing, serve food. This is just wrong and why I do not tip. Dont get me started with the Keg and how much tipping goes on over there. I have seen $20 tips at this place for no reason. I worked there at one time and I did nothing to warrant it such large tips. Addict187
a waiter, (ie, some one who serves in a sit down restaurant, rather than mcdonald's) makes less than the standard minimum wage. Yes, even here in Canada. If they employers were forced to bump up their hourly wage because no one tipped, menu prices would go up.
I was a server at the Keg 10 years ago, And i got $8h, min wage back then plus tips $60-150 a night . My buddy at burger king got 8h and no tips. Sorry but that is bull that he got treated like crap at BK and got nothing extra. Wile I was making $300 some nights doing the same thing, serving food just down the streetBK is also a joe-job. A family of five can eat there for the same price as it costs for one person to eat at The Keg. At Burger King, all they do is man a counter. They do not check up on you, refill your drinks or see if you need anything else because it is not part of the job description. Their definition of upselling is "would you like fries with that?" The Keg's definition is "Would you like a drink/appetizer/etc. with that". That's right, The Keg also has a liquor license, and that in itself comes with other requirements - such as additional training and Smart Serve certification. They are not the same jobs; they have different descriptions and requirements, and you, my naive friend, need to realise that.
[QUOTE="BuryMe"]No, they don't make the same thing per hour.[QUOTE="Addict187"]I cant stand the argument about them getting low wages ,that is there problem. Plus over here in Canada we have a min wage law. So the kids at micdonalds get no tips. But the kids at chlils do. But make the same per hour and do the same thing, serve food. This is just wrong and why I do not tip. Dont get me started with the Keg and how much tipping goes on over there. I have seen $20 tips at this place for no reason. I worked there at one time and I did nothing to warrant it such large tips. Addict187
a waiter, (ie, some one who serves in a sit down restaurant, rather than mcdonald's) makes less than the standard minimum wage. Yes, even here in Canada. If they employers were forced to bump up their hourly wage because no one tipped, menu prices would go up.
I was a server at the Keg 10 years ago, And i got $8h, min wage back then plus tips $60-150 a night . My buddy at burger king got 8h and no tips. Sorry but that is bull that he got treated like crap at BK and got nothing extra. Wile I was making $300 some nights doing the same thing, serving food just down the street Then the Keg was paying you more than server's minimumwage. But that's not true for all waiters.And you mentioned it was 10 years ago. I can't imagine it being the same back then, but even if it was, minimum wage is lower for waiters today.
Because that would contradict him being a pompous ass..TC, how about you just not tip at all instead of putting up an incredibly high bar for waiters/waitresses to jump over just to get $2.00 out of your sorry ass?
I was a server at the Keg 10 years ago, And i got $8h, min wage back then plus tips $60-150 a night . My buddy at burger king got 8h and no tips. Sorry but that is bull that he got treated like crap at BK and got nothing extra. Wile I was making $300 some nights doing the same thing, serving food just down the street Then the Keg was paying you more than server's minimumwage. But that's not true for all waiters.[QUOTE="Addict187"][QUOTE="BuryMe"]No, they don't make the same thing per hour.
a waiter, (ie, some one who serves in a sit down restaurant, rather than mcdonald's) makes less than the standard minimum wage. Yes, even here in Canada. If they employers were forced to bump up their hourly wage because no one tipped, menu prices would go up.
And you mentioned it was 10 years ago. I can't imagine it being the same back then, but even if it was, minimum wage is lower for waiters today.
This is in Canada were it is illegal to pay anyone less then min wage. $10h as of this year I live in Saskatoon Sk. Sorry but everyone that works buy the hour as of now over here makes no less then $10 regardless what you do. I feel sorry that in the USA they can pay srevers nothing and expect the customer to front the wage the employer should pay. do not give me the price will go up crap. I steak dinner at the keg runs $16-$33 with water. and would be the same if they made $3hDon't worry..when it comes to people like TC. We spit in your food and laugh while you are eating it :)MgamerBDSo you spit in peoples food before you give them a chance to not leave a tip. well just saying that we pay and tip after eating. So if he left a tip but already ate the spit. Yeaaaaa Stupid how that works.
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Don't worry..when it comes to people like TC. We spit in your food and laugh while you are eating it :)Addict187So you spit in peoples food before you give them a chance to not leave a tip. well just saying that we pay and tip after eating. So if he left a tip but already ate the spit. Yeaaaaa Stupid how that works. The thing is if your being a d!ck before the end of your order. Then yes, and its not like your gonna know...
You get what you want in the restaurant where i work unless you order a WELL DONE steak.... we throw your steak in the garbage then on the grill then serve it to you black as a hockey puck
[QUOTE="Addict187"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Don't worry..when it comes to people like TC. We spit in your food and laugh while you are eating it :)MgamerBDSo you spit in peoples food before you give them a chance to not leave a tip. well just saying that we pay and tip after eating. So if he left a tip but already ate the spit. Yeaaaaa Stupid how that works. The thing is if your being a d!ck before the end of your order. Then yes, and its not like your gonna know...
That just completely destroys the point of "spitting" in someone's food. It's not like you're poisoning it or anything, it's the gesture that's supposed to be insulting. If the guy doesn't even know you did it, then what's the freaking point?
The thing is if your being a d!ck before the end of your order. Then yes, and its not like your gonna know...[QUOTE="MgamerBD"][QUOTE="Addict187"] So you spit in peoples food before you give them a chance to not leave a tip. well just saying that we pay and tip after eating. So if he left a tip but already ate the spit. Yeaaaaa Stupid how that works.Heisenderp
That just completely destroys the point of "spitting" in someone's food. It's not like you're poisoning it or anything, it's the gesture that's supposed to be insulting. If the guy doesn't even know you did it, then what's the freaking point?
Self Satisfaction. Is this really hard to comprehend?[QUOTE="Addict187"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Don't worry..when it comes to people like TC. We spit in your food and laugh while you are eating it :)MgamerBDSo you spit in peoples food before you give them a chance to not leave a tip. well just saying that we pay and tip after eating. So if he left a tip but already ate the spit. Yeaaaaa Stupid how that works. The thing is if your being a d!ck before the end of your order. Then yes, and its not like your gonna know... Frankly, I suspect that the whole "spit/piss/poop/ejaculate in your food" thing is mostly just an urban legend. I'm not saying that it NEVER happens, but I'm pretty damn sure that it happens a hell of a lot less often than people make it seem. If anything, it's more likely to happen in a place like Wendy's or Taco Bell, where tips AREN'T an issue and employees DON'T have to wait on customers. Here's the thing...people act stupid all the time, people **** up all the time. And yes, in the heat of the moment, a pissed off employee might spit in a customer's food. Here's the thing about that, though. The 17 year old entry level fry cook at McDonalds is probably only getting minimum wage. Getting caught spitting in a customer's food is the kind of thing that could potentially prevent him from ever getting a job in the restaurant industry ever again. Which sort of doesn't matter to him, since he's only making minimum wage. With waiters, it is VERY different. For most of those people, **** the wages. It's about the tips. Many of them can potentially bring in VERY good money for what they do. I'm not saying that they won't **** up and get fired for one reason or another, but very few of them are going to be stupid enough that can potentially get them banned from the entire restaurant industry. That's a difference between "getting fired for being lazy and then getting another job at a different restaurant in a couple of weeks", and "getting fired for intentionally putting my bodily fluids in a customers' food, and then never being able to work a restaurant job ever again." At a sit-down "real" restaurant with actual waiters and stuff, the consequences of tampering with food are a LOT more damaging. There, you potentially stand to lose GOOD money doing that kind of thing. And for a hell of a lot of waiters and managers, they know that that's the best thing they're gonna get for a long time. I doubt that very many people are going to **** that up and ruin their chances of getting another job in the freaking restaurant industry solely because a customer happened to be an assbag. Then, you've got people checking stuff. A COOK might spit in someone's food. But if anything, the cook is probably more likely to resent the server. "I asked to be moved up to server, but I keep getting denied. That customer was a jerk and made you cry? Well, good. Don't come to me asking to spit in his/her food. They didn't make ME cry. Do that **** yourself, so I can laugh my ass off when you get fired for it. If anything, the vacant server position might give me another shot at getting out of the kitchen". Even supposing that the cook DOES spit in the person's food for not tipping well, you've got other cooks around. Someone is going to see that $***, and anyone who sees it is going to talk about it. You'll probably have the chef around, you'll probably have to get that past the expo guy, and then it's finally got to get to the server before he/she serves the tainted food to the customer. I seriously doubt that it's anything but only a tiny percentage of people who will actually go through with it. Servers have too much to lose. Managers have WAY too much to lose (that's their freaking CAREER). And expo and cooks aren't going to care enough about the petty "wah, he tips bad" thing to sacrifice their own jobs by being the ones who provide the spit. People talk about that all the time, but I just SERIOUSLY doubt that it's something that happens all that often. And the more employees that food has to go through before it reaches the customer, the more likely that someone is going to say "**** that, this food isn't getting served because it has spit in it. Remake it." And let's be realistic. There's not much satisfaction in spitting in someone's food or doing other nasty stuff to it unless someone other than you actually gets to know about it. As a result, the people who actually are willing to do that to a customer's food are also the same kinds of people who talk about it or say something like, "hey guys, look at this...*spit*."
[QUOTE="BuryMe"]Then the Keg was paying you more than server's minimumwage. But that's not true for all waiters.[QUOTE="Addict187"] I was a server at the Keg 10 years ago, And i got $8h, min wage back then plus tips $60-150 a night . My buddy at burger king got 8h and no tips. Sorry but that is bull that he got treated like crap at BK and got nothing extra. Wile I was making $300 some nights doing the same thing, serving food just down the street Addict187
And you mentioned it was 10 years ago. I can't imagine it being the same back then, but even if it was, minimum wage is lower for waiters today.
This is in Canada were it is illegal to pay anyone less then min wage. $10h as of this year I live in Saskatoon Sk. Sorry but everyone that works buy the hour as of now over here makes no less then $10 regardless what you do. I feel sorry that in the USA they can pay srevers nothing and expect the customer to front the wage the employer should pay. do not give me the price will go up crap. I steak dinner at the keg runs $16-$33 with water. and would be the same if they made $3hAddict, do you understand anything about minimum wage in Canada? In any work environment where liquor is being served, the minimum wage is lower. There are many tiers for minimum wage, it doesn't just stop at "joe-jobs". Also, you need to read my below post, because you're sounding off like a fool.
[QUOTE="Addict187"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Don't worry..when it comes to people like TC. We spit in your food and laugh while you are eating it :)MgamerBDSo you spit in peoples food before you give them a chance to not leave a tip. well just saying that we pay and tip after eating. So if he left a tip but already ate the spit. Yeaaaaa Stupid how that works. The thing is if your being a d!ck before the end of your order. Then yes, and its not like your gonna know... I never made the point to be a dick, nor am I. But to me, if you can't perform basic waiter stuff, and screw up at the same, then I just leave a very small tip, or nothing.
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