Co-signed brother. F*** these austerity-minded imbeciles. If they would just TAX the money these corporations and CEOssiphoned out of the middle c1ass at the correct levels and REGULATE the Financial and Energymarkets like they should be.
Instead of protecting the troves people have amassed, they need to invest in education, health, and technology.
Who do you think corporations pass the tax onto? The consumer...
My god, the amount of economic and business illiterate people on this forum is astounding.
Trust me you are not any economic whizz yourself. The guy had a point many companies avoid paying the tax they should because of an overly complicated tax system.And his assumptions about businesses passing costs onto customers is what's wrong with conservative economic thought today. If you operate under the assumption that Businesses will pass the cost onto consumers, why tax at all? First and foremost they have to regulate CEO pay. It is OUTRAGEOUS and Executive pay has only become more egregious and contemptable during this recession. You cannot allow yourself to become beholden to people who would rather fire workers over reducing their own pay, you'll only create a business cycle that relies solely on extraction and desperation.
You can regulate business practices enough to ensure that corporations make a modest profit while paying their workers fair wagesand the government fair taxes. That's how soceity works. If we had stricter finance industryregulation and healthcare regulation (like Canada's for example), do you think we'd still be in this recession? Canada's financial situation seems a hell of alot better than the US, and they have :shock: socialized medicine :shock:
His misunderstanding of government and regulation is laughable. And I don't care whathe's majoring in ashe'd just as soon lie about anything else. When that is your only defense against someone's ideas/argument (ie "And I'm right because I go to university XYZ") you've lost the debate.
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