What are your thought on worldwide banning of Anime porn?
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This anime and manga a poison to the world drama started with Dr. Ethel Quayle a psychology lecturer in University of Cork (Ireland) publishing works exposing the evils of the internet against children - basically porn-bashing, which were embraced by UNICEF to fuel their campaign against child abuse and promotion of child welfare blah blah blah.
Since kids are getting smarter and accessing the net easier. I like it gone.
UN Statistics for 2000: Rapes per 100,000 people:
Canada 78.08 "Simple Possession", Loli Manga Banned
Australia 77.79 "Simple Possession", Loli Manga De Jure Banned
USA 32.05 "Simple Possession", Loli Manga Banned (Constitutionally Invalid)
Sweden 24.47 "Simple Possession", Loli Manga Banned
UK 16.23 "Simple Possession", Loli Manga, BDSM to be Banned
France 14.36 "Simple Possession"
S. Korea 12.98 "Simple Possession"
Germany 9.12 "Simple Possession"
Russia 4.78
Taiwan 4.08
Japan 1.78 "Simple Possession" (Just introduced)
(Extra) Phillipines "Simple Possesion" Loli Mange Banned
*Third column contains the anti-loli laws in place for each country
Bear Hugs
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