[QUOTE="Genia"] [QUOTE="elfimis"]
Well i agree with that completley. Problem is, is that he is being biased based on opinion, why cant an emo kid be respectful???
Im so glad someone else here agrees! A parents job is not to dictate but to teach ... to teach their kids to think for themselves and not make ridiculous judgements about people by the way they appear. I mean how many films, books, documentaries, tv programs, talk shows, magazines, games, news reports (I wont go on) need to be rammed down peoples throats before this kind of prejudice truly stops?
I mean seriously ... in movies for decades now (almost any kind of movie from kids movies to serious epics to action thrillers) people who make such judgements are almost always protrayed as ignorant individuals because its not productive to society to view things in such a shallow way. But in the real world this still makes for good parenting techniques? I can truly truly understand wanting to protect your child, but by dictating who they can see by looking at their clothes and the presence of make-up as opposed to true merits in life (education, morals, being nice to people no matter how they look or which sub-culture they subscribe to etc) ... what kind of example is that setting?
PS As much as it seems so im not actually attacking anyone personally ... I just felt the need to rant and direct it at someone about this sort of thing. Im certain youre not as ignorant or as much of a dictator as a few (fairly light hearted) forum messages can make you out to be. I just dont like that this does genuinely happens out there in the world ... still
You two are free to parent however you feel is right. But one thing is evident in my mind...the way a person presents themselves says a lot about that individual. And in the "real world" people (especially employers, clients, ect) definitely look at appearances. It's the image you project outwards, and while it can be misleading or based on generalizations, normally the exception does not disprove the rule.I'll disprove this right now. I have literally tons of tattoos, i half a full sleeve on my left arm, a half sleeve on my right arm, and my chest and stomach. My lip is pierced and i keep a buzz cut for a meaner look(silly i i know) and guess where i work buddy, in an administrative office that deals with the general public all day long, on average i see about 30-50 people a day. Now, according to you i am not fit to be here because my appearance is extreme, but fortunately for me, not everyone is so biased and niave and my employer is smart enough to realize that i have a Bachelors degree and that i am a hard-working professional.
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