[QUOTE="TheWalrusBeast"][QUOTE="NicktehImperial"][QUOTE="DivergeUnify"][QUOTE="NicktehImperial"][QUOTE="DivergeUnify"] The light is starting to come to me and I'm thinking that if we got in a war with China( assuming it was like pre-iraq when we could support a fresh war), we would loose because of their sheer numbers ASSUMING that it was a war on their land.
I'm talking on the infantry front though. I know for a fact that our airforce would be unparalleled. My dad said on the news a couple days ago, US and Israel did an airstrike over Kuwait and took out their AA system which was supposed to be the best in the world and we didn't loose a single jet. Thats pretty good...
In my personel opinion. China would lose, because it would just be more soldiers for our guys to kill.
In fact, it would almost be like the perfect war for the US and its allies....
The perfect war? What the hell does that mean? You don't understand, the Chinese probably aren't horrible like the terrorists in Iraq. they're probably average, and an average skill force with TONS of men can over run EXCELLENT men with smaller numbers in comparison.
How about when we bomb them to oblivion, close in on em with our legions of carriers, then send elite Marines, Rangers, Airborne ETC into their country,our guys are designed for that....
China's Second Artillery Corps has over 1000 ballestic missiles and 70% of them can be nuclear tipped and thus China CAN retaliate. You will need a lot more than just bombs to defeat China, the country is huge. If America couldn't bomb Vietnam to submission, how can it bomb China which is like 30 times the size.
You forget that the US is tied for 3rd with China in size. Raw numbers mean little in modern warfare, where infentry is as reliant on tanks as they are on infentry. If the US got a stable foot hold in China and a solid supply chain running it would steam roll anything short of an equal quality force. We were outnumbered in Iraq tank for tank and still decimated them with almost no heavy armor losses.
Iraq's terrain was basically asking for massive aerial bombardment by F-15's over and over again. The Iraqi Airforce had like 50 planes and their ground force was already defeated the second American bombers began bombing. The Iraqi forces had no AWAC, spying satellites, or even effective AA systems.
How will America gain a stable foothold? I don't see any country bordering China in which America can amass a huge army thus the only way to land in China is via an amphibious assualt which is extremely hard to pull off considering China has 2/3 of its total forces concentrated in the east.
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