Well everyone is going to have their own ideals. Whether it's Brad Pitt, Greg Plitt, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, I say go for it. Unless you're using copious amount of steroids it doesn't hurt to try.[QUOTE="ff7fan2"][QUOTE="markinthedark"]hes just gonna say brad pitt from fight club... everyone wants to look like brad pitt from fight club, lol.markinthedark
lol when my buddy asked me for a workout routine and he said he didnt "want to get ridiculously jacked" then proceeded to say he just wanted to look like arnold in terminator 3. I tried my darndest to hold back my laughter.
Arnold has incredible genes and is pumped full of steroids. Its a very unrealistic expectation for most folks.
I think its better to just let individuals know, you are probably never gonna look like said celebrity... but you can get in alot better shape with some work. Genetics plays into everything quite a bit, and alot of us, myself included, just dont have the DNA to achieve the body type of celebrities.
You know nothing about Arnold. During Mr.Olympia he only took steroids during his cutting phase so he wouldn't lose muscle mass. Arnold was 235lbs at his heaviest so please stop this "steroids and genetics" nonesense. Anyone can look like Arnold if they put in the work, and that does not involve doing silly split routines. Read up on Reg Park, Arnold's mentor and come back and talk to me about silly isolation exercises.
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