You smokers would hate my house. Not only is there no smoking in my house. I won't even allow it on my property. That's right, I don't even allow smokers to step outside to smoke. They want to smoke, they have to leave. Used to have idiots leaving their nasty ass butts in my yard all the time. I feel no sympathy towards smokers because they feel no sympathy towards us non smokers. If they had it their way, they would still be allowed to smoke in public buildings and screw the health of the non smoker that was smart enough to either never start or smart enough to give up such a stupid habit. Smokers are so disrespectful that why will walk in your house smoking without even asking if it is okay or they will light up in your house without asking. Just had an asshats light up in my house the other day and and i cursed him out as I kicked him out my house. AmazonTreeBoa've never seen anyone do that. i think you just have a-holes living around you. if someone lights up in someone else's house without asking, then they'd still be a douche even if they weren't a smoker.
you think you're better than a smoker because you don't smoke? well you're not, so get over yourself :)
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