I was aware that it's two different things, I what I wanted from you and what I asked from you were different things, where that post was concerned.
If you need some reminders I'll be happy let you know of the ones I'm aware of. Did you make a thread over in TDH telling everyone to track Topsemag because Topsemag had removed various TDH member from his tracking list? Did members of TDH purposefully befriend Topsemag and then leak those personal PMs regarding TDH there in a TDH thread? Did you afterwards claim innocence and did not many of you pretend to have little involvement in order to make Topsemag appear more paranoid or whatever?
And while we're in a confession-esq mood what about the others? By this I obviously mean OT members who, for whatever reason, chose not to join the TDH fold and specifically those who you deemed weak enough to pick on for the lulz. Did you not all make trolling picture memes of Mailer and post them here in order to provoke a reaction you could laugh and more over there? And going down the other road a moment, what is it about Mailer then, that you found annoying or little habit he had that was tempting to tease?
How about Deih, did various TDH members not continually mock her about her friendship with Mailer by claiming they were in a relationship, and mocked other things that she was obviously sensitive about like her body and her virginity - so much so that she no longer posts with us? How about the continual mocking of BlindBluMonster's looks and unfortunate facial hair and all that? Do you not use an actual photo of Tepni as a mocking emoticon on your site? What about the on-going threads TDH have where you continually draw attention to comments made here away from the eyes of the people involved? And evening linking OT threads etc. in it? There are other examples of course, these are the ones that come to mind, I suppose if I had studied better I'd recollect more examples too.
Oh yes, what's you problem with Drac also? Would love to hear that.
But most importantly do you deny that you have made these and other malicious moves both as an individual, and as part of a particular group, and in a one-way trolling method that meant that it was hard for any of these people to call you to account considering our old TOU rules?
So much to the extent that people like myself who have complained about your actions in the past have be accused of being ignorant and/or deluded?
[QUOTE="rawsavon"] 'Know'
...to me this implies nothing more than that (no assumed responsibility...either in creating or stopping)
Did I know...yes
Did I stop...no
Did I encourage...without knowing the specific allegation, I can't say for sure. But I certainly encourage more than discourage when it comes to LULZ
I did not mean it to be anything but what I said. As a prominent TDH member, one who has proudly associated yourself to the site as one of the admins, I feel it best to bring this questioning to your door. Plus, as I mentioned, I hope our past will mean you know I am serious if I do this sort of thing.
[QUOTE="rawsavon"]Agree to disagree
TDH does not do what I say b/c I said so.
...hell, many don't like me/barely tolerate me (which is fine and expected).
There is a world of difference in someone controlling (people do b/c they 'said so') versus people doing b/c they like the idea
That statement was really more regarding the one thread I know you personally made telling TDH members to troll Topsemag by tracking him. I don't argue that TDH is some sort of army who follows your every command but I also don't think you can deny abusing your position of power there to add weight behind your trolling endeavours at least sometimes.
How is it that you know all of this?
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