@Atheists_Pwn, I don't ever recall saying I wanted cultural purity, I think Redstorm said something like that. I would save the White person first, does that make me a racist? sure, Do I care? not in the slightest. I never said for all races to put the White race first as that is a form of White Supremacy, I said that if you are White you should put your own race first. There is no point arguing with someone like you, when your not sure what else to say you cry Racist!! If you believe that a White homeland is racist explain why because if you don't care about my race going extinct within 150 years or less then you are in a way advocating Genocide. I already do post on Stormfront regularly, in fact it is opened in a tab right now, so what? does this make me an evil "White Supremacist"? That website is a WHITE NATIONALIST forum, of course there are White Supremacists there, as are there a couple of Neo-Nazis but this is no different from this website. This website politically is predominately Liberal but there are Conservatives, there are Socialist and there are even a couple of Communists (which greatly annoys me as Communists are responsible for more deaths than any other political group in history). Have a look at this website http://whitewatch.wordpress.com/ if this doesn't offend you or at least annoy you then you are a hypocrite (I am too I guess as I just name called:P)
Here's the thing.
I happen to work in a very diverse workplace. Of the people on my development team with whom I interact with the most, there are five white people, one Asian person, and two Indian people. My manager is Indian. His manager is white.
Any amount of time spent with these people will leave no doubt in one's mind that they were not selected because of affirmative action or anything like that. I have received help from all of these people by now at one time or another. They all know their stuff. Very well. One of the white guys is the most senior member of our team. The Asian guy is second. And one of the Indian guys is third.
Yet, you are telling me that I ought to value the white people more than the others.
Because their genetic material has given them a facial structure slightly different than someone else's?
Why would I care about that?
Because their genetic material has caused their bodies to naturally produce less melanin?
Why would I care about that?
Of all the criteria with which I might use to issue a judgment on someone's worth, be it the extent to which they are pleasant individuals, the extent to which they do their jobs well, the extent to which they facilitate good team cohesion, the extent to which they are dependable and trustworthy... you are asking me to use the extent to which their bodies naturally produce melanin.
I mean, really?
Of all those criteria, your #1 top priority is the extent to which their skin is able to absorb vitamin D from sunlight?
How does that affect you?
I'm not going to cry "racist". I am, however, going to declare point blank that what you are suggesting is among the most indefensible and nonsensical positions that one could possibly put forth.
Don't bother reasoning. It won't get you anywhere. He admitted he was racist, lol.
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