I was looking at the hevisaurus thread, and was somewhat astonished to find that there were some metalheads who were critiquing a children's heavy metal band based on the fact that they thought it wasn't metal (children's heavy metal dino band is the best idea ever.) Seriously, sometimes you have to relax and accept that there IS metal that you don't like.
Seriously. Why are so many metalheads taking metal way too seriously. I understand why metalheads would be defensive (because metal is really awesome and its really quite sad to have it be insulted by someone who thinks auto-tune IS music,) but there is seriously no need to actively seek to insult other genres such as rap, or even worse, freaking wailing on OTHER metal subgenres (which is just plain idiotic.) Sure, because there are a lot of subgenres and they are very different, it might be hard for some to accept the other metal subgenres, but the fact is that pushing they own ignorant hate on other subgenres (such as metalcore or nu-metal or industrial metal or etc) makes them no better than the people they hate the most (the people who listen to mainstream music who hate on metal even though they don't know a thing about it.) Its the same level of pathetic...
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