It gives them a sense of identity. It makes them feel like they are unique and "special" to everyone else. This is why atheists aer so overzealous about their beliefs, the thing is though, if everyone else was an atheist they would no longer be interested in being one because their sense of identity would be gone.
A lot of people on here are kids, and kids go through phases where they try to find themselves and rebel, some of them do it through atheism. It makes them feel cool, they think it makes them more intelligent than the masses.
Eventually they will grow up and reaslise that religions people are not stupid nor bad or evil. Also a lot of people on here are just trying to fit in, they don't really agree with the people here.
An adult would not care what people think about them.
Once again, Atheists are not a collective group. There is no common belief because there is no belief. Atheists don't gather in special atheist places, differ wildly in behaviour and share no rituals. So stop portraying them as some kind of group that wants to feel unique and special to everyone else.The fact that there is even an atheist union on here proves otherwise. It's like a people starting basketball club, and then some other group starting an anti basketball club, it's a complete and total joke.
A union is made up of people who share similar values and opinions and beliefs. They have something that connects them, atheists are no different. I don't have enough faith to be an atheist, it asks me to put too much faith in believing life started by nothing, and everything just kind of randomly happened inlcuding the processes for life to start and evolve. I don't have enough faith to believe that all that came into existance and happened on it's own.
Atheists get sometimes militant (OT is full of them) and they wear it like a badge of honor like they are in some group that knows more than others. Look at some of the people in here, they think they are free thinkers just because they are atheists lol.
Only a person who has their head up their own ass would think that. A lot of people (mostly younger) are atheists because they think it's cool and think it makes them unique. It gives them a sense of identity, makes them feel superior to the masses. They will grow up later.
The other reason people are atheists is because they had something happen to them that made them see religion as harmful. Maybe some religious person hurt them or acted mean towards them. It is important for these atheists to realise that there are more good religious people than bad and they just were unfortunate to meet the wrong ones.
But this is OT, I don't expect people to understand because most of the people here come across as anti-social kids in high school who want to be cool but can't fit in.
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