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[QUOTE="Zeviander"] Hey look, SM is spouting his "all atheists are just kids going through a phase" rhetoric again. Human beings are very conscious about what others feel about them. It is an inherent desire to be a part of a community. Many atheists are so out-spoken on the internet because they are venting frustration, and might feel that their physical community around them is stifling and preventing them from being who they really are. They might feel that those whom they love would be petty enough to think differently of them depending on what they believe regarding the supernatural. Atheism isn't a phase, it is a conscious rejection of archaic, traditional beliefs in favor of humanity and it's continued progress towards enlightenment (i.e. through science, critical thought and open debate, rather than ideological banter and apologism). Your very close-minded, condescending views about atheists are what is wrong with religious folks and why atheists are the most distrusted group in North America currently. Atheists are knowledge-loving, peace-loving, human-loving people who just want what is best for humanity. They only get upset when the values above are undermined by archaic, defunct ideas that are kept around solely because they are so old and people think that makes them right.ShadowMoses900
Oh man come on. I hope this is just to troll with SM.
I think he unfortunately is that ignorant in his beliefs. There are plenty of religious people who are criticle thinkers and have no problem with science or learning. The only religous people who do are the fundies.
I find atheists on here have a less accurate view of religious people than the other way around. They seem to think that we are all uneducated red necks who are afraid of science. These people clearly need to get out more and learn about the world because they are severely misinformed.
A lo of atheists are just posers trying to be unique or cool. It makes them feel unique among the masses of the world because they lack their own identity. Many of them on here are not even really atheists, just kids trying to fit in around here.
And in my experience, the vast majority of religious people fit into your description of fundies. Maybe not all to the most extreme degree, but they are definitely opposed to anything that might threaten their beliefs, and very often that includes scientific data. Even some of the most forward-thinking ones refuse to confront their peers on beliefs they find questionable, preferring instead to jump to their defense whenever someone calls them on something on the grounds that, "it's just their personal beliefs." If that weren't the case, then fundamentalism wouldn't have the same appeal it does today. You wouldn't have politicians getting elected to national positions in areas that cover more than half the country with a platform of fundamentalism, you wouldn't have people re-writing cirricula to coincide with religious ideology, you wouldn't have media empires making hundreds of millions of dollars by promoting fundamentalist beliefs, it just wouldn't happen if the overwhelming majority of religious individuals in this country acted as you describe. If the majority of religious individuals were not only supportive of scientific discoveries but were speaking out in defense of them then issues of science wouldn't be a national debate.
This. I can't tell you how happy it makes me that this is the first response.Probably for the same reason Christians feel the need to advertise their religion
[QUOTE="musicalmac"]Confused? Me, too... :?ZevianderOnly because you misrepresent an entire group of people with your generalization. No, I'd say he's pretty damn accurate.
The fact that there is even an atheist union on here proves otherwise. It's like a people starting basketball club, and then some other group starting an anti basketball club, it's a complete and total joke.
A union is made up of people who share similar values and opinions and beliefs. They have something that connects them, atheists are no different. I don't have enough faith to be an atheist, it asks me to put too much faith in believing life started by nothing, and everything just kind of randomly happened inlcuding the processes for life to start and evolve. I don't have enough faith to believe that all that came into existance and happened on it's own.
Atheists get sometimes militant (OT is full of them) and they wear it like a badge of honor like they are in some group that knows more than others. Look at some of the people in here, they think they are free thinkers just because they are atheists lol.
Only a person who has their head up their own ass would think that. A lot of people (mostly younger) are atheists because they think it's cool and think it makes them unique. It gives them a sense of identity, makes them feel superior to the masses. They will grow up later.
The other reason people are atheists is because they had something happen to them that made them see religion as harmful. Maybe some religious person hurt them or acted mean towards them. It is important for these atheists to realise that there are more good religious people than bad and they just were unfortunate to meet the wrong ones.
But this is OT, I don't expect people to understand because most of the people here come across as anti-social kids in high school who want to be cool but can't fit in.
[QUOTE="Zeviander"][QUOTE="musicalmac"]Confused? Me, too... :?ShadowsDemonOnly because you misrepresent an entire group of people with your generalization. No, I'd say he's pretty damn accurate.
That's probably because you're particularly partial to generalisations and misrerpresentations yourself.
[QUOTE="Zeviander"] Hey look, SM is spouting his "all atheists are just kids going through a phase" rhetoric again. Human beings are very conscious about what others feel about them. It is an inherent desire to be a part of a community. Many atheists are so out-spoken on the internet because they are venting frustration, and might feel that their physical community around them is stifling and preventing them from being who they really are. They might feel that those whom they love would be petty enough to think differently of them depending on what they believe regarding the supernatural. Atheism isn't a phase, it is a conscious rejection of archaic, traditional beliefs in favor of humanity and it's continued progress towards enlightenment (i.e. through science, critical thought and open debate, rather than ideological banter and apologism). Your very close-minded, condescending views about atheists are what is wrong with religious folks and why atheists are the most distrusted group in North America currently. Atheists are knowledge-loving, peace-loving, human-loving people who just want what is best for humanity. They only get upset when the values above are undermined by archaic, defunct ideas that are kept around solely because they are so old and people think that makes them right.ShadowMoses900
Oh man come on. I hope this is just to troll with SM.
I think he unfortunately is that ignorant in his beliefs. There are plenty of religious people who are criticle thinkers and have no problem with science or learning. The only religous people who do are the fundies.
I find atheists on here have a less accurate view of religious people than the other way around. They seem to think that we are all uneducated red necks who are afraid of science. These people clearly need to get out more and learn about the world because they are severely misinformed.
A lo of atheists are just posers trying to be unique or cool. It makes them feel unique among the masses of the world because they lack their own identity. Many of them on here are not even really atheists, just kids trying to fit in around here.
The laws of Atheism are pretty simply to understand. The complete opposite is with Religion. So many atheists believe that all religious people are uneducated idiots who "haven't opened their eyes", as one atheist said to me the other day. Open my eyes to what? Dying after 80 years? And he didn't have an answer for me. He completely ignored my question, and then went on blubbering some bull that I guess was supposed to belittle me and my "limited" knowledge. Those sort of people fail in society....[QUOTE="ShadowsDemon"]The laws of Atheism are pretty simply to understand. ZevianderLolwut? "There is no God. No superntaural being. The world was by chance. We evolved. I reject all religion. I trust in science." I'm pretty sure that's as straight forward as it gets...
[QUOTE="Zeviander"][QUOTE="ShadowsDemon"]The laws of Atheism are pretty simply to understand. ShadowsDemonLolwut? "There is no God. No superntaural being. The world was by chance. We evolved. I reject all religion. I trust in science." I'm pretty sure that's as straight forward as it gets... Also they don't believe in teh afterlife.
Once again, Atheists are not a collective group. There is no common belief because there is no belief. Atheists don't gather in special atheist places, differ wildly in behaviour and share no rituals. So stop portraying them as some kind of group that wants to feel unique and special to everyone else.[QUOTE="rastotm"]
It gives them a sense of identity. It makes them feel like they are unique and "special" to everyone else. This is why atheists aer so overzealous about their beliefs, the thing is though, if everyone else was an atheist they would no longer be interested in being one because their sense of identity would be gone.
A lot of people on here are kids, and kids go through phases where they try to find themselves and rebel, some of them do it through atheism. It makes them feel cool, they think it makes them more intelligent than the masses.
Eventually they will grow up and reaslise that religions people are not stupid nor bad or evil. Also a lot of people on here are just trying to fit in, they don't really agree with the people here.
An adult would not care what people think about them.
The fact that there is even an atheist union on here proves otherwise. It's like a people starting basketball club, and then some other group starting an anti basketball club, it's a complete and total joke.
A union is made up of people who share similar values and opinions and beliefs. They have something that connects them, atheists are no different. I don't have enough faith to be an atheist, it asks me to put too much faith in believing life started by nothing, and everything just kind of randomly happened inlcuding the processes for life to start and evolve. I don't have enough faith to believe that all that came into existance and happened on it's own.
Atheists get sometimes militant (OT is full of them) and they wear it like a badge of honor like they are in some group that knows more than others. Look at some of the people in here, they think they are free thinkers just because they are atheists lol.
Only a person who has their head up their own ass would think that. A lot of people (mostly younger) are atheists because they think it's cool and think it makes them unique. It gives them a sense of identity, makes them feel superior to the masses. They will grow up later.
The other reason people are atheists is because they had something happen to them that made them see religion as harmful. Maybe some religious person hurt them or acted mean towards them. It is important for these atheists to realise that there are more good religious people than bad and they just were unfortunate to meet the wrong ones.
But this is OT, I don't expect people to understand because most of the people here come across as anti-social kids in high school who want to be cool but can't fit in.
Your constant refusal to engage atheism as anything other than some sort of fad that young people go through, or some sort of psychological response to previous trauma is - to put it mildly - obtuse.[QUOTE="Mike-uk"][QUOTE="ShadowsDemon"] "There is no God. No superntaural being. The world was by chance. We evolved. I reject all religion. I trust in science." I'm pretty sure that's as straight forward as it gets...ShadowsDemonAlso they don't believe in teh afterlife. Yep. You live 80 years of a miserable life and then die, leaving all your loved ones behind. Such a bleak future....
And if what was waiting for me after death was infinitely better than anything I could experience in life I would have a bleak present and past. The prospect of non-existence gives existence value. Besides, this isn't about what's bleak and what's not, this is about what's empirically verifiable, and the afterlife is not. It being a nice idea (to some people) isn't a good reason to believe in it.
Yep. You live 80 years of a miserable life and then die, leaving all your loved ones behind. Such a bleak future....ShadowsDemon
It's not so miserable when there's always your posts to look forward to.
The future must be dull for an Atheist when they know their going to die and that's it.
With religion, at least you don't go to hell yet you can still enjoy life.
I rather not risk going to an eternity of hell thanks. Peace.g0ddyX
It's the living part that's exciting. It's all about making the most of the one life you have now and not hanging on a promise of some ever-after.
If you believe the wrong religion, you might be doomed to an even worse fate than someone who hadn't worshiped and just lived a good life without believing in a false idol. Pascal's wager only accounts for one faith, but there are really many competing religions that are equally damning on about belief in other Gods.
The future must be dull for an Atheist when they know their going to die and that's it.
With religion, at least you don't go to hell yet you can still enjoy life.
I rather not risk going to an eternity of hell thanks. Peace.g0ddyX
I never understood how Pascal's Wager makes you genuine believer.
Yep. You live 80 years of a miserable life and then die, leaving all your loved ones behind. Such a bleak future....ShadowsDemonMy life isn't miserable. I'm loving it. Don't generalize simply because you're life sucks and you believe it's okay that it sucks because as long as you pray to your magic Deity you'll go to his magic kingdom when you pass on.
Instead live life to the fullest. Get that girl of your dreams (Not that guy though that'll ruin your chances of a magical afterlife), get that GED, go to that Community College, Move out of your parent's appartment, and make the best of your life. Because why have your life suck now and have a great afterlife if you can have a great life ANDafterlife?
It's what Jesus would have wanted.
The future must be dull for an Atheist when they know their going to die and that's it.
With religion, at least you don't go to hell yet you can still enjoy life.
I rather not risk going to an eternity of hell thanks. Peace.LikeHaterade
I never understood how Pascal's Wager makes you genuine believer.
It doesn't. I would think that if God does exist then he'd be rather insulted by someone paying him lip service just in case.
I just hope ShadowMoses is NOT speaking all this stuff in the name of Jesus and Christianity. Thats all im saying. Dont confuse Christians with religious peeps.GameGuy642003Don't worry, he claims he's Jewish. Though, it might be a phase he is going through since he's still young, he might think it's cool to be Jewish because so few others are. Or maybe he was molested by a priest and figures converting to Judaism will help him cope with his trauma.
[QUOTE="GameGuy642003"]I just hope ShadowMoses is NOT speaking all this stuff in the name of Jesus and Christianity. Thats all im saying. Dont confuse Christians with religious peeps.ZevianderDon't worry, he claims he's Jewish. Though, it might be a phase he is going through since he's still young, he might think it's cool to be Jewish because so few others are. Or maybe he was molested by a priest and figures converting to Judaism will help him cope with his trauma.
Love what you did there ;)
[QUOTE="GameGuy642003"]I just hope ShadowMoses is NOT speaking all this stuff in the name of Jesus and Christianity. Thats all im saying. Dont confuse Christians with religious peeps.ZevianderDon't worry, he claims he's Jewish. Though, it might be a phase he is going through since he's still young, he might think it's cool to be Jewish because so few others are. Or maybe he was molested by a priest and figures converting to Judaism will help him cope with his trauma. :lol: pretty much
[QUOTE="g0ddyX"]I rather not risk going to an eternity of hell thanks.ZevianderWhat if you choose the wrong religion? Yeah, you may have been born in the wrong part of the world and are thus condemned to hell for eternity, like all the Muslim and Hindu people. Christians believe billions of people are going to hell because of a tendency to believe in error, (and because they weren't born in MERICUH) and never consider that they are not exempt from that tendency.
[QUOTE="ShadowsDemon"] Yep. You live 80 years of a miserable life and then die, leaving all your loved ones behind. Such a bleak future....RationalAtheist
It's not so miserable when there's always your posts to look forward to.
I'm sorry if the reality of death is something you choose to ignore. It's a fact that we're all going to die, no matter which way you twist it. It's not a matter of opinion.and the butthurt continues from the atheist trolls of GameSpot. Keep it coming, I'm making popcorn
I'm sorry if the reality of death is something you choose to ignore. It's a fact that we're all going to die, no matter which way you twist it. It's not a matter of opinion.[QUOTE="RationalAtheist"]
It's not so miserable when there's always your posts to look forward to.
and the butthurt continues from the atheist trolls of GameSpot. Keep it coming, I'm making popcorn
I'm sorry but you can't seem to grasp anything in this thread. Anyone who doesn't hold your world view is discredited and you never back up your arguments and result to editing people's posts and cleary didn't even read what rational said...or can't understand it. Why you choose to continue to "participate" in these threads is strange. I'm guessing you get some sort of joy out of making yourself the odd ignorant one in the discussion.
inb4 another personal unfounded attack without even reading what I wrote
[QUOTE="ShadowsDemon"]I'm sorry if the reality of death is something you choose to ignore. Slashless
Woah dat hypocrisy.
Ignoring the reality of death would be believing it's not that bad because you go to a Magic Sky Kingdom after.
That's funny, because I don't believe that either. :|Yep. You live 80 years of a miserable life and then die, leaving all your loved ones behind. Such a bleak future....[QUOTE="ShadowsDemon"][QUOTE="Mike-uk"] Also they don't believe in teh afterlife. theone86
And if what was waiting for me after death was infinitely better than anything I could experience in life I would have a bleak present and past. The prospect of non-existence gives existence value. Besides, this isn't about what's bleak and what's not, this is about what's empirically verifiable, and the afterlife is not. It being a nice idea (to some people) isn't a good reason to believe in it.
It's a clear case of how Religion can distort the very concept of Existence for those who adhere to it. It not only fails to provide a valid and justifiable world view but it simultaneously destroys the conception of any alternative being desirable, beneficial or worthy adoption. It places them in a position where their Religious beliefs are seen to be vital to their very existence and continuation or any hope of leading a valuable, Productive and meaningful life.
[QUOTE="ShadowsDemon"] Yep. You live 80 years of a miserable life and then die, leaving all your loved ones behind. Such a bleak future....ShadowsDemon
It's not so miserable when there's always your posts to look forward to.
I'm sorry if the reality of death is something you choose to ignore. It's a fact that we're all going to die, no matter which way you twist it. It's not a matter of opinion.Really? I thought the "chosen ones" could all live on in eternity!
You're sounding like an atheist there, yourself. Death is the only thing in llife we can be sure of, so it's better to live your life to the fullest extent possible. Actually, there's also the certainty of shadenfreude from reading your posts too.
I'm sorry if the reality of death is something you choose to ignore. It's a fact that we're all going to die, no matter which way you twist it. It's not a matter of opinion.[QUOTE="ShadowsDemon"]
It's not so miserable when there's always your posts to look forward to.
Really? I thought the "chosen ones" could all live on in eternity!
You're sounding like an atheist there, yourself. Death is the only thing in llife we can be sure of, so it's better to live your life to the fullest extent possible. Actually, there's also the certainty of shadenfreude from reading your posts too.
I am not sounding like an atheist. I do believe in something like a resurrection, but I'm simply stating a fact of life. Even if you do life out your life to the fullest extent, it's going to have to end some day, and something can make up for that. Also, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why would I have shadenfreude in my posts? Last time I checked I'm a human too...and I'm in the same position. :roll:I see tons of signatures on here with Atheism Union. Would you join a non-knitting union to discuss how you don't knit? Most atheists have a superiority complex and think of themselves as wise for feeling secure not to drop their beliefs thanks to others on the Internet doing the same. And then they spam you with arguments by Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens that they got off of YouTube and get so happy when they win an argument. I guess when that's all you have to look forward to (projecting your self-proclaimed superiority), you'll spend all day looking for arguments to steal. And when they win an argument, they act like it means something. Wow, you owned some misinformed Christian who hasn't really started his religion? You must be so smart! There's a higher population of religious people (and most minorities are religious), so obviously we're going to have more idiots. However, if you take the top 5% of each group, I doubt there'd be much of a difference. Atheists only know so many arguments to combat religion because other people have something to do with their lives and don't research pointless crap all day. Now, make sure you check Wikipedia, YouTube, and your secret atheist hub beforehand so you can claim as much "ownage" as possible!Drasonak
I find it rather ironic that christians always brand atheists as "useless fools that are of no benefit to society" regardless of the fact that a large amount of the worlds greatest inspirations, scientists, actors, intellectuals, artists, musicians, inventors, filmmakers etc. are atheists. In fact, without atheism, we'd probably still be living in the dark ages.
[QUOTE="Drasonak"]I see tons of signatures on here with Atheism Union. Would you join a non-knitting union to discuss how you don't knit? Most atheists have a superiority complex and think of themselves as wise for feeling secure not to drop their beliefs thanks to others on the Internet doing the same. And then they spam you with arguments by Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens that they got off of YouTube and get so happy when they win an argument. I guess when that's all you have to look forward to (projecting your self-proclaimed superiority), you'll spend all day looking for arguments to steal. And when they win an argument, they act like it means something. Wow, you owned some misinformed Christian who hasn't really started his religion? You must be so smart! There's a higher population of religious people (and most minorities are religious), so obviously we're going to have more idiots. However, if you take the top 5% of each group, I doubt there'd be much of a difference. Atheists only know so many arguments to combat religion because other people have something to do with their lives and don't research pointless crap all day. Now, make sure you check Wikipedia, YouTube, and your secret atheist hub beforehand so you can claim as much "ownage" as possible!Vaultboy-101
In fact, without atheism, we'd probably still be living in the dark ages.
:lol: As if that were anywhere close to true.[QUOTE="Vaultboy-101"][QUOTE="Drasonak"]I see tons of signatures on here with Atheism Union. Would you join a non-knitting union to discuss how you don't knit? Most atheists have a superiority complex and think of themselves as wise for feeling secure not to drop their beliefs thanks to others on the Internet doing the same. And then they spam you with arguments by Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens that they got off of YouTube and get so happy when they win an argument. I guess when that's all you have to look forward to (projecting your self-proclaimed superiority), you'll spend all day looking for arguments to steal. And when they win an argument, they act like it means something. Wow, you owned some misinformed Christian who hasn't really started his religion? You must be so smart! There's a higher population of religious people (and most minorities are religious), so obviously we're going to have more idiots. However, if you take the top 5% of each group, I doubt there'd be much of a difference. Atheists only know so many arguments to combat religion because other people have something to do with their lives and don't research pointless crap all day. Now, make sure you check Wikipedia, YouTube, and your secret atheist hub beforehand so you can claim as much "ownage" as possible!ShadowsDemon
In fact, without atheism, we'd probably still be living in the dark ages.
:lol: As if that were anywhere close to true.Right, but it certainly doesn't cause a dark age period...unlike some other institutions
That's funny, because I don't believe that either. :|ShadowsDemon
"Yep. You live 80 years of a miserable life and then die, leaving all your loved ones behind.
Such a bleak future...."
Then why mock a belief that accepts the reality of death the hardest? What do you believe happens when you die?
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